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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. The condo owner is probably turning down Indians as tenants due to the potential problem of lingering smells from cooking curries, similar to the lingering smell of smokers.

    No intention of any racism.

    And yet...

    Food smell is racism now?

    Nope. But racist generalisations of a nation is.

    So is it racism to say that Finland have top tier students and Thailand have bottom tier students (both are true but the amount is not defined)? Is it racism to say that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world all the while Zimbabwe probably is the worst? Is it racist to say that swedish cousine does not smell nearly as much as somali cousine? Is it racist to say that carribean sprinters beat european sprinters almost all the time? Is it racist to say that Thailand is a corrupt asian country compared to Japan?

    Now, i could make a list like this that's billions long but you should get my point...

  2. The way I look at it, it's my Condo and I set the ground rules, .....

    So, if that's what that owner's preference is, that's fine by me....

    It is called discrimination and is illegal in most countries.

    You cannot profile candidacy using race, gender or sexual orientation.

    In Europe you ll end fined or even in jail for such comment written down.

    Following the reasons we could also say : no women, no kids, no gay, no HIV positive...

    And people are smarter in Europe so they do it like this...

    Put out apartment for rent and ignore everyone with "a name that's not to their liking" (could be Muhammed, Gurpa, Stefan, John, Somchai or anything else) and/or accent when they call about it. And voila... they get around the BS law.

  3. I can understand why some Thai's may get put off by the fact that some Indian people do not like to use deodorant. But, that is about it. The vast majority of Indians possess intelligence and creativity and business acumen that most Thais can only dream about having. They are so superior on so many levels, it is almost unfathomable. Indians have been winning Nobel Peace prizes for almost as long as that institution has been in existence, perhaps starting with the brilliant poet Rabindranath Tagore, back in 1913. Then C.V. Raman in 1930 for his cutting edge Physics discoveries. The Amartya Sen in 1998 for his study of economics, and then Kailash Satharthi for his promotion of peace initiatives and the rights of children to have an education. They you have a world class film industry, that creates more films each year than Hollywood. They have a world class tradition of literature, poetry, and culture. Indians have accomplished so much, in such a relatively short period of time, in the fields of Math, Science, Medicine, Technology, etc. The Indian nation has contributed so many brilliant scientists, and doctors to the world at large. How many of those brilliant minds who are improving the world come from Thailand? How many? India was one of the richest countries in the world until the Dutch, and then the British started plundering the country for four centuries, reducing it to one of the poorest countries in the world. That was not of their own making. Their educational system was one of the best in the world, before the British systematically dismantled it over the course of a century, in an effort to dumb down the population. The fact that they have not only been able to recover, but to become one of the world's largest economies, and intellectually productive nations, says alot. There is no yardstick by which the Thai people can even begin to compare themselves to the Indian people, who are vastly superior on so many levels. The same could be said about the Chinese people, especially when it comes to what they have accomplished in terms of productivity and education. Both the Chinese and the Indian educational standards are so much higher, and both nations realize the value of education and put alot of resources into improving it, unlike the Thais, who have failed dismally, when it comes to education their people. Also, both nations overseas, her tutors to make sure their children are outstanding, when it comes to being a student. How many Thais take education that seriously? The Indian nation and it's people have accomplished so much more, and been able to contribute to the world on a level the Thai people could not even consider, nor dream about. This tremendous lack of accomplishment on the world stage, should make any Thai person quite full of humility. But, due to blind nationalism, they can be quite the opposite. Arrogance is not always a bad thing, when it is backed up with substance. But, arrogance when it is not based on anything except political dribble, hyperbole, and false nationalism, is meaningless and an impediment to personal growth. Any Thai landlord should consider themselves honored to have an Indian tenant. Maybe, they could even learn something from them.

    The level of ignorance that would lead to a statement like this, about not renting to Indians just boggles the mind. The small mindedness that some Thai people have is staggering. Talk about not knowing your place in the grand scheme of things. In many countries behavior like this would be rewarded with sanctions. Here, it is normal. Even the government commits these kinds of racist, nationalistic acts regularly. Shame on them for being so small minded.

