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Posts posted by z42

  1. A disgrace that nothing has been paid 7 years after the fact. This gormless idiot should be in jail & her scummy family also for not paying a penny til now.

    The appeal.court appears to be as pathetic as the original. I guess we won't be durprised when the supreme court takes a few more mil off. Dreadful form. I hope the families can recover from this awful incident despite the justice system completely failing them

  2. Brave man. But I get the feeling if he pushes too hard he'll get the Pai Dao Din treatment.


    This "government"is clearly not interested in mass public appeasement and knows a new scandal will overshadow this latest one soon enough.


    The "authorities" are doing a fine job of sowing discontent with their gentrification drives and crackdowns on the poor. They're too stupid to realize it will.bite them and people will rise up before they starve / become destitute.


    By the turn of 2018 i think the pot will be ready to blow... But certainly not before then

  3. It can be fun earlier in the afternoons when the kids are out and spray the people outside their houses.

    The thing i hate about it are the lairy drunks who knowingly take it too far by throwing (often icy) water in the faces of motorcyclists or other drivers (basically ignoring how pissed off they'd be if it happened to them).

    I think a zoning system is needed where some semblence of order can be achieved without spoiling anyone's fun.


    Also alcohol makes it much worse imho

  4. Dreadful. 3 arrest warrants out but no arrests made, a 2 year max sentence (eligible for immediate suspension due to it being under 3yrs) and / or a fine of 50k baht when likely millions of baht have been pocketed by this woman is a total disgrace and shows just how unfit for purpose the justice system and law enforcement arms are when dealing with any type of fraud.

    Embarrassing as per ?

  5. Go free and easy. Be cool. Have a coffee and a chat, if there is some spark there and she seems cool enough then maybe prolong it or arrange a different kind of date for another day. You'll see that way if she is interested in making it happen then.

    I do miss the dating game here, waaay too much fun to be had. Plenty of nice girls in this country, employ 2 rules... 1, follow the girl's lead, and 2, think with your head (the one on your shoulders).... And remember good girls don't want to appear too easy, so take your time and enjoy the experience of her company.. What's the worst that can happen 

  6. However questionable the quality of care the authorities here provide it must be leagues above what this poor young kid is used to, I sincerely hope he gets the care and love he deserves as soon as possible.. And as for the abuser, I hope the cops rough him up properly before hopefully shipping him off for decades inside.
    It's a shame the Thai inmates are unlike the Latin American cons because this rat would be dead within the hour. Very sad state of affairs all round this one

  7. This is embarrassing, nobody has the moral high ground here. The van companies have for years never paid any attention to driver regulation or customer safety, on the contrary they encourage their brainless moron drivers to drive like brainless morons with a pay per journey system.

    And the authorities have made transport worse for the public by moving the van depots miles away from where was more convenient to get them from. 

    The only loser i see here are the public who will be unable to travel home and the public again because the govt will never actually bother to enforce safety regulations for them.

    A real $#it show ?

  8. Again as I stated yesterday, not a real military as they seem to resemble a criminal outfit and seem to be almost exclusively seen conducting dubious activities.

    The fact the cctv won't be released is because it doesn't support their false account of what happened.

    A really good snd wholesome kid has had his life taken and those accused of killing him are slandering his good name by wheeling out unsubstantiated and likely bogus claims

  9. A truly reprehensible individual. Scum of the earth in the truest sense of the word.

    The hiso set clearly have no morals whatsoever as is shown by his mother in some of the leaked pictures.

    If this rat is allowed to simply avoid a trial (and subsequent conviction) because he has been overseas simply living the high life then what chance do the authorities have of claiming the justice system is fair and impartial.

    Surely steps must now be taken to arrest him on sight. This is an outrageously disturbing case. 


    All involved in the cover up / shielding deserve the most severe penalties possible. Just the sight of this idiot is repulsive ?

  10. The RTA certainly APPEARS to be little more than a criminal organization. It has its godfathers at the top, a huge number of foot soldiers, and seemingly a whole array of involvements in undesirable activities / rackets.

    Also the culture of impunity draws parralels with a mafia where those with just grievances are silenced and justice is almost nevr served on their organization or members.

    A disgrace ?

  11. Idiots. Leave it as it is. The fact remains that it's only real draw is its sex scene.

    It would be an economic disaster if Pattaya went under, especially after the junta has already squandered large chunks of thecountry's foreign reserves.

    It is so stupid that they don't legalize vice, but we know that's a non starter as high ranking cops, army and crooked ministers would likely lose billions in dirty money as a result.


  12. 12 minutes ago, candide said:

    As in several previous cases they all confess after intense interrogation. Then they will retract, claiming they have been tortured. However, the judge will still take into account their confession despite the fact that the suspects claim it has been extorted.

    Traditional modus operandi here.

    You're spot on mate. These guys will have had a really rough few days at the hands of the RTA.

    Whether they are guilty of anything now is second fiddle. The cap has been made to fit and they're it and that's all there is to this (pathetic) situation.

    The supposed assassination plot for the junta big wigs seemed like (read is) almost pure fantasy 

  13. How could he not admit to it. Anyone with functioning eyes could see he was going like a bat out of hell and far beyond the speed limit.

    The cops are right on with the charges in this case. 

    The other driver who died made a real meal of the u turn and paid the ultimate price for his ineptitude behind the wheel. Still i feel this shouldn't stop the courts throwing the book at the comedian's lad as his reckless speed / inattention made it a fatal collision

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