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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. The person collecting the rent will know who the owner is and where they are.
  2. These are people who have gone about their applications the right way or manner. The vast majority are Ukrainians and Hong Kong BNO passport holders. And how many ILLEGALS just disappear into the mist without attending appointments or interviews, once they have got into the UK. We are seeing large arrivals now from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and a host of other countries where there is NO CONFLICT. These are just people wanting to move to a ready-made country to improve their economic prospects. Those in boats arrivals have been deemed not to be real asylum seekers, more opportunistic migrants, these practices are fuelling the black marketeers from Albania and other criminal enterprises. They also know every trick in the book to avoid deportation assisted by smart ass immigration lawyers, such as refusing to give country of origin and grinning whilst they throw passports into the sea.
  3. Ukrainians are genuine refugees and fleeing war and would be very happy to return to their home country as soon as the fighting ceases.
  4. Back in the old days, guys like in the top photo above were happy to embrace British culture and blend in.
  5. So, in your view, why do we have borders around the world at all? Yes, we wanted our borders back, but not EU's immigrant problems. Let's have a free for all. What an absolutely ill thought out daft comment you made.
  6. Let's get a few million more over there to the EU/Ireland, then seal the border from the North!😂 EU hasn't given a damn about the boats, nor has France in particular bearing in mind the amounts of money they are charging the UK to supposedly stop the flow.
  7. Europe, especially Germany, allowed this to happen and, in fact, encouraged it to a large degree in the early days until the full ramifications came home to roost.
  8. They are economic opportunists shopping for their preferred state which will give them the most benefits, they aren't fleeing conflict. Charity begins at home, the UK is generous to a fault with foreign aid etc., time to look inwards and look after our shores.
  9. It doesn't prevent them, either, even though it receives massive amounts of cash from the UK to stop them.
  10. Online accepted my application three times and then it came back, after a day or so, as rejected three times, telling me to contact immigration. The first time I applied too early. The second two applications, the response just told me to contact immigration. I am up in Kalasin, so on Saturday morning, I posted my application. I enclosed the SAE and sent it by registered post. I am well inside the window of 15 days before the 90-day online date, I will see what happens this week. If no joy or response, it's a trip to the city beginning of next week.
  11. A lot of Thais drive off because they are afraid in ' Thai logic ' that if they hang around, the police will think they have something to do with it. Alien to western thinking and sensible driving, I know.
  12. Of course, it makes sense, it is saying never to second guess or presuppose what another driver intends to do. This is because you don't know what is in their head. This means driving defensively and not putting yourself in harm's way, by thinking you know the course of action the other driver intends to take. Allow the potential danger to pass and then move when the road is clear
  13. Of course it is One of the first things I was taught in the UK when learning to drive. Do you drive a vehicle?
  14. But, it's their government giving Chinese visa-free and Russians 90 days visas etc I mean Phuket from my understanding is becoming a Russian enclave all encouraged by the Thai government. They talk about over-tourism, and as soon as it dips, they are pulling all kinds of rabbits out of the hat to get it back up. What do they want?
  15. He should get a fair old sentence for that little lot.
  16. Exactly! Anyway, with the charges levied against him now, it will be long jail time and rightly so. Dirty animal.
  17. A Toyota Fortuner for the main doctor and a pickup for each assistant. It will go down a bomb!
  18. I used to own land and property in the resort cities, through my companies etc I did the houses in Isaarn, for my other half whilst I was active in business in the big cities. I am glad we did them way back when. Now, when I see how it is all developing, constant rule changing, the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, these latest ideas about taxing ex-pats on foreign income, overt nationalism, and in cases, racism being displayed by the government ministers, I am glad to be out of it. The country is becoming a giant basket case of errors and mistakes, by those in charge, it's worse than ever. They leap from one cockup to the next.
  19. The Motorbike rider probably just came off his phone!.................as well as his bike!
  20. I agree with you and it's almost as though the reporters ' get off ' on the fact it is a foreign driver. Xenophobia is well and truly at work here. We see daily Thais fleeing the scene of fatal accidents and that includes bus drivers, who have been under the influence of drink or drugs. A great deal of them drive unroadworthy vehicles and are uninsured. Those incidents are not newsworthy but put a foreigner into the mix, and the "outrage by netizens" is just for good measure. Plenty of them need to focus on obtaining the necessary driving skills and competency tests before taking to the roads, instead of playing ' Let's blame foreigners for all our woes '
  21. The car did not indicate that it was turning even if it was obvious what his intentions were, it must give right of way to oncoming traffic. The car was turning into a side road from a main road without indicators. It's in the rule book, never anticipate another driver's actions. The motorcyclist had the right of way as he was on the main road, even though he was speeding and going too fast to avoid a collision. There was no sign of compassion from the car driver and passenger on exiting their vehicle, as they were heading straight to the front of their car to survey the damage.
  22. He selectively enforced the law, stamping on areas where he got nothing in the form of kickbacks, as they all do, and ignoring the areas that pay well, such as online gambling. Now, when he clamped on the money exchanging hands at Immigration, this was the usual new brush sweeping clean, because Immigration was what he was tasked with, and he had just become the new boss there. So, it's smoke and mirrors, making a fanfare to the press of what you are doing in your new position, whilst taking full advantage of corruption you are not tasked with.
  23. There is not ONE OF THEM with a name to slur.
  24. I don't know why everybody is getting so excited on here about a police officer who has done nothing to further assist the foreigners in Thailand in any form. You guys have no skin in the game and won't be affected one iota by the outcome. All he ever did was self-promote, further himself by any means and introduce silly rules to the detriment of foreigners. Wasn't he one of the geniuses that said the murders of Hannah and David were thoroughly investigated and had nothing to do with the local mafia on Koh Tao, and didn't he walk around an empty beach saying he had investigated fully, also there was the case of sexual rape and robbery of the British girl as well which he allegedly investigated? Then we have some dreamers on here trying to pretend he is Thailand's only honest cop when he's had more mud on him than a Hippo. The only reason those in high power get annoyed and side against you is when they find out you have been skimming and not passing it around, just like good old Ferrari Joe was doing. Looking for an honest cop in Thailand, you might as well look for virgins in Soi 6. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2023/01/24/death-of-uk-diver-on-ko-tao-neil-giblin-resurrects-myth/#google_vignette
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