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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Has anyone found an effective allergy nasal spray here, predominantly for allergy....runny nose, sneezing etc. Preferably a non steroidal type can be used longer than a week at a time with no side effects
  2. Must be like Australia, no interviews for any visas now. Which is a PITA as some of the visas are $10000+, non returnable and be nice to get an idea of likely eligibility before parting with the hard earned
  3. I had a couple of bad experiences with agents here. Promise you the world and give u an atlas. Theyre not cheap either. They tell u anything to get your money. There's no nudge nudge wink wink, heres a couple of thousand applying for a foreign visa. They have no one they can bribe or whatever. All they can do is sort the paperwork out and present it on your behalf, and you will have to provide much of that yourself anyway and give to her. Cost you about 10 to 18k thb for nothing but a bit of admin and the hope she has someone on the inside...and she just wont
  4. I predominantly listen to Thai music now. Not Mawlum or the over the top power ballad stuff. A lot of really tasty Jazz and fusion stuff....well crafted pop. Some very creative and talented musicians here. Reminds me of Australia back in the 80's everything was new. Production quality excellent too. May not understand a lot of the lyrics but very very nice music. I actually like many Thai movies too. Cinematography and mood often amazing. Some really interesting off beat stuff
  5. In Australia what they really like to see is you have funds or a sponsor to provide funds, own land and have proof of a long relationship. Owning land is a reason to return to Thailand. And keep her away from other Thai women expats (most will be ex bar workers) +50
  6. Bro hate to say it, but all sounds like a recipe for disaster. Id be asking myself how she got the bars, and I bet it wasnt hard honest graft. These meet for a few days / week and then back home for a few months long distance relationships really magnify and distort ur feelings, like an ache in the guts. Please forgive me and ignore what Ive said if you are certain of what you are doing or more to the story, but I am sure many would tell you sounds like a classic copy book Thailand story of going down the rabbit hole of disaster. Best of luck with whatever u decide my friend
  7. I think that's the moral of the story. You have to keep the deck stacked in your favor and watch your back. As another guy said they are with us mostly due to lack of opportunity for something better. It's not for our good looks. You start putting homes, vehicles and your savings in their hands it's more often than not game over
  8. Agree with you on most of it, and I myself have a girl I am happy with now too, but took some getting there. The things in her I saw I admired the most were honesty and loyalty. But having said that I assume you don't have the house and cars in your girls name? That's where it all seems to go wrong IMO. I have never found any problem finding one that was pleasant etc to live with, but one I would trust enough to put all of my wealth and possessions and indeed my future in her hands, nah, And you must realize living her so long many of these girls can play an amazing long game, no matter how well you know them. Knew of a guy in Australia brought a girl back. Had two kids together. She was working. Lovely family we all thought she was a gem. She went back to Thailand to see her folks and one of our mates walking past the bar she used to work in a guess who was in there. Similar story another bloke 5 years with his Thai wife back home. Everything roses had a couple of kids. Came for a holiday to Thailand he woke up...credit / bank cards were gone as was she and anything in his bank accounts. Never to be seen again. Two guys I know now had to go back home to work again. One 70yo this week and the other near 70. Both had gambling issues with their Mrs. they're not all like that but many are unfortunately.
  9. Hard to argue with much of that and seen it repeated so many times. Not to say there aren't successful relationships here but I haven't seen too many. The guys that do say they are happy and met an angel have often been well and truly been outflanked, have realized they are living on their wife's good graces, in her home and in borrowed time and hoping for the best. They can't just put their foot down or extracate themself from the situation because they have probably invested everything they had in setting up what they thought was going to be an easy and hassle free retirement living on the pension in a nice home, new car....unfortunately all in the wifes name. More importantly she realizes it. Even if she is a decent woman she might have a gambling problem and vulnerable to a set up from the local loan sharks. I do pity these guys though as many aren't stupid or foolish, just weren't prepared for the level of deceipt and lies that can confront you. I met a guy only the other day where things had gone south with him and his Mrs. He's moved out for a couple fo weeks to teach her a lesson lol, telling me he was convinced the house was his as he still has receipts for the building materials lol.
  10. Mine wants to gamble and get p#$ed ???? Probably one of the most honest comments and more accurate pictures of life with a Thai woman I have seen for a very long time lol. "Traditional" Thai woman? And I assume we are talking lower class village style girls...I think they have possibly long gone. Most I have met are inherently lazy, don't cook or clean and lucky to be able to look after themselves let alone their man lol. Bad tempered, selfish, ignorant and childish.....and as a bonus super poor communication / relationship skills. But as they usually take their sexual duties if nothing else very seriously, all can be forgiven ????
