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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 4 hours ago, mikebell said:

    + daily we read about Thais caring for family members with guns and knives, or rival school gangs or warring motor taxi drivers.


    Or killing their parents for refusing to give them money to buy drugs, or stealing/cheating land from their relatives.


    It's really best to keep your head down and focus purely on what you are doing, and the needs of those close to you.


    Neither listen nor get involved with outside influences in this country, it always leads to disaster.


    One thing I have learned here,' Everybody knows how to make a lot of money with somebody else's cash '

  2. 1 hour ago, Final Farang said:

    Like most foreigners here I just want to be charged the same as locals, not be actively ignored by staff when entering an establishment, not be a prime target for scams and not treated as a transient criminal by immigration after a decade of employing locals and paying more taxes than most Thais pay in their lifetime. I don't want anyone to worship the ground I walk on, I just want to be treated with the same decency that Thais extend to each other. 


    First, it's a big ask expecting to be charged the same as the locals when it is in bred into them to charge you more because in their small minds, you can afford it, just the same as a Thai coming and buying something in Isaarn who comes from Bangkok, that doesn't know the price of something.


    Sometimes you can be ignored entering an establishment as the Thais do not feel their English is up to standard to converse with you.


    Scams are worldwide and cross all boundaries of race, nationality and colour.


    Immigration, a tricky one, you can have bright smiling IO's or surly horrible ones. Luck of the draw, on who you meet, and what side of the bed they got out of.


    You are paying taxes for doing business, it is the price you pay in every country. It's nothing to do with the' Thai in the street '


    Contrary to your belief, Thais do not automatically give respect or decency to other Thais, it's a mechanism for dealing with people, and they are good at hiding their feelings.......usually!

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  3. 43 minutes ago, BigStar said:



    In contrast to your experience, I've always been treated decently and Thais have often extended extra courtesy just because they realize I don't know what's going on because I'm a foreigner. Be careful what you wish for. You may be glad sometimes you're not being treated like a Thai. 




    Well, That paragraph is definitely true.


    There have been a number of occasions when I have wished that I didn't understand what they were saying.



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  4. 4 hours ago, Mike Lister said:


    You are both correct and both broadly saying the same things! 


    (except the threshold is 120k, not 150k)





    But not all this is confirmed yet at all and the Thai government has not come out and stated clearly what their intentions are regarding pensions, dual tax treaties etc, unless I missed something.


    There was one person on here giving' their take' on how it would pan out, and how they were reading it. They also added that was their view, and we must wait and see what the government has to say, which so far has been zilch.


    None of which were set in tablets of stone.

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  5. 11 hours ago, treetops said:


    Both countries have signed up to the OECD Common Reporting Standard which allows for this information to be shared.


    All this would overwhelm the primitive Thai tax authorities and bog them down forever.


    And nobody knows yet what is going to occur as information has been noticeable by its absence

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  6. 16 hours ago, webfact said:

    Toxic environment


    Sompong said nearly half of Thai families are either damaged or broken from grappling with issues like poverty, debt, domestic violence and other conflicts. Faced with these challenges, many parents are failing to provide their children with a nurturing environment to grow up in.


    Sompong also pointed to serious deficiencies in the education system, including a lack of emphasis on democratic values, creativity, critical thinking, and the courage to innovate. Compounding the problems are frequent reports of teachers verbally or even physically abusing students. Some teachers have even been caught trying to extort money from children under their care.


    Violent disciplinary methods remain a serious blight on Thai education, says Surapong Kongchantuk, president of the Social Action for Children and Women.



    I would say the gentleman is absolutely spot on, stating out loud what everyone has known for decades.


    He should be applauded and government take note, but they won't, too wrapped up in their own selfish cocoons to care about future generations.



    15 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Doom & Gloom sells ... who writes this crap.


    Things are so much better than before.  Better educational & employment opportunities.   So much more awareness/wokeness, on how to raise children.   Social media exposing all the wrongs of the past.  They have unlimited access to information they never had before.   Actually have to attend school now.   Universal health care.



    Not crap at all, highly accurate in my view.


    Education improvements, you say? They've slipped again down the literacy world index yet again.


    More awareness and wokeness?


    You mean do-gooders spouting about trivial nonsense, and not letting parents be parents, or even worse, absolving them of their parental responsibilities.


    The latest in wokeness from the UK has been suggested by the Labour Party, and that is for teachers in schools to have classes in teaching children how to brush their teeth.


    My MAM will be turning in her grave at this drivel.


    What are the parents doing whilst teachers are showing their kids how to brush their teeth?


    Social media exposing the wrongs of the past, you say?


    And how much attention is the government taking?  Zero!







  7. 3 hours ago, noobexpat said:


    Because 5% return on 7 digits gbp is still an awful lot of free money.

    Thats why we don't need crypto cr@p.



    So in your words, 5% is decent safe return. It's also widely and fairly easily achievable.


    In your words,' an awful lot of free money' based on 1,000,000 GBP.


    So the man with 800K GBP could get in interest alone he would have in the region of 136,000 baht a month without touching his capital.


    He can well afford his 30K condo rent a month in his mid-fifties age bracket plus his 2 massage women a week and have plenty left over to put aside.


    You have killed your own argument.


    What was your degree in? I don't think it was mathematics.












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  8. 2 hours ago, noobexpat said:


    That was me.

    A tidy amount compared to whom?

    I compare against other degree educated professionals, like myself.




    Yeah, yeah,


    It's an anonymous forum, you can be anything you want to be.


    I'm a Nigerian Prince this week.


    You are actually trying to say, with or without a bloody degree, (which is completely irrelevant), that 800K GBP cash savings in a bank, no house equity involved, plus he'll have other income, is a paltry sum?


    Bloody nonsense!

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  9. 13 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    I think it's safe to say not many expats in pattaya have 800k pounds, at least not the ones I know.



    Safe to say?


    Many don't have 800K THB for their extension of stay.


    Stupid question anyway from the OP, I have seen this asked here so often.


    Also, another' asking for a friend' post.


    It depends on lifestyle, does he drink and smoke, does he want nice cars, Health insurances, does he like trips back home, chances of getting stung in a relationship.


    A ridiculous amount of variables to form a realistic opinion or give a figure.


    And to give the impression somebody is going to bum along in life having sex twice a week, cooking their own breakfast in a condo, blah blah blah.


    What a mundane existence. It smacks of being in God's waiting room. Next he'll be joining those having beer for breakfast.


    And to cap another poster, 800K GBP is a tidy amount to have saved in their fifties in cash and anybody saying different, is talking out of their ASEAN NOW ass.


    How many times do we hear and get questions from guys surviving on pensions from many countries and nationalities?


    I'm 61 and have a number of UK properties and a substantial house here.


    I will continue along the path of semi retirement in Thailand whilst buying and selling properties in the UK, until it's time for me to leave this Earth.


    @advancebooking have you got 35 million stashed?.............:coffee1:








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  10. On 1/9/2024 at 9:08 AM, tomgreen said:

    Thanks for the comment , when I contacted the Cigna representative I did ask about reducing my insurance coverage area from world wide ( not USA ) to only Asia, the Cigna representative said that they had no expat health insurance that only covers the Asia area, then he commented that I was currently using the only Cigna expat health insurance policy that was available to me , which was hard to believe. :mad:





    Email Cigna or speak to a different agent and do some more research regards Cigna and your policy online.


    It appears the representative you are speaking to isn't trying very hard to look for alternatives to your plight.

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