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Posts posted by z42

  1. 6 times out of 453 is little over 1%. If we think of that in working terms, that is like working for only 3 or 4 days a year (obviously less if we're factoring holidays etc).. I would love to know what his reasons for non attendance were as he is long since retired from the army. Granted the guy is thick as 2 short planks, and a stupid excuse is expected, but seriously this is basically thievery

  2. I have no sympathy for her, she played at being a prime minister & made life very difficult for opponents and critics during her time in office. Her ambivalence to what was endemic corruption in the rice scheme I personally believe makes her liable for some kind of punitive sanction.

    My sympathies lie with those (poor) people jailed for say, picking mushrooms illegal logging, framed for vehicle crashes in provinces they don't reside in, selling 2nd hand cd's, saying "ja" on a private email, stuff like that.

    I hope the junta actually take the hard line on this case. They seem to get off on sticking it to the weak and defenseless. This case has nothing to do with reconciliation, it has everything to do with criminal mismanagement and negligence.

  3. What is it that's said about a bad workman blaming his tools again?

    Criminals who use weapons more often than not use them to compensate for their other gross inadequacies (notably brain power).

    So surely training to make a smarter police force would be a wiser idea.


    The only thing i see happening here is more collateral damage from when the cop sprays 15 bullets to blow the car tyres out rather than the standard 6 ill directed shots.


    What a $#it show ?

  4. More brainless reporting here. The teens never allegedly surrounded the engineer's car, they are on dashcam very clearly coming out in mob style from the van clearly with the intention of physically intimidating the engineer and his family at the very least.

    They did surround his car and scattered when he put up resistance, in hindsight it seems like he was reckless to shoot, but gangs of kids like these do fight in packs, and as was evidenced in Hua Hin last year, even senior citizens are fair game for punches and kicks to the head once incapacitated.

    The charge of premeditated murder is disgustingly inappropriate. The dead kid's mates are the ones who need locking up

  5. You could give him another millennium to think of a reason, but when the answer is going to amount to little more than utter BS, and have no impact on his role, entitlements, and reputation in the eyes of his superiors it is all kind of pointless anyway. He is a poster boy for the organization to which he belongs.

    Another scandal will be along soon anyways, and this will go on to the forgotten pile along with all the other wrongisms the RTP are tainted by. 

  6. Yeah, the level of just basic fact checking. In this case, a man was seen driving a green truck by witnesses at the crash scene yet they successfully prosecute a woman who drives a golden truck. Disgustingly poor form by any standards.

    The whole system needs reforming. The confession system is ridiculous as incentives for blatant criminals to admit it and get a vastly reduced sentence is rife for abuse, and then the inactive post system for blatant misconduct / criminality by officers on duty is more of an incentive than a deterrent judging by the numbers of officers currently in inactive postings.

    Rotten to the core ?

  7. Absolutely disgusting. Pathetic sentencing considering that some poor lad got dished out an 11 year sentence for supposed LM content on his own private emails. These crooked cops deserve to be doing well in excess of 5 years.

    And worst of all they all got bail the same day. Thailand has the most pathetic justice system i have seen, where else in the world can a person be given bail after they have been convicted and sentenced by the courts? Feel like am in the parallel universe again

  8. It's frustrating that the story posted seems to completely gloss over the allegation that either the girlfriend (or someone close to her) basically stole 480,000 baht of this guy's money.
    I think it is too hard to pre judge this guy too much. Yeah sure he looks a complete fool on the surface, but when you look a little closer it could be that his life savings, or at least a good chunk thereof has been stolen from him. Now there is almost no recourse for him, he is too old to work & earn it back, and actually retrieving the money through the courts I'd guess would be an equally costly, stressful, and arduous venture for a man of his age, and knowing how the justice system operates here, a complete gamble at best.

    I don't for a second condone arson or property destruction. But I can feel a degree of sympathy for a man who probably now feels he is at rock bottom. Some of the comments on the video TV had of this incident on their facebook page were disgusting. Kicking a man when he's down is as immoral as it gets imo. Remember, this could very well happen to any of us living here, and while the going is good it is very easy to lose sight of that fact, and be blinded by it.

  9. Lots and lots of speculation doing the rounds. I think it is fair to assume that the rosy picture being painted is a veneer for a guy neck deep in 1 or more shady goings on.

    The sun (awful rag I know) even talk of the time when he met the big cheese himself.

    I think it's a given this 1 is gonna go on the "unsolvable" or "scapegoat needed" pile. 

    I feel for the guy's wife and kids. Just hope he has set them up in a meaningful way

  10. The police's claims are absolutely absurd (based on what i've read in the BP / CSI LA etc), a group of supposedly 7 master con artists clinging onto a 12 year old case in some backwater province, risking the wrath of disgruntled RTP bigwigs, all for the crumbs of what would likely be a pretty paltry settlement for this poor lady who has already lost everything.

    Anyone with even a shred of intelligence wouldn't be buying the cops' claims. This RTP chief is giving the ex chief Somyot a run for his money in the lack of credibility stakes. And I wonder did he ever bother to even spin a lie about how he managed to amass a 1 billion baht fortune on the back of a life as a humble police officer?

  11. Lets be fair their only real legacy will be whitewashing (Rajabhakdi park, Hawaiigate et al), Inability to rein in the monkhood, unprecedented road death levels, attitude adjustment sessions, and general repression of the population at the expense of any real noticeable development on a national level.

  12. I can't see how this is going to work at all. How are people going to be made to pay? and it would be an invitation for many to simply fly tip more, or burn more than they do now (which is a disgusting amount already)..
    Last time I checked, most houses don't even have a wheelie bin or any outside bin they could call their own, so again how can people be expected to cough up any money when there is no way to determine who creates what garbage.

    Ridiculous idea, as ever there is far too much jumping the gun & critical stages missed out.

  13. So 2 and 3 quarter years after the coup, multiple scandals involving abuse of power later, the military finally only proposes bringing in the major political players in to have a chat about their differences (which are widely known anyways), and to hopefully sign a pact which basically a non legally binding document.
    Beyond pathetic, sad also how the military have their heads too far up there to realize THEY are the problem. almost 20 coup attempts in 20 years is the stuff failed states are made of. It's a sad indictment on Thais generally that the military have any support  at all still. I guess we have the indoctrination education to thank for that.......

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