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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. On 2/25/2024 at 6:12 AM, IvorBiggun2 said:

    100% correct. When I last went back to the UK my UK license was expired. I hired, and drove a car on a Thai license. Never a problem. 



    Also, great if you get speeding tickets if you are on your Thai DL as opposed to your UK DL.😇

  2. 3 minutes ago, hellohello123 said:

    There is nothing i despise more than people who claim/demand stuff thats clearly not theirs



    Zero sympathy



    I was watching a UK programme the other day called Nightmare tenants and slum landlords. It deals with bad landlords renting overcrowded and substandard housing and also people occupying houses that shouldn't as well as those that suddenly stop paying their rent.


    The particular episode referred to an abandoned church and there were 20 squatting. It had been leased by a couple of African missionaries.


    The lawyer representing the African guys, said there is no such thing in the UK as squatters rights.


    He said, the only thing was it could be costly and time-consuming going through the correct court procedures to evict them.


    I don't know about Thai law on this matter.

  3. 9 hours ago, advancebooking said:

    you get up at 3am? why


    what time do you go to bed each night? do you nap midday?



    That's not unusual in the countryside.


    I, when I am on an exercise period, get up around 3.30am and just after 4am I am on the local lake doing 5 laps which is equivalent to five miles around.(I measured it)


    At that time there are plenty of older, and some younger, people who work the morning markets out exercising.

    • Like 2
  4. On 2/25/2024 at 6:00 AM, SGD said:

    I used to have many businesses in Thailand, mostly in and around Pattaya ranging from bars to restaurants to a hotel and later student accommodation and laundry.

    Let me tell you about how the economics have moved against everyone inthe small business sector.

    You could, even as late as say 2000, maybe even 2004/5, buy a bar which could give you a return of 200% to 400% per year.

    Now you would be lucky to get 25% per year outside massive investment (and the associated risk).

    It made absolute sense before and makes zero sense now.



    We had exactly the same as you including the hotel, I did own the land and property, however, in South Pattaya, and it was at that time a big investment.


    I got out in 2005, and earned a very good sum, partly because it was freehold property and a profitable business.


    Furthermore, I wouldn't do it again, and the niche market we catered for has gone.


    There are too many at it now, chasing the same $$$.


    We took a trip to Koh Chang a year or two ago, and I chatted with a few guys who were doing bars and restaurants as a lifestyle choice, or their wives had relocated back to Thailand, and they wanted something to do.


    That didn't appeal to me, using high season profits to cover low season deficits. It just reminded me of the hamster on the wheel.


    Now, I am building new houses in the UK where I can find a plot of land or buying run down properties, refurbishing and flipping them.


    Very little contact with the public and no cash tills and drawers to constantly watch.





    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. On 2/24/2024 at 1:28 PM, Dolf said:

    I don't tell people how to spend their money. Sometimes tip sometimes not.



    That's me to a tee!


    I'll give a bellboy when he assists with heavy bags but not hand luggage, I give many times a waiter or a room maid.


    Likewise, a taxi driver when he helps me with my luggage on to the pavement at my destination, after returning to Thailand from abroad.


    I won't and don't feel obliged to give a tip just because somebody hands me an overpriced bottle of beer in a bar. Nor a street food place and the likes.


    I don't like tipping when there is a service charge. Some posters have doubted that the service boy or girl receives it, how is that my responsibility?


    When I came here to this country, tipping was never really a done thing, or the norm, and I won't blame the USA like many do.


    I blame tourism, as a whole, that has instigated this and the locals have become familiar with it, and then it's become expected.


    What hasn't happened, the locals have not understood tipping is for ' going above and beyond for service ' and expect tips on many occasions for lousy service.


    Some expect to do the bare minimum for you and play with their phones, giving minimal service, and still call you a cheap Charlie if you don't leave a tip.


    We are even seeing tip boxes these days, IN YOUR FACE, on display in IT and phone shops, in the back of taxis, coffee shops that are springing up everywhere etc, that is just brazen cheek in my book.









    • Thanks 1
  6. 8 hours ago, cowellandrew said:

    Scratching head wont help!



    No, and that is why I was very proactive getting the meter reader back out to my house.


    I then had the PEA cable installer visit, then my own in house electrician to re-wire everything only to find the fault was on the PEA pole.


    The fault was 99% probably due to sloppy works carried out at the top of the pole by PEA engineers previously,

  7. 24 minutes ago, Straight8 said:


    effin ridiculous......TiT


    This place sometimes, does my head in.



    I agree, and because it is right at the top of the PEA pole, it's more chance than not due to works carried out wrongly by PEA engineers.


    No way can members of the public get up there.