    The Thais have alot of lovely qualities. But, their racism and bigotry, and closed mindedness when it comes to the outside world is positively a detriment to Thai society, on so many levels. It really holds them back, as a nation. Surely, there must be a percentage of the population that does not buy into the nonsense. But, far too many do. It is unjustifiable on every level.

    And what does Nobel prizes have anything to do with a condo smelling like shit after they move out?

  4. What about all of the Japanese only condos in Bkk? There are Japanese only clubs as well.

    I hate when people try to paste a racist label on just one group such as they are doing to the Thais in this report.

    Yes, the Thais are racist. But they are not near as racist as some people, such as the Japanese. I don't see too many Thai only venues around the country.

    The fact is, it is human nature to fear what is different (for good or for bad), unfortunately this leads to racism in EVERY culture on Earth.

    Racism and hatred is not just a Thai or white issue. The Blacks hate the whites and the Koreans in the US for example but it is just not PC to say it.

    It is just much easier to say the white man is prejudice or racist against the blacks. There are probably far more predominantly black areas in the US where it would be dangerous for a white man to walk, then there are predominantly white areas where it would be dangerous for a black man to walk. But if a white man is attacked in a predominantly black area and is killed it is not called a hate crime, just another crime. The reverse would not be the same.

    Until racism, and the hatred fuelled by it is recognized as a global, human issue and not just an emotion or culture felt or practices by only specific groups against another innocent group, then the real issue will never be addressed.

    EVERY race of people on the planet are racist or prejudice against others.

    "Only white people are racists and that also dictates that no one can be racist against a white person"

    That sums it pretty much up how a lot people in the world think... and i can't use the correct words for people like that as i would then be banned.

  5. Bangkok taxis strike again.If he could not understand the passenger why pick him up in the first place.

    Take his license off him, that is what should have happened to the bloody moron.

    Actually, its the responsibility of the passenger to be able to communicate where you want to go. For example, if I was in china, I would have the address in chinese on a business card or something. To come into a foreign country and expect everyone (including issan taxi drivers) to understand english or mis prounouced Thai words is just asking for trouble.

    Filipinos speak English, Spanish and Tagalog, So I find it hard to believe that the old man had an issue with communication, I think it was just another typical Thai taxi driver who can only speak an embarrassing version of Thailish.

    This is Thailand where Thai is the national language. The taxi driver does not need to know English. If you do not like it, then go somewhere else where it suits you.

    Here is the mentality that thais in general have and one of the main reasons why Thailand will forever be a third world nation.

  6. "In his defence, Mr Witoon said that he told the other taxi driver to drive Mr Reyes to a local police station so they could provide assistance and not just leave the man on the roadside."

    That's his defence?

    He told a driver who hadn't picked him up from the airport to take the elderly man to the police?

    Stupid as well as callous then, if he thinks that makes sense.

    What... did you expect anything smart from a thai taxi driver? :)

  7. Im of the opinion that some people are paranoid and probably american. Obsessed with weapons and killing intruders.

    (sane Americans excluded)

    Yes, the sane thing is to brew coffee for the intruder(s) while he/they rape and murder your family. Anything else is insane and racist.

  8. Seems like claims on both sides have already been covered, but to chime in my two kids have both US and Thai nationality and passports.

    My understanding, from talking to related staff at the Bangkok American embassy and Thai government staff, and a local immigration lawyer, is that holding two passports and retaining two nationalities forever is permitted by both countries.

    I'm not clear on it being required but it seems necessary to only use the Thai passport to enter and leave Thailand, and to always use the same passport entering and leaving other countries so the records and stamps match up.

    The original question was about someone changing nationalities, so that really is a slightly different case, but the consensus here seems to be the same applies to immigrants to Thailand that adopted the nationality, but I really have no background with that.

