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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. You lead an exciting life. Have you ever felt like expanding into a career in journalism or as an influencer on social media? Maybe, you could do the pros and cons of high-end resorts for Condé Nast? It must have been a right bummer for you about the laundry.
  2. Fantastic, An honest employee. I hope he is rewarded by the owner in decent fashion. That will bring the tourists flooding in. Not really worthy of a news headline, though, one would have thought. I suppose it makes a change from being found in the back of a taxi.
  3. He's been practicing in the mirror to say this without laughing or getting a red face! Well done, you pulled it off shamelessly.
  4. Speak English and clarify. It's gobbledygook
  5. So it's taken 15 years to decide Thaksin is a peacemaker. They were all howling for his blood two years ago, asking why he couldn't be deported to serve his sentence. Spineless sycophants.
  6. Because they are already filled awaiting Thaksin's release.
  7. An airhead now apparently leading the Pheu Thai party even though she has no experience whatsoever. She'll be popping along to see sick daddy to ask him what to do and where to vote. Any land up for grabs going cheap?
  8. Good job it wasn't a high rise, maybe time to look for a bungalow, it's not so far to fall when you are in bed.
  9. I don't know who is more stupid, the pawn shop for allowing a nearly 4 million GBP deficiency to occur and go unnoticed, or the staff who then managed to gamble it all away online and be left with less than 100K GBP? Gambling online, they'd already hit the jackpot, What were they trying to win? They could have played it smart and salted it away over two years, then when caught between one and five years jail cut in half for admitting it. A nice two years work. They only reason they should have been doing anything online was booking flights out of Thailand. Now the only place they are going is jail. Ah well, easy come, easy go. Morons.
  10. So, is it Heroin or Cocaine? Or flour or sugar? Or just good old-fashioned washing powder?
  11. Give people an inch, and..............
  12. Yes, It's bullying and wearing down tactics. My other half of 27 years had the same threat, “the farang will leave you any day now” with the addition of, “then don't think we will be there for you”. Newsflash, they Are NEVER there for you up here in this village, they simply move on to the next piece of mischief. I am regularly in Cambodia and Vietnam, as well as the rest of Thailand. I never see the level of idleness in these other countries and areas of Thailand, like I see up here. Isaarn seems to be a rule unto itself in terms of bone idleness by many culprits. I see the same suspects motorbikes outside different peoples houses daily, and they don't work, they just flit house to house spreading rumours and gossip. They also always have a story that can't be proven about Jane Doe getting 20 million or 50 million from this or that Farang. I have said before on this site, when they see a car, a motorbike, or a new phone, the question is never' That's beautiful, where did you get it' it is ALWAYS' How much did it cost '
  13. My circle of friends is probably far bigger than yours. I'll ignore the silly comments and generalizations about the great city of Liverpool.
  14. You are talking about grovelling to the backward whims of people, with usually lower education than most here on the board, you are not talking about assimilating, you are talking capitulating. And No, I don't respect Muslims attempting to force their ways in Australia nor the UK under the veiled threat of violence. I also don't accept that they follow Shariah law and not the laws of the State that they are lucky enough to have been accepted into. We can't do it in Muslim states, not that many of us want to reside in one. Even the Muslims don't. Your argument, is Apples and Oranges. Nothing to do with Thai sin sod, you silly sod.
  15. I am talking in general terms of Thai Isaarn villages.
  16. Why? They don't even respect themselves, let alone each other. They lie, cheat and steal constantly from each other.
  17. My partner backed me against them, and we are still together after 27 years, and I am not dreaming. So how does that fit alongside your reasoning.
  18. @thefarangteacher Hi, I previously had a good business and my other half assisted my in Pattaya and worked hard for me in the business. We sent home, way back when, 5,000 baht a month to the mother for over 22 years. She comes from eight siblings and the mother now is widowed. We never married. I didn't want it, and she didn't care about it. I didn't want children, I have two grown up sons in the UK who are hard-working and decent jobs. We sold the businesses and built a compound of three houses and a store in Kalasin as I had ill health. When everything was set up and completed, we had the usual suspects and spongers over for the opening of the house etc. At this point, I wish to make clear, the brothers and one sister have never contributed one baht. I, in fact, educated the two daughters of the sister, from kindergarten to finishing high school and one is at university now in Khonkaen, and I never one word of thanks, so be it. The eldest daughter ignores her mother, even though she lives 60 metres up the road, and hasn't spoken to her in years. Once we moved here permanently, a good few years ago now, (I have told members this before), we were inundated with people attempting to borrow money although unemployed. Then there were people constantly trying to sell land they had already mortgaged, to the bank or lenders, and every other scam you can imagine. I'll bring in now, the lazy drug addicted brother. He's now in his 40s and still lives with the mother and his fat good for nothing lazy girlfriend (whose actual husband is in prison). Neither work. The 5,000 a month was always being handed over to the Yaa Baa addict by the mother. He's the youngest. The mother then came, asking for more. I offered to employ the son on the land. I said he could do painting, garden work etc. He refused. I now employ outsiders to paint, cut the trees and grass etc. He wants to sit in his room all day, talking to friends, drinking, disappears to the fields for obvious reasons, (it isn't to look after the rice) There were various excuses for asking money, rice planting, etc I pointed out I had built her a house, she had 9 children in total, and it was their duty to help. She was their mother, not mine. I got the old 'look of despair, whilst looking away from me '. I told her sometimes when I visit the UK, my youngest son falls asleep at the table after completing fourteen-hour shifts on rotation. Her son doesn't do fourteen minutes work! I got the usual blank stare from her. The mother only crosses the driveway to our house when she is sick or skint. She never comes to say thank you for anything. I stopped the 5,000 baht after 22 years. The mother went racing to the village for sympathy. She got it from a few quarters. However, a number of them stated she had waltzed around the village doing nothing for 20 odd years, whilst they had been up out of bed daily, selling rice, fruit, BBQ etc to make ends meet. They pointed out that she had a nice house and a spoilt son, who had hands, eyes, and feet but wouldn't work. Case closed buddy. If you give in, you are viewed as weak or a fool and on a slippery slope. They will be disrespectful to your lady, it's bullying to get what they want from you and to make her feel she isn't trying hard enough for them.
  19. It's simply not true that this is a tradition. It's a custom only in some families, not in many. Furthermore, it is also down to personal circumstances of the two getting married. If they refuse after the wedding, What planet are you on? They have non intention of handing any monies back. Do not do it and I'll explain in another post here. Do NOT give it. They don't give a damn about Thai weddings and blessings, only eating free, getting sloshed and getting free money. It's 2000 baht they don't normally get, and it's a lot more than the Thai pension gives them.
  20. I agree with you, But making at least a token gesture would have been polite. Thailand is quick enough off the mark requesting aid for projects from Japan.
  21. Murder/ Robbery it was, but he maybe pleaded 'not guilty 'or the crime was particularly heinous, they usually commute these sentences to life imprisonment (20 years) if the defendant pleads guilty. He was only 26 years old, so it's a weird one to me. There are hundreds that are in there for years and get their sentences commuted at Amnesty times. However, the previous King died in 2016 and there was a substantial 'mourning period', so quite possible there were no amnesties.
  22. The problem is these are not isolated incidents, kids killing here is becoming more and more frequent. Too much time on their phones and TVs, and not enough education at home or in school. Overreaction? I think that is you making one, as nobody has suggested executing twelve-year-olds.
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