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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I've been three times in about 30 years, I don't think I need to go again really. I found it expensive and not much fun. Not only that, but I could have everything Phuket offers and more in places elsewhere in Thailand without the price gouging, taxi mafias, hassles on jet skis and overall vibe of Give us your money and <deleted> off. Maybe, it just isn't for me, but my other half doesn't like it either, and when we holiday, we go together. I don't mind Samui, I like Koh Chang, I like Rayong, or parts of. My other half likes Vietnam, Scotland and Whitby as well as York in the UK........ Me too!
  2. And let the wider world know how they behave and what they prioritise. Instead of policemen running around like headless chickens to shut down bloggers on YouTube, based in Thailand, and threatening them with blacklist and deportation, for expressing their views.
  3. You take offence at an avatar supporting one of the best and most accomplished football teams the world has ever seen? You are definitely not firing on all cylinders.
  4. The woke governments and lefties do, the public at large definitely do not.
  5. RIP Zoe, Gone too young for the stupid actions of a speeding driver. The Police obviously not interested. No cameras and declining to take footage from local store owners, no check on drink-driving, nothing......... It stinks. Will we have the outrage at the death of an innocent woman or the involvement of the interior minister asking questions about policing in Phuket? We had it for weeks when a woman was kicked in the back by a foreigner, heads rolled all over the place. A trivial incident that made international news and drew the nation's ire, carefully choreographed by the media to whip up anti foreigner hysteria. Or is this another road death not newsworthy enough, as it involves terrible driving on the part of Thais as usual.
  6. Stormy Daniels should never have been put on the stand, they didn't need to discredit Trump, everybody knows what he is. However, this was purely to rubbish him and was not in any way useful or of benefit to the court case and proceedings, which were about payments, how they were made, who made them, what were they for, and where did they come from, how were they repaid, what were they labelled as, etc. She knows nothing of the internal accounting mechanisms used regarding the money, so she served no useful purpose, except to spew hatred. The prosecution has weakened its case, left massive grounds for appeal, and gone about proving a straightforward accounting exercise in totally the wrong way, bringing in red herrings and matters that, actually are, irrelevant.
  7. Listen hear matey, Nothing liberal about me, staunch conservative in the UK, and ex military as in Royal Navy, something your glorious leader chose to avoid. The disgusting man even sought to belittle the efforts of Senator John Mc Cain, who was a war hero for the US. I have read up on him, because I actually went to the prison in Hanoi, nicknames the Hanoi Hilton, where is old flying suit is on display. I share some Republican beliefs, but not all. Furthermore, I believe in hard work, I don't like sponging off the State, I am definitely for controlled immigration, I don't believe in stifling growth by levying huge taxes on entrepreneurs to pay for those that won't work etc Barack Obama was far more presidential than Trump on the world stage. People cringe at what Trump is going to say before he opens his clumsy mouth. I am simply stating facts, another thing in short supply with all the MAGA nutjobs. You see, you are definitely one of the above, you don't come out with a counterargument regards Trump because there isn't one, so your only defence is deflection and accusing me of being in a group that I am not in, and would never be in. Your response to my post is a typical Trump response, avoid the facts and confuse the thread by using abuse. In this way, you hope to deflect from the honest and true points I made about Trump. The atrocious scenes at the Capitol went global, where anarchists attempted to overturn the will of the American people and the ballot box, encouraged by Trumps discredited conspiracy theories about vote rigging. He's a dangerous, out of control narcissist, and not fit to lead the nation of the USA. The USA deserves better.
  8. We managed to get through, and the IO says he was the one that collected the mail, and he remembers it, and will now send out the receipt in the attached SAE now that we have contacted him. Confused? So am I. But he has verbally confirmed receipt and I have the track and trace receipt from Thailand Post.
  9. It asked me to pout a 10 baht stamp on the SAE, it's only a slip of paper. I am in the outer reaches of Kalasin and the main office is in the city of Kalasin.
  10. Listen hear matey, Nothing liberal about me, staunch conservative in the UK. I am simply stating facts, another thing in short supply with all the MAGA nutjobs. You see, you are definitely one of the above, you don't come out with a counterargument regards Trump because there isn't one, so your only defence is deflection and accusing me of being in a group that I am not in, and don't ever want to be in.
  11. Kalasin Thailand. Fairly obvious, I am in Thailand asking about mail in 90 day reporting.
  12. He was already masturbating when she came up the escalator. He pulled her to the floor and was high as a kite on drugs.
  13. You can see it fairly plain, the actions I mean, at the beginning of the clip.
  14. As is often the case because of the ' not my business ' attitude! Or maybe a placid young man that thought better to stay away from a drug crazed lunatic for someone he doesn't know.
  15. Agree, But I went this route after the online route failed three times.
  16. He's in court and charged with 34 criminal offences, and there are other separate court cases pending. The first time a former American president has been tried on criminal charges. He has a foul mouth, he is not articulate, he lies, and it's been proven constantly, he's a misogynist, he's a draft dodger, he doesn't know how to communicate on the world stage, he's brash and he's tacky. He encouraged the storming of the Capitol with his baseless claims of vote rigging, He has zero credibility. Yet, many of you defend and defend him, pointing and using ifs, buts and maybes' Does the USA want such a cretin on the world stage allegedly speaking for a superpower and with him as CIC? And you guys are on AN talking about the plusses and minuses of an adult porn film star and her testimony. Is it 350 million people you have, and this is what you want to bring to the table as your designated leader to speak on behalf of the American people?
  17. Hang on, we couldn't see what her was attempting to do off camera, unless you saw it from a different angle to justify your point?
  18. I should say so. I know about Thai prisons but not Cambodian ones, but many stories coming out of there are that they are a lot harsher in quality of facilities, sleeping, medical etc than Thailand. Inadequate budgets to spend on jails and overcrowding alongside lousy wages for guards leads to a miserable time for inmates.
  19. She sounds to me like she's on substance abuse, behaving like that and holding guns to children's heads. Also, the ranting and desperation to get more money. Drugs, gambling, or maybe both.
  20. Lovely friendship. A Passport visa/extension scammer selling chicken and a cannabis farmer.
  21. I would say at 18 he has no worries, if we get involved with the 15 being the legal age, it can be a can of worms and I believe the girls parents can cry ' foul ' between the ages of 15–18 years old and make serious problems.
  22. AFAIK, At eighteen years old he is in the clear and the parents have no hold or recourse within the law.
  23. I like many others, have been unsuccessful doing the 90-day report online and have been rejected three times even though I was in the required time limits. I then sent by registered post my application with a SAE, and it was received on April 29th. Furthermore, I still have not received my confirmation slip, but I have proof it was collected by Immigration security. Track and Trace at Thailand Post. Do I just forget it and show them the proof in late June when I renew by annual extension, or is it a drive to immigration, to avoid a fine for nothing? They are not picking up the phone, by the way, it is permanently engaged.
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