    And to my knowledge if you enter Thailand with your thai passport then you are entirely viewed as a thai national and the embassy of your second nationality will NOT help you in any kind of way if you would be arrested etc. Atleast that's the case for swedish citizens with thai citizenship as well.

  9. Anyone seen this, false allegations by right wing web sites which have been posted by members of this forum


    please define "right wing"

    me thinks there is more common sense on "right wing" than on the PC wing

    and if "right wing" whatever that is gets very strong then it is caused by the PC wing

    and if only "right wing" can get rid of unwelcome aliens in a European country - then "right wing" is very welcome

    I guess I know your definition of "right wing": Those who want politicians to work for THEIR people and THEIR country - and not against them

    Isn't it?

    Definition of the political right wing in context of the OP and my link is freely available. If you and others wish to defend, minimise & spin as to the extreme danger of the rise of the right wing in the EU in context of the OP, so be it.

    Don't know about you personally, but some posts (removed by Mods) by people who support the 'right wing' on this forum are clear evidence of the evil they support.

    There isn't any rock solid definition anywhere for "right wing".

    And the "rise of the right wing" as you so nicely put it is solely because of the massflooding of economic fortune seekers out of which most are uneducated.

    Oh and... in Sweden a few weeks ago a group of senior citizens demanding that the swedish prime minister resign were labeled as nazis, yes NAZIS, by massmedia.

  10. I can answer my question my self finally:

    I ask my friend Who is a high ranking officer In royal Thai police in Bangkok to check for me.

    I also ask immigration about this (Even thought they have nothing to do with Citizenship)

    They both just come back and say :

    1. "No - Thailand do not accept dual citizen ship"...

    2. You have to cancel your old citizenship yourself and Thailand do not check..

    3. If you get cough with 2 passports you will have to choose which to keep.

    I guess no 3. means that they know that people do not cancel origin citizenshipwink.png

    Now question is:

    If I get caught at airport with 2 passport, am I then carrying a fake passport?? biggrin.png


    Sorry to say but your high ranking officer doesn't know the law. Not very uncommon in Thailand for "officials".

    It is very much legal to have two citizenships (or even more as my children have three) but only thing you should avoid is showing your other passport(s) when entering Thailand as they (immigration officers) like to <deleted> with thai citizens and use the foreign passport to stamp you in for just 30 days. And they wouldn't just take your passport away from you at immigration as they know what kind of shitstorm that would create in massmedia.

  11. I would guess around 30K baht would be enough for everything incl. insurance.

    And don't listen to the miserable bastards on this forum about their "worry or care" for your children related to moving to Thailand nor homeschooling, they are just full of faeces.

    Based on what assumption. If you can't afford a really good education for your children ( which is expensive) then you shouldn't be here.

    I worried so much I use to work 15 hour days to put my child thru international school..

    If you haven't got the money, then stop justifying it as faeces..

    Many stay here not because it's better for the child, because it is better for them..

    Because they are full of faeces as they have no idea what they are on about when talking about homeschooling.

  12. ...

    Atleast i know 3 languages well enough to be able to have a conversation... unlike you, a monolingual reject minority that blame everything that went wrong in life on the "white devil" smile.png

    BTW, there should be a "dot" after the word "yours" in your sentence.

    Tri-lingual grammar police. George Orwell had nothing on you. Are you Naam's gardener?

    It's enough to drive a man to drink


    Well, if someone is whining about my spelling then surely i can whine that he don't know how to use "dot". And who the hell is Naam?

  13. Atleast i know 3 languages well enough to be able to have a conversation... unlike you, a monolingual reject minority that blame everything that went wrong in life on the "white devil" smile.png

    BTW, there should be a "dot" after the word "yours" in your sentence.

