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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 9 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    So he goes to the shop dressed as a woman, then hides the loot under a pillow to buy a gun.

    Could have gone dressed in blokes clothes, and took off the plate, then gone back to his normal attire.



    That would take thinking and planning.

  2. 8 hours ago, quake said:

    What prison do these things go into when sentenced.

    There ID card still  says there a bloke.

    But, if it's had the full op. it's got a penis turned inside out

    making a fake vagina.

    What then,  ladies prison ?

    Or is there a special unit for them all. ?



    Pattaya Prison had a separate room for them in the medical wing, years ago. There were only four, if memory serves, that were out-and-out lady boys.


    In Chonburi, they used to keep them altogether in one room/cell with the older and sick prisoners, basically, a larger prison so there were more of them.


    Most of them were in for drugs, theft or dishonesty.


    The authorities didn't want them sleeping in the same rooms as standard prisoners. Lady boys can cause havoc in mainstream prisons.


    They still sold their services at weekends in the yard, when the work factories were closed.


    Times may have changed.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


        That would depend on where the kid was born , if the kid was born in Thailand leaving on an empty passport ,  a passport without an entry stamp , Thai immigration would need parental/Court  proof of allowing departure 



    The kid was Russian according to reports.


    29 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Those are the airlines rules, they are not immigrations rules, immigration has different rules for children going abroad


    16/17 is not a child.

  4. To the posters saying they would like to hear his side of the coin, fair enough. However, he seems to have also done this behaviour state side as well with both a Filipina and a Chinese woman.


    It is alleged there are more witnesses coming forward that he has done this type of behaviour in SE Asia.


    It seems a pattern is forming, and he appears to be some kind of sociopath and then taking it a step further using violence in at least a couple of cases.


    This has all the hallmarks of a very dangerous individual. He then attempts to blame it on PTSD.


    Well, if he actually did ever serve in the Armed Forces, he should be getting the necessary help in his own country, not globe-trotting, terrorizing and stalking women.


    To then send sexual activity videos of his victims to their friends, work colleagues and families is vile behaviour, and is indefensible.


    This guy has major psychological problems.

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  5. 18 hours ago, Dr B said:

    Immigration would easily look to see if the surnames on the passport were the same or not. If not they would suspect some form of human trafficking. One of my daughters from the UK is divorced with three sons who bear their father's surname. She chose to use both her and her husband's surnames when they were married, and still uses that passport to avoid such issues.


    16/17-year-olds can travel without parents.


    From the airlines website:-


    Some airlines permit this for kids as young as 12. When a child has reached this minimum age for traveling alone without unaccompanied-minor procedures, the airline does not require evidence of parental permission to travel alone. If the child has a passport, he or she can even travel internationally.

  6. 5 hours ago, swm59nj said:

    So he shared the videos with their friends, colleagues, and family?  I guess these women gave him all the information how to contact these other people.  Very odd . 
    And for the American bashers, including other western countries, on here.  Maybe they should look at themselves.  Because in reality they are in Thailand because they didn’t have much going for them in their own countries.  Both socially and economically inept. 



    So now you are taking the initiative and attacking other Western posters, just in case, heaven forbid, they might put a post up that could be considered American bashing?



    3 hours ago, Mywayboy said:

    Almost all senior citizen expansion in Thailand are either EX? Marines,SAS, CIA or some other reinvented self.

    I know one very well states he is Ex CIA every story is identical to Jason Bourne Movie 555.

    Just let him ramble gets hit Jollies I suppose. 



    Not me, I am a Brit, but I identify as a Nigerian Prince, you might have seen emails from me.


    Actually, I am Ex Military but only qualified as a Leading Weapons Engineering mechanic (posh for electrician) 


    I quit when they told me I had no chance of the Admirals job.


    3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Advertising themselves on dating site + having sex immediately with the guys they meet = hookers IMHO.

    Plenty of women with respectable jobs hooking on the side in Thailand.


    Harsh, but true.


    And it seems quite a few putting it out in the hope of the American dream.


    It doesn't however, excuse this piece of human excrement for his lowlife and disgusting behaviour.


    He really is the bottom of the barrel. However, filthy behaviour has no borders or nationalities nor religions.


    This makes the Brits vs South Africans look like a Sunday school misunderstanding.

  7. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Short on details to avoid such rumour I expect .... the supplied link is even more limited.


    I agree, it would be very strange but not unheard of to take a random 16/17-year-old to the airport.


    Poor journalism with scant details, and they mention he was stopped at arrivals when one would have thought departures, so does that have any relevance?


    OK, I accept it wouldn't take you long to get from arrivals to departures.

  8. 7 hours ago, flyingtlger said:



    Such a sad and pathetic story. All 3 should be held accountable and sent to jail. Lock them up and throw away the keys....


    And what has a working father done wrong?, he has stood up to his parental responsibilities, gone to work and sent 500 baht per day to look after his son.


    Sounds like a Dad doing his best to me.


    It is the adoptive parents.  Bruises and bite marks? It can only be child abuse.















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  9. 8 minutes ago, BenStark said:


    If you're not single then your partner has the chance to double that income, and make it even more liveable since you share certain overheads


    If the partner can be bothered to work, as many don't.


    2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Pretty crappy.  An embarassment really.  I know some Thais who have worked in factories the best thing about it they have said is OT is usually plentiful.  Work a lot of hours and they can make 15k + a month.  Still, a lousy wage but at least livable. 



    Agreed, but it's the going rate.


    I remember my days of having the hotel in Pattaya, and we looked after our staff far better than Thai owned places.


    We paid Christmas and New year's bonuses, annual leave and correct monthly days off, advances of wages when they were short, paid the government their dues in required taxes and social security (it was checked with foreign owned establishments but not so much with Thai owned ones).


    However, there would still be foreigners asking staff members their salary and then reacting with scorn and sarcasm, then winding the staff up by stating slave labour by the management.


    We paid over the going rate and staff seldom left us. There was a happy work environment.


    It was these same foreigners moaning and up in arms and searching high and low around Pattaya for better deals, when we wanted to increase room rates by 50 baht or 100 baht a night.

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