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Everything posted by MarcelV

  1. True. Pattani and Narathiwat top all the negative lists in Thailand, except for poor air quality. ????
  2. Narathiwat Province was down to 0 for a few days and we're still in the single digits now. Apparently it is the only province in Thailand without any Omicron infections yet, as of today.
  3. I have heard the next KSP test is set to take place on February 18 and/or 19 this year. No other info was given.
  4. Actually, the numbers in Songkhla seem to be rising quickly again, if I interpreted the daily numbers correctly. I live in the restive Three Province Region, where Covid numbers are down to single digits. Still, the สอ.บต. (the SBPAC) has recommended all schools stay closed for the time being.
  5. I teach at a private Islamic school in the Deep South. Here all schools, both government and private, both primary and secondary, have been closed since April last year. Word is that none of them will not open anymore. Indefinitely. All teaching is done online. With a Thai colleague who teaches English, having had only two students attending today, I don't think the students are really up for it anymore...
  6. I am not sure what's so special about Isaan women. Aren't they just like other Thai women everywhere, no matter the region. My missus is from the Islamic deep south (Yala Province) but makes for a great partner too, and I have met other lovely women/girls from all regions in Thailand. Never noticed much of a difference based on their place of origin.
  7. Still, based on all that I read Thaksin did nothing to appease the people in the south, let alone the Malay Muslims. He bears at least some responsibility for letting the situation get out of hand. Now we're still stuck with the same problem, after all these years.
  8. But he was responsible for wanting to Thai-ify the Malay muslims in the south and as the commander-in-chief he could have prevented the atrocities committed by his men or at least punish them. Apologies to the civilians have still not been made and the resentment and hate of the Thai government is huge among the youth here.
  9. The good people of the three southern border provinces might disagree on that. It was Thaksin who oversaw the Tak Bai Massacre and the subsequent insurgency.
  10. The "trouble makers" must have a good reason to stop killing. If the Thai govt doesn't know how to make any compromise and serious talks, the situation will never end.
  11. You do realize there are many Thai living in Central, Eastern or Southern Thailand that do not speak Laos (sp) or Lanna (?). In my neck of the woods most (at least 80 percent) people speak Malay, which is completely different from Thai.
  12. My gf and I speak mostly English as her English is better than my Thai and she feels comfortable speaking it. I do know enough Thai to get around and can read and write quite a few words. I live in the deep south, where most people's first language is a Malay dialect (Jawi) but I never seriously started learning it as I felt Thai would be more beneficial anyway.
  13. You can't argue about taste, but I have friends that think Thai women are dog ugly. To be honest, I do not think they are particularly beautiful. Availability and 'easiness' does not imply physical or facial beauty. If you like dark-skinned women, you will definitely like the Malay Muslim women of the deep south, who have the darkest skin of all regions. You will have to sacrifice some things to get close to them though.????
  14. How many countries have you been to? Every country has huge numbers of beauties. And when it comes to Thai girls, most Thai men would say the most beautiful ones come from the north or Bangkok, not Isaan, though I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  15. What 'construction progress'? The airport is done and ready. What else needs to be done? Just fly some darn planes there <deleted>.
  16. I am still hoping for Betong Airport to get commercial flights, but I guess that is not going to happen anytime soon. Darn Covid!
  17. I have been living in the Muslim deep south for years and can safely say it has some of the most beautiful girls in Thailand. That Malay look is often stunning.
  18. The 7-day average is still very low. I expect a small uptick in numbers in the next week, but this blip will level off soon and numbers should come down to 0 soon after. Good job, Thailand!
  19. In my province I am in and out in 10 minutes. There's never any other foreigner there.
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