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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 49 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

    Nothing new… this is a common practice in noodle shops and Restaurants.



    That what I was thinking, it's always been that way throughout the country.


    All the street vendors do it and many of the temporary and permanent shops.


    42 minutes ago, julsmark said:

    It’s is impossible to get hep B and Hep C from unhygienic practices. Hep C can only be transmitted from blood to blood. Hep B can be transmitted from blood to blood or sexual fluid. The only hepatitis that can be spread from unhygienic practices poo to mouth spread by not washing your after you defecate is Hepatitis A. 


    Then I would say there is a high risk of Hep A from street vendor stalls in particularly.

  2. 9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    I was away for the month of November and I received a bill for 500 baht. The only thing left on was the refrigerator. Didn't seem right as a neighbor usually has bills of less than 300 baht, and he uses fans and a refrigerator. I have gotten bills which didn't seem right both here and back in Texas. I feel they are overcharging a lot thinking most won't check. They usually use the excuse that it cost more for the power they received.



    They picked a bad time if they are trying it on, because it's for a period when the house was empty and locked up.

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Crossy said:

    Check your actual meter reading against the bill you received, mistakes do happen.


    As others have noted, turn everything off at the main breakers and check the meter is not moving. If it is start looking for "leaks".






    I am sat here waiting for this team that does that to arrive. They said they would come yesterday afternoon.


    The meter reader has taken the bill back to PEA and told me not to pay until it's resolved.

  4. 6 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    you best investigate Sir ...... go and talk with PEA at their office and explain.

    check there's no holes dug or strange connections nearby ....  


    use your intuition ...




    I've been to the PEA, and they just sent a meter reader out.


    Now awaiting the other' team' as he referred to them to come and see what's going on.


    What has happened recently, is a load of illegal and makeshift allotments and dwellings are springing up on the other side of the road.


    The road width is about 5 metres, and that's where the meters are, the other side of the road.



    10 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    The first thing you should do is fit meters on each house, it's not expensive and it will alert you if they start bitcoin mining or something like that, also you can then re-debit them for electricity usage.


    Check to see if the meter really is still turning if everything off, it could be a leaking underground cable.




    I like this idea, I'll pursue it.



    • Agree 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, RobU said:

    This story is nearly one year old and has already been discussed in this forum. The Thaiger is dredging up old news and publishing it as new. The man in question also had an arrest warrant in place in his home county USA for firing a weapon at a bar he had been ejected from for unruly behaviour


    Not according to @Bangkok Barry he says its a new story with a different hotel?


    Sat on the fence me!🤣

  6. 25 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    I find it hard to believe there was actually a deal agreed upon. Why would they offer to pay 3 ladyboys 4k each when they already had 2 girls and 2 ladyboys in their "party"? Makes no sense. More likely what happened is the Brits invited them thinking it's just a party, the ladyboys misunderstood it as hiring them and made up a rate in their heads, and when the Brits saw them only one looked appealing so they asked the other two to leave and gave them 2k (1k each). Arguably fair compensation if they were only there a short time and didn't have sex. Perhaps they should've made it clear and tell them the one who stayed will get additional money, but ladyboys being ladyboys don't wait for explanations - they went for the wallets and all hell broke loose.


    I don't think we'll ever know what really happened there, but I highly doubt the ladyboys' version is the truth. It usually isn't.



    After reading the full story and watching the video, I tend to agree with your view on this event.


    You can see, initially, the LB wearing a blonde wig with an oversized kitchen knife appears to be the aggressor in the incident in the car park.


    There were three white males and sometimes four in the video.


    I just cannot see a lone British guy offering them 4,000 baht each to attend a party when they already had numerous guests there. More like sour grapes by the LBs that' their' expectations hadn't been met.


    Whatever, it seemed very nice accommodation they had rented, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of paying for the damage done and cleaning up as well as replacing ornaments.

  7. He sounds like a five-star dick if he attempted to bring his own booze and not pay any corkage in the restaurant.


    Some places charge you corkage for the total value of the bottle, not just a 200 baht opening charge.


    He must have posted under his own name for all to see, for them to trace him. So, not only was he being malicious in his reviews (posting multiple under different names) he was also challenging them to take him on.


    I, as a former hotelier, have posted a few negative reviews on trip advisor, but not nasty or untrue ones.


    I usually give the benefit of the doubt if it's borderline. People shouldn't trash other peoples businesses just for vindictiveness, which is what we seem to be seeing in this instance.


    • Confused 1
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  8. 1 hour ago, jippytum said:

    This man is in chains and has not been found guilty of anything at the time of his court appearance. His lawyerwastoo busy to visit him in jail or prepare a statement for him to read. Compare that if you will to the treatment  Thaksin a convicted criminal received. 


    The man in chains isn't worth 3 billion baht though, is he?

  9. 3 hours ago, ThaiBeachLover said:

    Buddhists are open for other religions. Only Christians, Muslime or Jewish do not allow to believe to another God.

    But Buddha isn't even a God. Buddhism is a Philosophie, not a religion, nor do they have a God.

    So What?

    You can be both at the same time. No converts necessary



    Most Thais haven't a clue about who they are praying to, for, where the Buddha comes from.


    Neither are they interested in it as a philosophy.


    Very few understand the meanings of Buddhism, and they have bastardized it to mean what they want it to mean............... A bit like Christianity and Islam....🤣

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