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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Correct me if I am wrong, when cannabis was decriminalised was it not supposed to be used for medicinal purposes only, it appears to being used as a recereational drug currently ? Shock! Horror! Tell me this is not so.......????
  2. The barstewards had four mobile phones between the four of them! Whats's the World coming to?
  3. Hole-in-the-wall NGV conversion......
  4. In the top right handhand corner of Photo 1 in the OP is a motorcycle wedged up a power pole. Is that from this accident or one earler.......????
  5. Is there a dry dock there large enough to take his sidekick?
  6. Well, the Government did agree to send somebody round for the ceremony. ....????
  7. The colour change I could deal with but not those burn marks over the left breast.......
  8. Ring Ring Governor to Enviro Minister - 'Hello. Could you send me over a pair of pumps' Enviro Minister to Governor - 'Pumps? What you need Governor is a pair of Wellington Boots'
  9. When you see the name on a future ballot you will know where to put the X.......
  10. But, but.....he's World Champion!..????
  11. Expect beaches on the west Gulf, typically Cha-Am southwards, to be inundated with tonnes of tidal-borne trash dumped into the Gulf by the rivers.
  12. Tut tut! They are on duty in an air-conditioned room working out manual switching sequences to ensure the traffic lights from one end of Sukhumvit to the other are never in synchrony.......
  13. The suspense is killing me.......
  14. Don't worry, it will be cleared in no time at all......
  15. Following the last inundation, some factories built flood defences at their own expense. They may well be tested this year.
  16. Just a ruse to compact the imported sand and hope the current rains don't wash it away.
  17. Proving just how systemic the plan is......????
  18. They need that to buy designer flat-caps.....
  19. South Korea and Thailand team up to drive tourism back to the boom times Or, in Thailand's case, the boom-boom times.....
  20. Where do you think all the s**t in the woods comes from......????
  21. Is an adapter required to enable an I-phone to filter urine?
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