    LOL, 3 languages and still unable to articulate your point without insulting people

    Nothing went wrong in my life, matey but going by the bile in your posts, yours imploded big time somewhere along the line

    I'll lay any money that booze was - and probably still is, right, smack, bang in the middle of it

    Seriously, I have nothing but pity for you

    Go clean up, there's a good lad. Go on

    Seems i hit the 'bullseye' smile.png

    And you started the insulting. Now, run back to your CD-player from the 1990's and play your Cypress Hill CD and blame it on the "white devil". Or better yet as you really advocate it, go murder some white guy and blame it on your failuries.

  14. Your logic is following...

    "Doctor: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "You: what? how can you know that?"

    "Doctor: well, because of reasons a, b and c"

    "You: you can't possible know what cancer is or anything about it as you yourself haven't had cancer!"


    My logic as far as you're concerned is the following

    "You: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "Me: what? how can you know that?"

    "You: well, because of what I read on Livestrong.com

    "Me: So you can't possibly know what cancer is or anything about it because you're actually just a dustman with delusions of grandeur"

    You: Er . . . well, yeah . . . pretty much

    Obviously logic isn't your strong suite smile.png

    And spelling isn't yours

    Atleast i know 3 languages well enough to be able to have a conversation... unlike you, a monolingual reject minority that blame everything that went wrong in life on the "white devil" smile.png

    BTW, there should be a "dot" after the word "yours" in your sentence.

  15. Yep, your modus operandi is becoming clearer with each post

    To wit, when someone lays it down in simple language that you find difficult to argue against, you chuck your toys and resort to petty insults

    Try making your argument in simple terms without coming over as an angry little man

    Your logic is following...

    "Doctor: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "You: what? how can you know that?"

    "Doctor: well, because of reasons a, b and c"

    "You: you can't possible know what cancer is or anything about it as you yourself haven't had cancer!"


    My logic as far as you're concerned is the following

    "You: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "Me: what? how can you know that?"

    "You: well, because of what I read on Livestrong.com

    "Me: So you can't possibly know what cancer is or anything about it because you're actually just a dustman with delusions of grandeur"

    You: Er . . . well, yeah . . . pretty much

    Obviously logic isn't your strong suite :)

  16. Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

    What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

    You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

    Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


    You live in such a la-la-land that it's hard to imagine you not using velcro shoes as shoelaces are too hard to tie.

    Yep, your modus operandi is becoming clearer with each post

    To wit, when someone lays it down in simple language that you find difficult to argue against, you chuck your toys and resort to petty insults

    Try making your argument in simple terms without coming over as an angry little man

    Your logic is following...

    "Doctor: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "You: what? how can you know that?"

    "Doctor: well, because of reasons a, b and c"

    "You: you can't possible know what cancer is or anything about it as you yourself haven't had cancer!"

  17. Gun control means only one thing: making it harder to get a legal gun.

    If i wanted to have an illegal gun in Sweden i could have one in my hand within a day and i don't even know "shady people".

    So no, i didn't prove your point. I just proved my point that gun control doesn't combate gun crime as almost all the gun crime is done with illegal guns.

    Most of the recent mass shootings in the USA were carried out with legally obtained weapons.

    Please do tell me and eveyone else which recent mass shootings were with legal guns.

  18. 'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

    However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

    So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

    I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

    Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

    What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

    You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

    Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


    You live in such a la-la-land that it's hard to imagine you not using velcro shoes as shoelaces are too hard to tie.

  19. Anyone saying that farang is not exclusively for white people have no idea what they are on about.


    This is complete and total disinformation. Not just misinformation, but disinformation. Lies made up to justify racial hatred.

    The inaccuracy of Asheron's statement can be readily confirmed by anyone. Just ask the next black or brown non-Thai you encounter in Thailand if they are ever referred to as a 'farang' by Thais. Ninety-nine percent of the time the answer will be: 'All the time!'

    Choosing to be perpetually angry and indignant over something when a tiny effort to educate yourself would alleviate the problem. Sad, really.

    Just because many people do not know the meaning of a word and ue it wrong does not change the meaning of the word. Just like you do not know what the word racism mean does not chagne the meaning.

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