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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I remember stopping at one of these on our way to Kalasin to nip to the loo, so we thought we would grab a coffee at one of the places described above. She then tried talking us into buying it, and what a good deal it was. She had been asleep until we rolled up, bored out of her mind. The place was off a busy motorway road with nothing, not a bloody thing, around it. I declined her generous offer.
  2. Well, it hasn't taken them long to forget, has it.
  3. Drifting slightly, I am watching people nearby our home buying, selling and building houses, and it is all on government land. Then there will be tears and outrage when it gets seized.
  4. Arresting the users often leads to arresting the dealers in Thailand.
  5. Behave yourself, It was Russia that tried the land grab after the ease in which they seized the Crimea. It smacks of Hitler, you get away with it once and there are minimal complaints, so go again and spin the dice. Nothing to blame Biden for.
  6. I have, it's a good night out.
  7. I don't know, they haven't shown photos of the fundamental differences.
  8. And pass through immigration and obtain the relevant visas required.
  9. Yes, That can happen, and then they need to reassess, can they really afford to live abroad. You should always have a contingency plan and money set aside for unforeseen circumstances.
  10. They go with pre-conceived ideas and don't want to lose face returning to Thailand without sackfuls of money.
  11. Right, So you are asking British people to emigrate from Britain, to allow illegal boat people to immigrate? I bet the government hasn't thought of that one.
  12. When you have a huge influx of undocumented immigrants arriving to your shores, there is obviously a large impact on resources. The UK does not have the facilities to house them nor the resources to police them, hence they get bail and then disappear into the community never to be seen again. The UK, unlike Thailand, doesn't throw them into an immigration cell with standing room only. These migrants then become a drain on resources such as hospitals, housing, schools etc, it isn't merely the fact of feeding them. Many come with diseases because they have never been immunised. Furthermore, because a great many are not allowed into the 'work pool legally 'they move into the casual/cash labour market or into crime. They move into crime because they have paid illegally, and obtained loans from underground and mafia figures to get to Europe or the UK, which must be paid back and serviced. So, it is not as simple as these 'poor old migrants 'as with their arrival, comes plenty of unwanted baggage. Then there is the 'clash of cultures 'as many of their countries of origin do not share European norms and women's freedoms. Hence, the large increase in attacks on women in European capitals, by foreign men. They know the ropes, they send children alone first, then, immigration lawyers claiming legal aid import their families to this new green and pleasant land. This puts further strain on the host country that they have never been part of, nor contributed to. So, is it small wonder that there is local resentment, where hospital appointments are already measured in months and years, not weeks, anymore! I bet some of these 'bleeding hearts 'for migrants are the biggest complainers when their loved ones cannot get the cancer treatment they need or their kids cannot get into their selected school due to overcrowding. When any of this gets mentioned, We are shouted down by the Liberals and Lefties as Enoch Powell lovers or Bigots. This is just because they think it's the easy way to quieten us down because nobody wants the term 'racist 'in 2023. These immigrants, arriving in dinghies are schooled, and trained on their rights in the UK, and also what to say to immigration officials way before leaving French shores.
  13. When we refer to economic migrants, (not ecomonic), we are usually referring to people who move for better job opportunities and a better standard of living through earnings potential in a new country. You seem to be talking about people relocating that have come to Thailand underfunded, the two are not the same. I wouldn't class people who come here underfunded, without insurance, rely on GoFundMe or enough cash, as economic migrants. I would class them as feckless. If you are Canadian, and you know better, enlighten us!
  14. I agree, And I despise all religions equally However, Bradiston or whatever he calls himself seems to have this massive unjustified fetish for Islam. The world has been spinning for 4.5 billion years at least, and the dreamers ask us to partake in these make believe imaginery Gods etc because they can't face the fact that we are just organisms, and when it's over, it's over. Religions haven't be going longer than 6000 years maximum. The earth managed for billions of years without them.
  15. Just a load mouthed ranting clown. I have asked you, but now I won't bother because you can't answer, to name the positives in the religion of Islam. Name them! There aren't any. Instead, you spout about historical nonsense hundreds of years ago. I won't be answering further as you are a nonsensical bigot, go get some fresh air and stop drinking the Kool aid, it's having a bad effect on you.
  16. You are just a foolish individual whose arguments don't stack up in the face of scrutiny
  17. Give us the positive and all inclusive aspects of Islam. I can wait.
  18. So you can't answer, that is what you mean.
  19. And you think two wrongs , make a right? What happened 500 years ago has no bearing on what is happening in nearly 2024.
  20. Why not call them what they are, and that isn't refugees. They are economic migrants. And the problem with many of them is they want to bring their religious baggage with them. And give it a rest about the massive multicultural impact, there isn't a harmonious melting pot of cultures, because most of them do not want to mix. European governments are now referring to it as a 'clash of cultures 'rather than multiculturalism. So take off your rose-coloured glasses and smell the coffee, and get in the real world. If we all move to the perfect country or our choice, Iceland, Norway, Luxembourg, and Switzerland would be inundated, and infrastructure that couldn't cope.
  21. They love to be in each other's pockets and next to each other, then whinge like hell about the noisy neighbours! Go to Lotus early in the morning and park your car in an empty car park, I'll guarantee when you return half an hour later, a car has parked bang next to yours, even with the car park empty.
  22. No, you are part of the problem along with the other lefties and liberal deniers. You are the one who went on a rant, not me, and when other posters answered you, you have tried to dismiss logical and factual responses.
  23. This link you provided is dated 2015 as well, and updated in 2017. So what's your point? Poland hasn't had any problems with radicals or bombings, do you know why? They don't let them in, in the first place.
  24. No, statistics have said that probably 15-25% are extremist, radical, or fanatical. Estimates put Muslims at 1.6 billion, not 1.8 billion. This includes those that wish the entire destruction of the West, and the accepted numbers worldwide by various agencies is 15% to 25% of the total number of Muslims. A damn sight more than your 5,000. So, at the low estimate of 15% we are talking 12 million with extreme views of the West, according to Brigitte Gabriel. If you accept a Muslim perspective, instead of Brigitte Gabriel's view, they are saying 325,000 Radicals. Still, a long way from your 5,000! https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Security-Watch/terrorism-security/2015/0113/How-many-Muslim-extremists-are-there-Just-the-facts-please
  25. No. Not yet Those guys are in the habit of acquiring land cheap and selling expensive
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