  8. 2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Those disgraceful politicians you refer to, and I remember this case well, had first-hand knowledge of what this misfit did.




    They stated at the time, if the British public had access to the information that they had, nobody would be giving her an ounce of sympathy.




    This information was held by the judges at her hearing, hence many things were redacted, and a closed judgement issued for national security reasons.




    This included participating and witnessing decapitation of aid workers, and she said at the time when ISIS was flying high that she was totally unfazed by it.




    Furthermore, at the time, it was known that she was in a high position in the equivalent of the Women's morality ' police force ' set up to ensure all were following ISIS twisted version of Shariah law, again something she participated in willingly.




    So all you bleeding hearts on AN can do one! 




    They should put themselves in the position of the families, and reserve their outpourings of sympathy for the of murder of innocent civilian aid workers, not a disgusting creature like this.




    What she did supporting ISIS, she did knowingly and willingly, and this continued well into adulthood. She only played the victim, claiming she was trafficked when the tide of the war turned.




    She wasn't trafficked, she overcame many obstacles to get there and join them, well she can bloody stay there.




    Her own parents had begged her not to go and join them, which she and

    her two friends took no notice of.


    All totally unimportant in relation to the legal decision to revoke her citizenship.

    Morality and legality don't always match.



    The legality, as the unanimous decision of the appeal court has found, was it was right and proper legally the decision to revoke her citizenship.

    • Agree 1
  9. 12 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I suspect the Supreme Court will overrule again.  I hope so.  She deserves punishment but it should be handed out in a court of law, not by disgraceful politicians.


    Those disgraceful politicians you refer to, and I remember this case well, had first-hand knowledge of what this misfit did.


    They stated at the time, if the British public had access to the information that they had, nobody would be giving her an ounce of sympathy.


    This information was held by the judges at her hearing, hence many things were redacted, and a closed judgement issued for national security reasons.


    This included participating and witnessing decapitation of aid workers, and she said at the time when ISIS was flying high that she was totally unfazed by it.


    Furthermore, at the time, it was known that she was in a high position in the equivalent of the Women's morality ' police force ' set up to ensure all were following ISIS twisted version of Shariah law, again something she participated in willingly.


    So all you bleeding hearts on AN can do one! 


    They should put themselves in the position of the families, and reserve their outpourings of sympathy for the of murder of innocent civilian aid workers, not a disgusting creature like this.


    What she did supporting ISIS, she did knowingly and willingly, and this continued well into adulthood. She only played the victim, claiming she was trafficked when the tide of the war turned.


    She wasn't trafficked, she overcame many obstacles to get there and join them, well she can bloody stay there.


    Her own parents had begged her not to go and join them, which she and her two friends took no notice of.


    Likewise, she had ample opportunity to apply for her Bangladeshi citizenship before she turned 21, which she chose to ignore and do nothing.













    • Thanks 2
  10. 23 minutes ago, PeachCH said:

    Before selling, had a condo in Pattaya for 8 years. Never had to pay one Baht for electricity 😁! Why? I really don't know, and never asked, why should I? 😊 👍 😘 



    Why can't things like that happen to me?


    If I jumped up in the air, I think I'd miss.

  11. 1 minute ago, Crossy said:


    If it was on the house side of the meter it's your problem despite being on the PEA pole.


    I'd just be happy it's sorted.






    Good to know your thoughts were right, though.


    I'll leave it then at that. I just said to him that I hoped he'd fixed it so it wouldn't re-occur, he says it won't.

  12. 5 hours ago, Crossy said:

    2A is more than a "leak".


    Is the cable to the house underground or on poles?


    If it's on poles examine carefully, particularly at the top of the meter pole, that's where any hooky connection is going to be, use binoculars if you have them.


    It's worth talking to your PEA guy, many of them are happy to do a bit of moonlighting.






    You are spot on!


    Previously, the power went from a PEA meter pole, to my pole in the garden where it went underground. We have now put new cable and connected above ground and disconnected the underground connection.


    My electrician re wired the house to above ground and cut the supply to below ground where it was previously and STILL the meter was spinning around.


    He was annoyed that he had re wired and re routed, and for his own peace of mind wanted to get to the bottom of it.


    He then went out to the pole located across the street opposite our house, and right at the top of the meter pole, he has found the short/ bad connection.


    The connection he has repaired then cut the power to my house, and the meter stopped dead.


    However, and I know you get this, it's on the wire side of the power output from the meter as opposed to the input side, at the top of the pole like you said, so he is saying PEA will deny and say it is our responsibility.


    I was ready to challenge them on Monday, but is it worth it, or will I be wasting my time?


    So, us rewiring the cable above ground and cutting the underground, and re-routing to the house is an expense for nothing when it was on the pole all the time.







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