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Everything posted by pegman

  1. Blame the Burmese. Seems to be the default solution to these cases
  2. The gov in Thailand is led by nationalists and this plays to it's core. This sort of thing should be of no surprise with an election coming up. Go anywhere and nationalists oppose non-natives. Funny no farangs where involved only asians.
  3. Can sex toys be bought on Lazada? Asking for a friend.
  4. Sex toys are illegal in Alabama, USA too. Thailand is not the only backwards country when it come to this.
  5. Niether laws nor a constitution put in place by a junta should have any moral authority. Same goes for kangaroo courts.
  6. What sort of mess? A "miserable existence" for expats because LOS is purchasing naval craft from China and not the big bullies? Really?
  7. No but Putin is making land gains every day. It's a war of attrition in which he has most of the advantages. The Pentagon leaks show western media has been spreading nonsense propaganda. Like kill ratios reversed. Takes one back to 2003 when all the Iraqi WMD lies were being spread. While Ukraine is being slowly destroyed munitions manufacturing corporations are making out like bandits. Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, who countered the Bush\Chaney WMD lies in 2003, gives a counter view that comes across as much more truthful. to me anyhow. Search for him on the YouTube to be enlightened.
  8. Who exactly are going to do that? They are clobbering the west in the Ukraine proxy war. Also displacing the French fighting jihadists in central Africa. No doubt they are brutal but they have a long way to go in that respect to catch up to the 1M dead in Iraq caused by the British and Americans.
  9. Those times are long gone. China is the new USA now days round there
  10. CR 12 year Canadian rye whisky. Made just down the road from me in Gimli.
  11. Explain how the Assault Weapons Ban was law then? It may still be if war criminal Bush had not let it lapse
  12. Think I'll pass and just catch up with him afterwards at Nana for an autograph.
  13. It happened in 1962, I imagine the threat of nukes would be the same as back then.
  14. Pattaya Addicts online forum, also owned by Nightwish Brian, had some discussion but did not name the bar. I believe his conglomerate recently opened a law firm so that will certainly come in handy.
  15. I talked to some folks around here and 9 of 10 Canadians don't want him to become president again either
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