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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. I suggest that if the OP wants to really understand if foreigners in Thailand hold grossly generalized negative views of Thailand and Thai people, he starts by disguarding his own grossly generalized and negative views of foreigners in Thailand.

    An individual foreigner (and we are all individuals) complains bitterly about the state of Tai schooling because i. He's a Thailand/Thai basher or ii. Because his own children are pupils at a Thai school and he actually is genuinely concerned about the matter, perhaps very concerned about a real incident or problem he faces.

    Who is to know without knowing the individual?

    Perhaps more important, who has the right to deny him his opinion and his voice? - if not here on TVF where can he express, share and discuss his concerns?

    The OP has a choice, if you don't like what you read, don't read it.

    Many expats in Thailand do not have a choice, they have family here, moving may not be an answer, their concerns real and TVF one of a very few places they can discuss their concerns.

    Against that the OP's sensitivity to other people's negative opinions is a minor issue, and one for which the remidy is completely within his own control.

    "Because his own children are pupils at a Thai school and he actually is genuinely concerned about the matter,"

    If he is "concerned" he could home school his children or pay for them to attend one of the high achieving International Schools.

    Not being able or unable to afford to do either is no excuse for Thai bashing.

    Stop kidding yourself by telling yourself that a school that is 10-100 times more expensive than government school would be any better.

  2. The last time I saw Europe appearing to be still cohesive, peaceful and beautiful was in about 2000. It was pretty much the original Europe. I remember flying into Paris when it was foggy but sunny above the fog, and the Eiffel Tower was protruding above the fog into the sunlight. The fog burned off and it was a beautiful day for sightseeing.

    I bought a guided tour down the Loire Valley to see castles - something that doesn't exist at all in the US.

    Everything was clean, safe, and beautiful even in London and Rome and Madrid.

    They are throwing it away as fast as they can in the name of political correctness. "Political Correctness." The two most culturally destructive words in the English Language.


    It's quite bizarre... if someone had in 1985 said that "Swedens third largest city will have minority ethnic swedish population and you can get by with arabic, even better than with swedish" they would have been locked up in an padded room. Now it's reality, Malmö is that city and Stockholm isn't looking all that well either as well as Göteborg.

    My friend visited Paris 2-3 years ago. He is basicly an "ultradumb liberal" and he said he was so surprised and confused as he though he had actually landed in some African country.

  3. This is the beginning of the end of EU and Europe as we know it. Congratulations Merkel, you did it!

    Yet again the Germans will split Europe because of their desire to dominate and rule it. Third time in a row.

    If UK leaves the EU, expect the likes of Denmark, Poland, Hungry, Austria etc to start harboring same thoughts as their internal decisions become challenged by EC lawyers who declare them illegal.

    "Fourth reich"...

  4. I have wondered why there are so many who think that the EU is such a marvelous thing and praise it to the skies... i have come to the conclusion that they either have no idea what they are on about or they are somewhere on the left of the political scale. It doesn't matter if the persons says "no way, i'm right and i'm for EU" because they still don't understand that they really are left but they think they are right.

    But Steely Dan above has a good plan, Hungary should tell EU **** you, drop their pants and show their butt to them and then change the referendum to "stay or leave".

  5. Assaultingcheesy.gif

    The only sick thing is a person who defends assaulting children.

    assault |əˈsɔːlt, əˈsɒlt|

    verb [ with obj. ]

    make a physical attack on: he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer | she was sexually assaulted as a child.

    • carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position). they left their strong position to assault the hill.

    • bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant: thunder assaulted the ears.


    1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | a sexual assault.

    Law an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he admitted an assault and two thefts | [ mass noun ] : he appeared in court charged with assault.

    • a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an assault on the city.

    • a strong verbal attack: an articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.

    2 a concerted attempt to do something demanding: a winter assault on Mt Everest.

    Striking children in any form (as teflkrabi advocated in an earlier post, he called it a clip around the ear as I recall) is assault.

    I disagree with the term, but lets say I'll try to understandsmile.png

    OK sometimes it could be an assaultwai.gif

    Many times not! For everything is in the intention, could be done calmly with no anger at all, as a last resort with the intention to help, instead of sit back and giving up like many adults nowadays!

    If done in "retaliation" of course it is probably wrong.

    I have 2 sons never did I give the smallest slap, never, but the temptation was high sometimes with a few of their friends, for them being rude for instance.

    Question isn't about YOU disciplining your own child, it's about a thrid party doing it. If you really think it's ok to slap other peoples children (i don't think it's a good idea even doing it to your own) then you also think that anyone can walk up to a child anywhere and slap it because it wasn't behaving "correctly" and you would be fine with that.

    Or maybe you meant just teachers... news flash... teachers aren't in the school to discipline children, it's the parents job.

  6. If you bring any weapon into your home you need to first wrap your head around your ability to take a human life (I doubt most TV member can do that), and second wrap your head around the fact that killing or injuring a Thai National even in the case of home invasion is more than likely going to land you in jail regardless if you use an arrow, piece of rebar, machete, kitchen knife, hammer, rock, or whatever (and I doubt that most TV member are willing to go to jail to protect themselves and family by using lethal force). So your only other alternative is for you, and possibly your family, to become the prey of your attackers in a home invasion and hope the best you survive (I'm not willing to do that).

