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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. No, kids aren't what they used to be because disciple in the home and educating the kids in how to behave outside the home is non-existent.
  2. I agree with the Police Chief on this for what it's worth. And how about taking a leaf out of the USA law books and trying these kids as adults. Instead, under current laws, they are safe in the knowledge that they will be treated with kid gloves.
  3. Not even a mention of condolences or a donation, offering assistance however small, to help the poor air crew on board the coastguard vessel. The Thais are OK, well that's great then.
  4. And they won't, it will just become another statistic. Just like drink drivers who kill people.
  5. Aye, You can't beat a 'rigid head '
  6. I've just checked, they do swivel slightly, I was wrong! First and only time I'll be wrong, in 2024!............ But they don't swivel much, anyway, they work well for me! Happy New Year 2024, ASEAN NOW moaners!
  7. My BIC have Flex written on, they are rigid with a slight swivel.
  8. B and Ms in the UK sell them in packs of three or four with fixed heads. They are cheap at about 1.99 GBP a pack. They are made by BIC and are called Flex four or Flex three. Both have rigid heads. I buy them all the time when in the UK and keep a stock in Thailand of them. I've just been in the bathroom and checked, they do have a slight swivel. Sorry!
  9. It doesn't get much worse than this, regarding Predator/Paedophiles in senior positions of trust near the kids. Also, to give them bail, and then they try to contact one of the victims, they should be held without bail given the gravity of the offence, but they won't, ex military officer and a teacher. Kids haven't a chance. Even many of their parents baulk at the responsibility of taking it to the Police. If I was a Thai parent, my first port of call would be Radio, TV and newspapers as that soon spurs the authorities into action.
  10. If they tried palming off parents on the government in Singapore, they would get a short, sharp shock. Singapore makes it very clear that the children are responsible for their parents. You can say it's a complete different society, but Singapore pulled itself up by itself. It wasn't always as you see it now.
  11. I have said this to them loads of times and the Cambodians, but it falls on deaf ears as that is not what they want to hear. They have convinced themselves amongst the lower ranks, farmers, labourers, and such like, that our governments give out free money enabling us to settle here. Back to the thread in hand, there must be more to this for all four of her children to want nothing to do with her, it can happen, but it seems a bit: Un-Thai in my view. I had a brother who died of COVID-19 during the outbreak. There were eight of us in our family, and the remaining seven of us had nothing to do with him. He was a druggie, a thief, a robber, constantly in trouble or jail but when he became elderly, he expected us all to forget and treat him with kindness. Life doesn't work that way. Only my mother forgave his antics.
  12. That will be good enough for a brawl, I mean, she has 10 kids to feed with those four chunks.
  13. Thais are a racist bunch. They look down on Cambodians and Burmese and feel superior. For what reason I do not know. Thais that I know are not carried away with Indians, they say they smell, are cheap charlies, they don't spend, they show off, and are untrustworthy. That is not my personal view, by the way. They aren't particularly keen on the Thai Chinese, who they view as vultures, opportunistic and cold-hearted. Mainland Chinese, they view with a sense of bemusement. I get this view of the Thai Chinese, as many in Isaarn have lost their land to them, after borrowing against it.
  14. Which leaves it wide open for guesswork and the conspiracy theories of ASEAN Now super sleuth detectives.
  15. I have found Indians to be generally good and helpful. This, as I mentioned in another post, seems to have started as an isolated incident between an Indian woman and a Thai woman and escalated quickly. Once it reaches this stage, Thais are not good at 'de-escalation 'they reach the violent levels of no return and worry about the consequences of it afterwards.
  16. Thais are feisty too, especially young ones. Young Middle Easterners are feisty, and British nationals behave entitled wherever they go. I put this more as a global generational thing in modern society that down to specific nations. The linked article says very little, except it escalated after an Indian woman approached a Thai woman over a dispute, then the usual 'pack mentality 'broke out.
  17. I was in Hanoi earlier this year with family from the UK. In the hotel, there were two large groups of Indian Sikhs with their families. They were not placid. I was surprised, I have seen bad manners displayed regularly to women by Pakistanis, but never Indians. They are quite aggressive, rude, ill-mannered and very demanding towards the female waitresses and not much better towards the male staff. The Vietnamese receptionist told me later that Indians were always like this when they visited and treated them like servants as opposed to waiting staff.
  18. Girls told me many moons ago they didn't like them as the Indians wanted group sex with one girl and only to pay for the equivalent of one encounter.
  19. You get a window to use the 30-day visa, if your programme/ arrival date is too far in the future when you apply for the visa, it will not accept the application. It does accept debit applications and receipt of application is sent to the person's email, as is the visa when it is granted. Your payment is converted by the official website to USD. We don't need to be talking about exchange rates for $35 or so. If you are flying in, that's fine, but certain land borders do not accept e visas.
  20. I didn't say people didn't have different experiences. And I have experience of dealing with Pattaya, (both the old immigration offices in town and the new immigration offices at Jomtien), Khonkaen, Sakon Nakhon, Bangkok and Kalasin. Before Kalasin opened the new Immigration office, I used to have to trek to Sakon Nakhon, a fair distance from my house, where there was a particularly corrupt captain. We used to get there in the morning, and he would make us wait until mid-afternoon, he wasn't busy, nor was the office, but wanted money under the table to do his job. My determination not to pay it was equal to his, even if it meant inconveniencing myself. So, what is your point?
  21. In his case it was finders weepers! And pigs might fly with that excuse.
  22. I do it for the same reasons as you do, plus it just isn't difficult to do.
  23. They will catch the next dealer higher up the chain because Thais crumble when the authority speaks. It's ingrained in them. I don't say they will catch the big fish, because they are in too much a higher position within Thailand, They are everywhere within the Military and the Police as well as government as everybody knows. I am well aware jailing them doesn't work, jail, to the small users and dealers prison is an acceptable risk, and they find it no hardship at all sleeping on the floor. They at least get fed and can watch TV and not have any bills to pay. It's a game for the Thai authorities to hold up the amount of arrests and convictions to the outside world to pretend they are tackling the problem.
  24. No, You just want to whinge on here that your pension is frozen. That isn't what the thread is about.
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