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Posts posted by RustBucket

  1. Seems like Pol General Chatchawal Suksomjit has just seen 'Shawshank Redemption'.

    Money is going to change hands between certain big private firms and certain influential figures in the prison and justice system.

    Nothing to do with human trafficking at all.

    Are they going to post convicted ladyboys along Walking Street? Seeing the sex industry is rife with forced sex slavery.

  2. if all reporting correct sounds like a right loser what a tosser

    I would not say these were the actions of a drunk person.

    These actions are much more in line with someone who is totally mentally ill.

    I have never known a degree of drunkeness that would compell anyone to do that. The alcohol required to engage in such a blatant crime is way more than enough to render you totally unconscious.

    Is it possible that this is a counteraction story concocted to balance out the attempted rape of the Venezuelan girl in Kiri Khan?

    Sorry but this just seems far too bizarre to be true.

    yes doctor may i leave now ??

    Only if you get my point.

    But many on here will claim they have been smashed out of their skulls enough to easily do something like attempted rape of a cabin crew member on a plane full of passengers.

    Sorry but many years of drinking and sometimes plastered and I wouldn't and couldn't do this without some sort of complete mental breakdown.... If it actually happened at all.

  3. Not sure why exsoldier would be used to describe the molestor/thief. The object of the attack (lady) was reported as being from Venenezuela where was the attacker/thief from?

    Considering he was an ex-soldier, then I would assume he was from Thailand.

    Pretty sure Burmese can't enlist.

    But anyway.... Seems that rape/murder of tourists is becoming quite a common Thai passtime with Thais. Maybe it is the loud message the RTP are sending out via the KT case and the lack of desire to build a case against five Thais who admitted murdering a German on Samui etc etc etc..... That is is fine to try your hand against a farang, it is more likely you will at worst come up against a police force and establishment with little desire to punish Thais in case it confirms to the world that there is a problem.

    Typical Thai.... head in sand = problem doesn't exist.

    Let's see what happens to this guy.... Oh wait, we will never find out. This story will be hushed up on orders from the junta.

    • Like 2
  4. Claiming they don't believe the Chinese would treat them with violence is totally absurd. The Chinese will massacre the lot of them.... men, women and children alike and the Thai authorities know this 100%.

    But they will bend to the word of the Chinese like they always do.... They are merely priming the situation for when they need to answer serious questions from the west on the issue, so they can claim their usual childish ignorance.

    But on the other hand.... WHEN (not if) the Chinese wipe these people out, it will be done behind closed doors. The world will never be able to confirm it.

    • Like 1
  5. Obviously they have an official rat counter.

    How do they get them to stand still?... And do they paint an X on each rat's back to show it has already been counted??

    Makes me laugh, they kill rats, it is not a problem.... Then they leave manky, festering and mangy dogs to lounge about and biting folks at will.

    • Like 2
  6. Chuwit Kamolwisit is the darling of the Thai people. He is widely respected.

    Just ask a Thai person. Show them his picture if you cannot pronounce his name. The Thai person will express their admiration. If they don't, they are lying because they are scared of the military or they are unrepresentative.

    I just asked my Thai wife and she doesn't like him at all.

    I asked her father, he doesn't like him either.

    I asked the two builders working on my house and they don't like him either.

    Sorry Briggsy...... Completely wrong.

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