    Best to be judged by three (here in Thailand), than carried to your the crematorium by six (here in Thailand).

    I rather sit in jail for the rest of my life and a thai ****tard in the grave and my children are safe... instead of gambling with their lifes and well being by going into a fetal position.

    If any parent really is thinking that "hey, i would rather let my children die than go to jail" should really adopt the children to a relative that is less of a ****tard.

    And yes, every single person in this world are very much capable of killing someone else under the right circumstances and protecting your children is one of them.

  7. The Director said he had good intentions when he hit them, what the hell is that for a statement, that is just saying yes hit them for anything they do wrong and do not worry about it as I will back you up!!

    was quite normal at school when i went in england ,and i went to a convent , yes the nuns used to love to cane you ,funny it was the Math teacher as well ,must be in the blood

    Quite normal when I went to public school in Massachusetts USA when I was a kid. Could get a few slaps with a ruler on your palm or worse with a rattan. And yes went to after school classes at Catholic school and the nuns would like to get a few wacks in ---nobody died or was severly beaten. Nowadays the kid would probably pull a gun an shoot the teacher.

    Oh and by the way 19 states in the USA still allow corporal punishment : http://www.businessinsider.com/19-states-still-allow-corporal-punishment-2014-3

    So anyone can hit your child because that person thinks it's ok as the child wasn't behaving as "it should"? Or are you doing your best to do logical somersaults so that magically only a teacher should be able to beat children?

  8. i have seen regular incidents in the news where a parent has had to take there 5 year old or older to hospital because the teacher has beaten him till he or she was black and blue, and never heard any more about it in the media whether the teacher was punished for it or not. When i have mentioned it to Thai people they tell me Teachers can punish pupils by LAW and there is nothing you can do about it.

    The thai people who said that are morons.

  9. I can't believe that in today's day and age with all the violence being performed by children that people are still defending the fact that children should not be smacked for being bad.

    Kids today need a good kick in the arse to keep them in line otherwise it's only going to get worse.

    And I'm sure none of you were ever slapped around by your parents when you were a kid I guess because you were all so perfect.

    Seems you have no concept or idea of the difference between a parent "taking the bastard in the ear" and a teacher smacking them around in school.

  10. I'll answer when you remove

    "which happens with a certain group of people more than with others, "

    From the question

    Why should I remove that?

    Is it now also racist to ACKNOWLEDGE that Indians have a much higher rate of occupying an apartment with multiple people, and the chance that they leave the property behind with an awful odor due to the national dish they use to cook, is much bigger as well?

    Ever heard about hair splitting?

    Acknowledge? Hmm, no not the right word at all. You can claim that and yes that is racist.

    Yes I have heard of hair sitting. Something racists rarely bother with. Give them their due, hate tends to be all encompassing.

    And i heard people who call other people, entirely baselessly, for racists like children in a special way. But they rarely bother to acknowledge that.

  11. Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

    Deary, deary, deary me, do I really have to explain this.

    To say cuisine leaves a smell is correct. All, I repeat ALL for the hard of thinking, cuisine can leave an odour if a room is not ventilated properly.

    To say one nations cuisine does this and all people of that nation leave an odour is racist.

    Clear enough for you.

    No one, not even the add said ALL this or that, it just said "no India" which means no indians. It's very simple, as most if not all indians eat cousine with a very strong flavour and smell it's a very high chance of getting a tennant from India that will leave the apartment smelling like shit for months after they move out... so instead of wasting everyones time it's easier to write "no India".

    Or would you stop whining and going on with your SJW crusade if it said "no indians who eat or cook indian food"?

    And you just confirmed that you think that complaining about smelly food is racist.


    Yes, from your fingers.

  12. Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

    So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

    Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

    All I get is you do not have a clue about the difference between racism and completely unrelated statistics.

    Then again who said racists bothered or were even able to think beyond the boundaries of their prejudice?

    No one.

    Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

    Deary, deary, deary me, do I really have to explain this.

    To say cuisine leaves a smell is correct. All, I repeat ALL for the hard of thinking, cuisine can leave an odour if a room is not ventilated properly.

    To say one nations cuisine does this and all people of that nation leave an odour is racist.

    Clear enough for you.

    No one, not even the add said ALL this or that, it just said "no India" which means no indians. It's very simple, as most if not all indians eat cousine with a very strong flavour and smell it's a very high chance of getting a tennant from India that will leave the apartment smelling like shit for months after they move out... so instead of wasting everyones time it's easier to write "no India".

    Or would you stop whining and going on with your SJW crusade if it said "no indians who eat or cook indian food"?

    And you just confirmed that you think that complaining about smelly food is racist.

  13. I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

    9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

    Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

    Was I traumatized? no

    Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

    So, lets met somewhere so i can slap you around a bit.

  14. Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

    So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

    Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

    All I get is you do not have a clue about the difference between racism and completely unrelated statistics.

    Then again who said racists bothered or were even able to think beyond the boundaries of their prejudice?

    No one.

    Then why are you going on with your SJW crusade saying that it's racism to say that indians have a highly likely chance of leaving the apartment with a smell, from the cousine, that wont easily go away.

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