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Everything posted by roo860

  1. Just missed recording the bit when he was fighting in the hotel reception, he was doing pretty well, considering his size! 20240329_123651.mp4
  2. In other EU countries doesn't it go on how much of your salary is contributed into the Government pension, do UK workers contribute less?
  3. He creates these scenarios for his own vlogs, I saw one where he said he'd been in a bakery in Pattaya, a guy had asked his mate for a couple of hundred baht, the guy then said I'm struggling on my pension as it is. So then old Cheesy goes on about pensioners struggling in Thailand, this one about the fictional judge is the same. Blokes from all over the world do same as the fictional judge, nothing new, I knew I guy in Hua Hin who bought a girl a house after a 2 week holiday.
  4. That's a Thai trait, probably need a work permit. 🤭
  5. Probably non of your business, the guy asked a reasonable question.
  6. Absolutely, Snow White loved em.
  7. Money is only as far as their simple minds can stretch.
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