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Posts posted by z42

  1. Absolutely ridiculous, if only the RTP would go to the lengths they go to (in their eyes at least) defend their already dreadful reputation in the first instance there is a chance they would have done some actual investigation / fact checking.
    Filing defamation lawsuits when you've been caught out spinning obvious lies and facilitating the wrongful imprisonment of wholly innocent people is a national disgrace. The justice system itself is archaic, and isn't fair as it gives people confessing huge concessions even if they are bang to rights (on CCTV / in possession of incriminating evidence etc). Sensible people will find fault with the supreme court unfortunately for the spokesman, it wasn't even able to apply reasonable doubt in a case where the reasonable doubt was gargantuan, and the defendants' major mistake was that she never confessed from the off & refused to go along with a highly dodgy process.

    This case is pathetic, I hope this poor lady gets all she is owed plus more, and that the officers involved lose the face again even more publicly

  2. 4 hours ago, gdgbb said:

    You must be referring to the 16 year old (at the time) who WAS arrested and convicted.


    Was never arrested mate, go do some research before attempting to put everyone to rights. If you look up on that case, she was allowed to leave the crash scene with relatives, and was allowed to come to the police to make statements etc entirely on her / her family's terms and convenience.

    Keeping on topic here, I guess the only similarity between the 2 cases is the cops / judiciary in each case making a complete dog's dinner of the prosecution and sentencing. Are you suggesting each / either isn't absolutely outrageous? Or are you just arguing the toss for no good reason?

  3. Jesus weapt, 7 months in the nick for attacking a guy with a sword. The cops / justice system again proving itself to be an utter embarrassment and abomination to boot.

    The victim is right in calling for the judge to be disrobed. And good on Samui times for having the balls to publish her name. Although a defamation or computer crimes suit for carrying distorted content or some other such BS will soon follow surely ?

  4. Absolutely disgusting that the cops screwed the case up and an innocent person was actually jailed.

    Even more disgusting though is that this jailing was done some 3 years after the unlicenced hiso kid killed 9 in her car and wasn't even arrested for it.

    A banana republic justice system is in clear view here. If there was any remedy here it would be that each cop on the case do the sentence this lady did, and the judge 10x. Despicable ?

  5. I think regardless of how overly nationalistic Thais in general are they have every right to feel aggrieved about this. I know i would be pretty miffed if tourists did the same to my nation's flags. 

    I just hope that once found these guys get a sensible punishment (ie a fine and kow towing to some rtp bigwig).

    But personally i can't see how politicians / uniformed services disrespect their nation's flag and honour any less everytime they take kickbacks at the expense of the state.

    Hope common sense is applied here. I guess we'll see

  6. Just now, snoop1130 said:

    40,000 passenger vans could be taken off roads 

    By The Nation




    AS MANY as 40,000 inter-provincial passenger vans could be taken off Thailand’s roads by 2019 because they are not appropriate for public transportation, Deputy Prime Minister Wisanu Krue-Ngam said  Friday.


    Wisanu said that the Transport Ministry’s proposal to use Article 44 of the interim charter to immediately tackle the problem with passenger vans did not solely stem from the horrific crash in Chon Buri on Monday which killed 25 people and injured two others.


    He said the Royal Thai Police had earlier this week proposed an amendment to the Land Traffic Act for the Cabinet’s approval, while another road safety committee chaired by Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan presented road safety measures to the Cabinet last October. 

    -- © Copyright The Nation 2017-1-6

    Jesus weapt why will these fools continue to deliberately not see the enormous elephant in the room that is the atrocious driving standard adopted by 90%+ of the drivers?

    I expect stupidity as par for the course. But this ridiculous tripe being wheeled out lately is really tiresome especially when the numbers of deaths and injured per annum using them is likely comparable to that of a warzone.


    I'd have more respect for these unelected buffoons if they just said outright that no changes will be made as anything tried is doomed to failure from the start. 

    It's been said a lot here but you really can't fix stupid however hard you try


  7. Like others have said before, the problem with the vans is generally (not always) not the vehicle itself, it is partly the attitudes of the drivers and the companies who operate them, for example in many vans i have travelled in (necessity more often than not) the seatbelts are intentionally disabled and the driving is intentionally borderline suicidal almost as standard.

    The authorities are by the statistics chart alone completely inept at understanding what constitutes safe mass transit operation. The lack of timetabling or regulation of staffing requirements, it is all very 3rd world and has a "do as you please" mentality at its core.


    And the actual law enforcement arms, well they are conspicuous by their action and subsequent inaction. They are completely bereft of proactive enforcement tactics. days after the 25 death crash, this report emerges

    It is reprehensible that this happens, it sends out completrely the wrong message to a society who probably now more than ever need reassurance that the authorities are doing their duties. An utter disgrace

  8. Idiots. These people are utterly brainless if they believe gps trackers will rein in the ridiculous driving that causes crashes like this latest one.

