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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 52 minutes ago, RobU said:

    He could have killed someone. He should face disciplinary action for gross misconduct and if found guilty should be discharged from the force. Unfortunately since he is on a 'training'  course to prepare him for promotion he is probably one of the rich entitled buying his way up the ladder and will receive a gentle slap on the wrist with his misconduct redacted after a period of time.


    He should face charges, but extremely unlikely. One of his police pals probably did the breathalyser at the hospital.


    51 minutes ago, Nicholas Paul KNIGHT said:

    The offendr should be immediately suspended pending the outcome and if found guilty, dismissed and lose any pension privilges . there is MO excuse for his behaviour and any police officer from anywhere who does this should be dismissed. 


    He should be, but he won't be.


    This is the RTP and they make the rules up as they go along. So your outrage is a waste of energy.

    • Agree 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    That's a huge effort for what is really not very much money. 2800 a day. Good on him, but I'd venture that he had expected to gather a lot more than that when he planned the run. Marathon runners get sponsors on board to raise money for charity. Did he try that route, I wonder?


    I suffered the same disappointment though when I gathered items from numerous tennis players, the biggest names in the sport, to auction and raise money for doctors to operate on kids with cleft palates in Indonesia. Only made a few thousand dollars. I expected more.



    @Bangkok Barry   This charity cause is now very widely advertised on British TV for children with clefts, you might be pleased to know.









    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:



    I think there may be another facet at play here.


    Taking sending the phone to Samsung can take weeks (I guess), but getting the phone repaired locally could return solution within a day, perhaps two.  Thus, when given the choice I imagine most Thai's would want the 'quick' repair. 


    Its possible the vendor was not trying to deliberately cheat the Op, but giving him the solution he thought he wanted and going about in a very clumsy, unprofessional manner becase everyone else is just more of the attitude of 'yeah whatever - just fix it'....


    So... I don't think the Vendor was pulling a deliberate scam.... but just operating in an manner which is clumsy without clear communication - and thats is pretty much par for the course here and its only when we start asking 20 questions that we find out the rings, hoops and circles Thai's will jump through and run around not to do something properly.... 






    Yeah, but then they want to return a phone that they have broken and can't fix.


    They, of course, don't want to accept responsibility and give a new replacement phone.


    Incidentally, all other shops in this area, including the franchisee Advice Centre IT send them to Samsung.


    Anyway, off for a trip to Roi Et, as I have bugger all else to do and may kill two birds with one stone and call in it Makro.


    14 hours ago, kennypowers said:


    Because it is the principle. They are ripping people off. It's fraud. What if a poor person had worked months to save up for a decent phone, and they did this to them? These people need to understand that in a civilized, adult society you don't carry out such deceptive behaviour at the expense of others. 


    I agree, and that's why I have made a full official complaint to try and make them think they cannot just carry on like this regardless.








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  4. 13 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    Office of the Consumer Protection Board (OCPB) Thailand may be able to help if your visit to the Samsung Service Centre doesn't resolve the issue.




    I have no personal experience, but I'm sure there have been positive reports from members here.



    Just hate them thinking they've pulled a fast one and got away with it with no recourse.


    If it makes them think twice, good!


    • Like 2
  5. I forgot to tell you guys, when we collected the phone, that not content with voiding my warranty by opening the phone up without permission and not sending it to Samsung, the screen they had replaced, they have taken out and put the broken one back in place of it.


    I am going to lay it all out politely to Samsung repairs tomorrow and get their views as recommended by Bangkok today.


    Disgusted isn't the word.


    But, they do the usual cowardly way and block direct access to themselves by hiding behind staff, leaving customers to vent their anger at them instead.


    There was no miscommunication whatsoever with them.


    They did something I specifically asked them not to do, and that was trying to fix it themselves, to squeeze more profit.


    There is another local phone seller here by the name of Advice IT, I have dealt with them on numerous occasions and bought computers, printers, phones etc and whenever there has been a phone issue, they have always sent it to the Samsung repair shop in Roi Et.


    I don't know why she decided on this occasion to buy from Samsung in the Lotus supermarket.

  6. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    From a points perspective yes....    But you'll still get the fine.


    Recently I got caught for doing a 33 mph in a 30 zone....  (which means I was probably doing closer to 36 mph  - if we factor in the tollerances).


    It was a 3 point Penalty (if we hit 12 we're banned from driving for a year I think).

    With points insurance premiums are also affected, but only from 6 and up I think (as nearly everyone has 3 points these days )...

    It was a £100 fine... 


    With penalties this severe - it makes me very careful about my speed when driving around the UK.... 

    Conversely, driving in Thailand is alot more haphazard and I hardly look at the speedo..


    I wonder, when driving in the UK how much of may attention is taken from the road onto my speedo to ensure I'm never drifting over a limit... More dangerous ?...  think there's scope for a debate about how the strictly enforced speed limits could potentially cause distraction to drivers watching their speedo too closely.... 



    I agree with you on watching the Speedo, I became addicted to it.


    Then I found I had hired a Peugeot 2008, (they said they had upgraded me from a Ford Focus), and the great thing about the car was it had a speed limit indicator in the middle of the speedometer.


    It adjusted automatically as you travelled in speed zones from 20, to 30 to 40 etc,.................... I loved it.


    If you exceeded the limit, it would keep flashing at you. I thought, What a great idea. Why don't all new cars have these.


    Another plus, on the motorway, if I drifted too close to another lane and before the thumping of running over cats eyes, it would again issue a warning.

  7. 12 minutes ago, mfinasi said:

    2,500baht to fix is very low price, and would of suggested to me that it wasn't an authorized repair. I just paid 9k to fix a few dead pixels on last-gen Samsung Flip phone to give you perspective on price, and who knows if it was really Samsung that did the job.. 


    The problem you have on the second fault is that they can claim it was damaged from the first incident. 



    The phone value was 9000 baht.


    The screen was cracked, and they quoted 2500 baht, that was their quote, from a Samsung dealership, for a cracked screen.


    The shop is an authorized Samsung seller/dealer.


    I told them to send it to Samsung repairs. The nearest repair shop from Samsung is in Roi Et, I have been many times over the years.


    They didn't do that. They tried to fix it themselves, in their probably grubby workshop nearby, and now there are other issues with the phone, which was bought brand new.


    The first fault should not have been carried out by those with the Samsung franchise, authorized to sell, but not repair, phones.


    It should have been sent to Roi Et, where I requested it to be sent.


    On your Samsung flip, it must be out of warranty, to get such a bill. That's the difference, mine isn't.


    What if it had been an expensive Samsung flip, and they just tried to palm me off with a refund on a screen, but in reality they had messed up the whole phone?

    • Like 1
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  8. 5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Lindsay Hoyle should step down. Cozying up with the leader of the opposition was pathetic. I didn't think anyone could be more biased than Bercow but it seems Hoyle has achieved that. Jog on Lindsay, put a fork in him, he's done. 


    As for the poor little MP's feeling threatened by the Islamist protesters, well, you made the bed now you can lie in it. I guess they never expected the threat to be on the doorstep of their leafy Islington streets or Westminster. They thought it was only the common man in the poorer suburbs that would suffer, while they patted each other on the back, quoffed another glass of Champagne and congratulated themselves on creating such a wonderfully diverse society. They're not so brave when they have to face the reality of the consequences of their policies and inaction. 




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