  11. I had similar issues when I filed for paternity of my son. In the end we were told the judge sees it as a lack of respect if you represent yourself no matter how straightforward the case. Not sure if thats how it really is but that's what we were told
  12. Raised my kid since not long after birth and have little nor want any contact with my ex where possible. He is registered in her house book in another province. In any case we are renting and should I move his house book registration would only be to our rented place.... which will be a whole lot of hassle for our Landlord and in any case not permanent as one day we will move somewhere else. I do not have full custody over the child though I do have paternity registered at the local court / Amphur. She has never contested custody or in fact even wants him for all I know. But for now better to let sleeping dogs lie as far as she's concerned. I have read a lot last couple of years of house books being done away with and more emphasis put on ID's as I think 80% of Thais don't actually live in the house book they are registered in. Normally mums or grans house and they are living / working elsewhere... Reason for my question is we are trying to weigh up govt school vs private... costs involved etc. before anyone jumps in with govt school education no good etc I have three farang friends here local teachers that tell me the private schools here aren't that great either...not the ones I can afford anyway. And my thinking is maybe better to send the to a govt school early years and maybe upgrade to a private school for their secondary education before Uni. Anyway, not the point at all and not looking for a lot of free advice on what to do in that respect. What I do want to know, and would be great if one of you guys wife was a teacher you may be able to ask... Just wondering what are the requirements to get a kid into a local govt school with out of area / province house book (kids around 6yo)? We do have lease papers for where we live in the area if that is of any worth? I know people pay "joining fees" aka graft to the big government schools in the city to get their kids in. And while we're on the subject if anyone has their kids in a govt school....is there ongoing term fees expenses? Same as a private school or none of that? For example I may be better off paying a one off "joining fee" to get in to a govt school, which may be less expensive than an ongoing private school fee of 50-100k a term. I also understand like most government bodies here ....govt schools will differ slightly / greatly from school to school Prefer some first hand advice here guys, not he said she said. Money is a factor unfortunately. A private school not off the table either just trying to make the best decision long term for the family and need all the facts
  13. As the other guy said she wont go to the trouble of selling it. She'll either go to a loan shark and offer the car as collateral or simply use it and lose it as a gambling stake on a hand of cards. Ex mrs Aunty lost a 600k block of land in an afternoon. She was so bad her Thai husband (teacher) had to put cctv throughout his house. That was after the police caught her and 6 other people in his home and he had to go to the police station and bail her out. Current Mrs aunty gambled away 6 mill plus of other peoples money then luckily for her died of brain cancer just as everyone was waking up. Even took my girls land deeds and borrowed against them, as well as her mother in law and brother in law. She had a very lonely funeral. I know two blokes now, one 70yo and the other close to that back home in Australia returned to work to pay off wife's gambling debts and try and save their home. Would never put my future in any thai womans hands. Easy come easy go
  14. We all know it and we've all seen it repeated ad nauseum and many of us are or have been in the same boat. A bit too simple just to look at some of the misfortunates and say he had it coming, and undoubtedly some of them do. Buy there are many living in this situation and only by the good grace of god it continues. In some cases I seen the woman wasn't even particularly bad in anyway, just stupid / naive and got sucked in / conned gambling. Another downside to partnering up with someone with a 6th grade education and no life experience
  15. Errrrrk, bit too much information right after dinner ???? poor girl, RIP
  16. Not sure there is one anymore bro? I saw a Thai restaurant here advertising Mex the other day but ot didn't look good. Try Pizza stories he has nice food may even have Mex. Has his menus on his fb page
  17. Well I dont know what percentage of guys here have built homes with their wives or girlfriends, thinking they were set for life. And of course they can't own the land or home on it. But I would say at least 60% of the guys I know are in that position. Some of them will be ok, some will live in misery but toe the line as their wife / gf is now fully in control of their life. And some will lose everything. In the cases I mentioned they were all reasonable relationships....man and woman around the same age. Woman from a decent background. Can happen to anyone in that situation, and often does here.... Anyway, not the purpose of the thread. Prefer to stay on the subject if we can
  18. I don't know what your comment is supposed to add to the thread.... but since you ask in 2 counts because the wife, unbeknownst to the husband gambled their life and home away
  19. I knew there were a lot of pension aged guys working at Bunnings but not sure what arrangement they have them on. Sub contracting or something to get around legalities / liabilities? not sure
  20. Recently known of a few people gone back to Australia to work, with large companies....one guy 70yo this year. I always thought a large company couldn't employ you after retirement age due to workers comp, insurance, health regulations etc. I mean I imagine it would be very difficult getting a job at even 60yo unless you had special skills but can someone older than retirement age legally work for a proper company legitimately?
  21. Question mark at the end of my statement. I was asking you if you really thought 16k was not much. I do.... I think you were saying 8% of 200k not much. Wish it would fall in my lap right about now
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