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Posts posted by z42

  1. Absolutely despicable that this even went to court. The jet ski mafia get away with ripping off people for years while renting the things out to all and sundry.

    This poor chap needs a counsellor after all he has been through, not getting put before a judge. All the while the red bull w@n*er does as he wants and jenphop still hasn't gone to trial despite killing 2 with video evidence to prove it.

    Disgusting as per.

  2. And to think that british squaddie got 50 years for being busted with a bag of 200 E's not too long back, and the mushroom pickers got 15 years for illegal logging. Ridiculously lenient sentencing here for what is arguably the most heinous crime one can possibly commit.

    I guess the only positive thing about this story was there was no mention of bail being posted, or the court considering a bail request at the time of going to press.... Let's just hope he is rotting in a cell with some really nasty inmates who know what he's been locked up for

  3. You have to wonder how many more of these are going to be tolerated going forward. if the crime itself isn't bad (and clear) enough then the police's lack of haste in proceeding with it certainly is.

    How much studying of CCTV is actually needed here, in a proper and fair justice system the clear CCTV showing the crime is as clear and impartial a witness that is required, but seemingly not here (unless you're connected and giving dubious edits with a brown envelope on the side a la nomsod).

    I wish to see the cop's son in chains very soon, but I suspect this is the last we'll hear about this case as follow up journalism here is thin on the ground to say the least

  4. The stuff the illegal government has been coming up with recently is becoming more and more pathetic and desperate. And the fact they've just made a whole new set of large and powerful enemies in the Dhammakaya cult I feel will seriously bite them when it all comes crashing down, and it will.
    I give it a year til the government loses complete control and is forced with mass protests, the genie is out of the bottle and the attempts to demonize its perceived threats even more appear to be amateurish at best and very far from credible, more people than in the past are wise to the very blatant and ridiculous lies being spouted.

    Ko Tee for the record is a complete crook, and there are smarter ways they could have taken him down. This very obvious set up will actually just garner support for his cause I suspect

  5. Errr what, the travel (bus) company has REFUSED to pay a single baht. And this is allowed to stand why?

    They should pay every baht from the point of their driver running the red light and ploughing into these young kids til the point that they're up, healthy and cartwheeling around the place with fully functioning mental states.

    I get the bus company is probably owned by some influential Sino Thai idiot, but the driver? They should both be taken to the nearest tree, scum ?

  6. I can't believe the gall of some posters here actually condemning this women. There are so many red flags in this case, the gear she supposedly had was never actually presented to the court, and her case file had her sign a confession which she said she was forced to sign, and she was denied access to a lawyer at the point of arrest.
    Also anyone who knows anything about this drug would know that outside the source countries (south american nations) the likelihood of the end user getting the drug with a purity of above 40% is slim at best (because almost every level dealer cuts it with other substances to bulk it up). So on that basis alone the amount she will have had will have been literally 1 (yes one) grain of salt's worth.

    The influential figure story was completely overlooked in court, not even any investigation into that. This whole case stinks to high heaven. Adn what makes it even worse is that actual criminals who have killed or maimed innocent people either in their cars or through intentional acts have not only escaped jail for those crimes, but also certainly done so through acts of bribery / perverting the course of justice (themselves gross crimes in their own right).


    The random and inconsistent application of the law is a key calling card of a banana republic justice arm. It is sick, indefensible, and morally bankrupt as is. My heart bleeds for all involved in this case, these innocent kids and their father's lives have been destroyed, and for what? I feel sick to my stomach every time i hear about this case, a complete miscarriage and abuse of power.  

  7. Absolutely ridiculous. After all the conflicting (BS) statements made the ombudsman didn't even investigate anything and have just accepted the word of the guy it should be their duty to investigate.


    And you'd have to ask yourself how much he is making legally.as 50k baht for a civil servant (albeit a high ranking one) is a pretty hefty slice of money.


    But as he'll likely have 100s of millions of baht swilling around in his accounts it's small potatoes anyways. 


    Guess this is just proof (as if any was needed anyway) that this guy is in the untouchables set.. Or at least for now.


    Scum ?

  8. What good is admitting to the attack when it is clear as day on cctv that you were in the process of kicking an already unconscious man to death.

    The fact he turned himself in should not be a factor in his bail request. People (and i use that term loosely) like this should be kept away from the public at all costs, or better still be taken out of circulation permanently.

    The courts eon't hammer him and his spineless buddies because it'll soon be forgotten about and the security guard hasn't got a high ranking general / police captain as a dad. No money or glory in it for the system to speed up the prosecution.

    I suspect very little will happen. I wish the security guard a speedy and full recovery

  9. Good to see these pseudo monks do something useful for a change, you know rather than advocating ethnic cleansing of Rohingya muslims or some such. The whole case with the appeal was an absolute disgrace, I guess it is just well that the supreme court in Thailand that seemingly is the only one that actually dispenses actual justice (in the true sense of the word).

    Not over yet obviously, but good to see that people do still care about the B2 and the sense of outrage is still as strong as ever

  10. Pretty desensitized to violence and gore but that video is absolutely horrendous. The repeated kicks in the head surely are grounds for an attempted murder charge, and if not how not.

    This is cowardice and scumbaggery of the highest order. If you can keep a guy locked up for months without bail for sharing an article then these rats deserve the very same and more, and once convicted the maximum allowable sentence. Good on the girls at the end for stepping in and dare i say saving the victim's life. These idiots wouldn't have stopped otherwise

  11. Appalling that it takes nigh on 2 weeks and a grieving mother's plight for the cops to actually get off their lazy <deleted> and go and arrest these muppets.

    And they haven't even done that as the majority turned themselves in because the story went viral.


    I agree with Thechook however in thinking that as the kids of influential people are involved the chance of anything resembling actual justice is slim at best.


    Ultimate love and admiration for the grieving mother, i wish her well going forward 

  12. Disgusting vermin. Without the cctv i wonder how eager the family would be tk cooperate.

    Custodial sentence should be the only option here.

    But i wouldn't be surprised if the cops somehow negotiate a settlement with no prosecutions, where the victjm pays the same fine as the attacker for drinking at 4am & where the food shop gets an exorbitant fjne for being open and serving alcohol so late against good Thai morals.....

  13. Pattaya already has enough happy zones for pretty much any type of person who likes any type of sin.

    Just try and police it better, do it by the book and stop the randomly awful and ineffective crackdowns.

    Also would be a good idea to dish out heavy penalties to those who rob and attack tourists be it in a subtle or very public way.

    I read in the BP today that a man was sentenced to 23 years for robbery and assault (and is almost certainly innocent). If I remember correctly a couple of ladyboys attacked a foreign expat with a brick last year, robbed him also and when caught did only get a 500 baht fine.

    As always, some kind of standardization is desperately needed.  And that goes for police misconduct too as there are many reports of that every month.

    I won't hold my breath though....

  14. The only thing this is going to achieve is damage tourist confidence and put people out of work.

    The fact Pattaya has 100's of gogo bars seems to negate their stated aims of cleaning the city up when targeting only a handful at once.

    Like it or not. I dare say millions visit Pattaya each year purely based on the fact that it has got such a disgraceful reputation. Its not a nice rep, but its there to stay and it is an amply sized golden goose that only a true idiot would try to kill. 

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