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Posts posted by z42

  1. Just dreadful.. The obviously innocent B2 were even reported to have been shackled hand and foot while in their cells during the trial..

    The obvious deviation away from any uniform standards typifies the rogue nature of the RTP.

    Random people are routinely subjected to forced urine tests in public places in an attempt to intimidate whereas cold blooded killers fresh from the lam are well treated and allowed to hide their faces.

    An appallingly $#it show as per ?

  2. Embarrassing really. Thailand seems to churn out unscrupulous politicians to the man on almost every side.

    It would appear that the main aim of any / all politician is to find a way to fill their boots (so to speak) once given the keys to power.

    And the current lot. Rajabakti park, hawaiigate, submarines etc etc

  3. Utterly ridiculous and unnecessary. The same standards are not applied across the board (Red bull a-hole, Praewa, Anna Reese,drunken ChMai cyclist killer, and the pickup driver fined1000 baht for mowing down 2 cyclists while leaning down to get his hat off the floor).

    All I see here is a pathetic flexing of muscles and abuse of power.

    I wonder what investigation was undertaken to reach a conclusion of reckless driving. I suspect minimal at best.


    An utter disgrace imo (the singling out of certain people i mean)

  4. Big fat envelopes and appeasing the hiso's and their equally stupid brown nosing hanger oners will have much more sway than a simple foundation and a few unfortunate nobodies (in the eyes of the BIB / courts at least) who've had their lives destroyed by such oxygen thieves.


    But in all seriousness they're absolutely correct, bail should not be an option for repeated drink drivers, especially those who are very likely to be breaching the conditions keeping her out of some squalid jail cell somewhere.. Lock this idiot up, do the right thing for once at least and forget about money / lost face

  5. This ridiculous piss can wench should be locked up for public protection as a minimum.

    After killing a guy through either impaired or merely inattentive should surely have resulted in at least a disqualification.


    I would be very interested to hear why any criminal charges were never laid in the previous incident. The legal system is a joke, a sick one at that

  6. So next time they are caught red handed shaking someone down (in clear violation of the law), are caught being involved in drug trafficking, child prostitution, human trafficking, spraying bullets at their ex or some other such ill deed then they are still a part of the wonderful family that is the RTP... Or do they still become an inactive part of it after being caught showing the organization's true colours?

  7. Just makes a mockery of everything when these oxygen thieves can just bail themselves out as a formality.

    Surely the bail amounts should reflect amounts the person is known to have. And having just over 25% of the amount you are meant to have misappropriated as a bail bond is hardly a stretch. A pathetic spectacle.. Also this Benz Racing moron is not a "star" but merely a test rider ?

  8. The scope and scale of the problem is very likely even worse than what is reported above (as we all know how government agencies like to sugar coat their figures). And as said by Thaiwrath above, the amounts of money that government employees are free to borrow are eye watering. From living here it has been clear to see that getting everything on finance is the norm, Thai people from what I've seen and heard simply don't view loans and finance packages in the same way as people do in more developed countries.

    I imagine the enforcement arms for defaulters, especially those in the government sector are weak as an institution. I don't see these trends improving anytime soon

  9. This is pure tyranny, and also highly nonsensical for a multitude of reasons.. Censorship very often doesn't work, and in cases actually has the opposite effect. The "government" are going to have to tread very carefully here as unlike China they don't have the luxury of being a superpower and having vice like control of information in the internet age.
    The NCPO is already appearing to have outstayed its welcome in some quarters, and if they start making really drastic moves in regards to high level censorship of entire platforms then it could multiply and escalate very quickly. At any rate it can't end well now anyways..

  10. 1 hour ago, Crash999 said:

    Had The Justice Fund done a thorough investigation here? Illegal logging is a huge problem and underpinned by organized crime. 


    If these guys just by coincidence were picking mushrooms next to the loggers then why did they drop their motorcycles and run into the woods when they saw the police? They were caught because they were the slowest. 


    There's more here than meets the eye. 

    And from where did you hear this fairytale then my friend? Look at the people, I doubt very much they'd chance a foot race with any authority figures (due to their age and fragility for 2)... The court documents (as shown on CSI LA) said they were done on encroachment and for having 1000 logs from restricted trees in their possession. Unless pictures are shown proving this, and some background on how they transported all 1000 to wherever they were found remains inexplicable.
    How exactly they're carrying them defeats me.. Care to hazard a guess.. Am all ears

  11. Deplorable.. the article doesn't say that they're in jail although one could infer that they are now.. Very lousy reporting here..

    The only good outcome would be that these poor people get compensation in the millions, extensive state assistance and grovelling apologies from those who stitched them up so disgustingly in the first instance...

    What a truly dreadful case this is

  12. Absolutely diabolical. Those useless plebs in brown have done sweet <deleted> in the 8 days since it happened.. Unsurprising but also reprehensible in equal measure. Custodial sentences of 10 years minimum should be the mandatory sentence when you start booting people on the floor.

    That poor old fella though, I hope he makes a full recovery and gets massively compensated before seeing these rats sent down. But it is probably wishful thinking for any of those 3 things to happen. Sad

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