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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. An off topic post has been removed
  2. A post with an altered quote has been removed, Please stop doing this @UserC923 28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.
  3. A post with a short URL has been removed due to the risks associated with them, also a reply. 26. You will not post links that do not lead to the website the link indicates. Links that are misleading or redirect to a site different than the one indicated are not allowed. Shortened versions of URLs and affiliate links are not permitted.
  4. An incomprehensible / off topic has been removed
  5. A post with an altered quote has been removed
  6. I Have an entire family of them living Between an electric switch box and the wall in the pump room. Looks like Mom and four or five babies, all curled up in a jumble. We also have one living behind the fridge on the sun deck, he often a speaks a very clear TOKAY and even replies to me when I mimic his call. They are not frighted of us and just watch us as we go about our business close to their home.
  7. Off topic troll post and reply removed
  8. We are watching The Pitt and loving it, probably the best most realistic series I have seen in a long while, if you haven't discovered it already give it a go.
  9. Off topic post and reply has been removed
  10. A post has been removed, please read the topic title: Any Jewish people in Thailand noticing local hostilities?
  11. An overly derogatory defamatory slur has been removed
  12. One of my cats has a spoonful of yogurt every day whilst we watch movies, she is coming up for 18 years now 😸
  13. A post with an altered quote into another language has been removed
  14. A flame and replies that quote it have been removed
  15. Baiting posts replies and a flame removed
  16. On VLC media player TOOLS Effects and Filters Video Effects Crop Set bottom bar to around 100 that will take out the hard coded subs and leave room above it for you to see the English subs only
  17. I have also searched everywhere, I can only conclude that no one has put up the remaining three episodes past episode 5 despite them all being released in January this year. The only ones around have hard coded Hebrew subs so one has to adjust the bottom screen to cut out those subs so they don't clash with the English ones
  18. What a great article and picture Georgealbert, you caught that putt 🏌️‍♂️ and the sponsor banner behind just right, well done 🙂
  19. Posts contriving forum rules have been removed @RyanWalker
  20. Norway fuel giant 'refuses to fill US submarines' after Trump-Zelensky clash A petrol giant in Norway has announced a ban on fuel sales to all US forces following Donald Trump's treatment of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House, it has been reported. Norwegian firm Haltbakk Bunkers announced it will stop providing fuel to all American forces in Norway as it declared "No fuel to Americans!". The firm posted on social media to declare its support for Zelensky as it dealt a hammer blow to US President Trump following the heated spat televised from the Oval Office. See More: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/2021304/norway-fuel-giant-refuses-fill
  21. You need to read the forum rules @captain_shane 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. 13. You will not publicly comment on moderation in an open forum. You will not comment on actions taken by individual moderators or on specific or general policies and issues. You will not post a negative emoticon in response to a public notice made by a moderator. You may send a private message to a moderator to discuss individual actions or you can email support (at) aseannow.com to discuss moderation policy and account suspensions.You will not block communication from moderators or Admin. Aggression, personal attacks, or any form of abuse toward moderators will not be tolerated and will result in strict consequences. There is absolutely no excuse for abusive behavior.
  22. Several off topic posts by @captain_shane have been removed, Israel has nothing at all to do with this topic.
  23. Some off topic bickering and unattributed posts removed
  24. Topic is already running in two places https://aseannow.com/topic/1353239-marco-rubio-demands-apology-from-zelensky-after-heated-oval-office-clash/ and Here https://aseannow.com/topic/1353206-zelensky-what-possessed-you/ //CLOSED//
  25. A baiting post leading to bickering has been removed.
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