    A speed limiter that is attached to the engine, and that is fully tamper proof is the only way these foolish ape drivers will slow down.

    Also the use of pick up truck storage flatbeds is responsible for many of the deaths, this is a much tougher practice to rein in.

    The authorities have failed, there is no hope without serious overhaul for violations. 

    RIP to the innocent victims. Such a tragic waste of life :(

  9. On paper it appears better than normal, but again if one was to look a little deeper it would appear that those poorer, easier targets on bikes are fair game while the more dangerous pick ups and cars get less attention (maybe it could be that there are more bikes around though perhaps)

    And giving the vehicles back in a couple of days is still hardly an incredibly harsh sanction. All a bit hollow, but if it keeps at least some people out of the morgue then that's a plus I guess

  10. Absolutely ridiculous in almost every aspect. Murderous feeling coming to the surface over an argument, people being allowed into nightclubs carrying guns, stabbing a guy who is helping a woman who was shot, the police having crisis meetings when solving crime is supposed to be their job, and needing to seek arrest warrants for people who have killed and seriously wounded others.

    Go and arrest these @$$#oles NOW before anyone else gets hurt by them. Jesus weapt this country disgusts me sometimes ?

  11. Even by the gutter standards of the RTP this is way way beyond plausible, and a huge insult to the deceased and all who loved him.

    Almost evetuthing related to this whole disgracefully tragic incident is a huge red flag with an extra bright flashing beacon on top.

    This man's family surely can't or shouldn't accept this farcical conclusion. If this is the standard of policing Thailand is comfortable with I am pleased the tourists are staying away. Simply awful

  12. Pretty disgusting really, some woman got released on bail after being CONVICTED of ordering the murder of her husband and being SENTENCED TO DEATH. This poor chap here is being locked up only on suspicion of computer crimes. Those orchestrating this appallingly unjust system should feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves as a justice system that is largely unfit for purpose is much more damaging to a nation's security than any computer hacker (alleged or otherwise) will ever be. Pathetic

  13. This is ridiculous, I have worked in education on 4 different continents, and never in any country except Thailand would gross misconduct (basically criminal behaviour against a child) be not only accepted by either the school directors, parents, or relevant educational / law enforcement authorities.

    It is simply scandalous for a school's management to sit idly by and allow their staff to abuse the students in such a way without any sanction at all.  By the teacher in question's own words, the assaulted student was behind in mathematics, so surely this would shake a professional teacher into action and bring them to take the student to one side and provide some one to one guidance around different methods the student could use. Shame should be heaped on all parties (except the boy) as the precedent set here is disgusting to put it mildly.

  14. As well as being a total crook and terrible liar, he is also a huge pain in the arse (and embarrassment) for his brother.

    I mean, Prayuth's going to have to come out and make a statement / make some shoot the messenger type threats now. Don't the serfs and pesky journo's realize how inportant Preecha is, and how far above reproach he is ? come on people, wake up. Whiter than white is this guy

  15. In my opinion the exceptionally good pricing, range, and overall value for money associated with Thai hotels is 1 of Thailand's biggest plus points.

    It would appear that those charging inflated price don't like the competition and are feeling the pinch of the slowest high season in years.


    On a side note. Safety wise. Maybe the best solution is to ban balconies altogether, or at least in Pattaya & BKK as the fall rate from them must be 100's of times the global average

  16. What makes me so angry why this person got bail for murder despite getting a death sentence, and the 2 Burmese guys from the Koh Tao murder never did, I understand from the BP article about this story that she had to give up her passport as part of the process to take out the flight risk element.
    So how in a fair and just justice system is 1 person without a passport any less of a flight risk than another person without a passport, nationality becomes irrelevant surely. Bottom line, this woman should be in jail, she has been convicted and sentenced already. That is how a real justice system operates. Banana republic / parallel universe stuff at play here

  17. Jesus christ when will the authorities here learn, some people need to be jailed for a long time to actually protect normal citizens from them. This horrendous individual obviously never served long enough in jail to either deter him from committing crime again, or from keeping those vulnerable relatives safe from him. Locking a drug mule or a person who posts questionable content on their own facebook page up for 50 years plus while locking a rapist up for not even half the time doesn't really resemble any type of justice that I know.

    Appalling, next time throw the key away next time perhaps

  18. Oh my god, even with the hugely watered down statistics (fatalities only counting at the scene), the numbers are still absolutely disgraceful. And the same problems manifest themselves on an even grander scale year on year seemingly. You just have to wonder how someone, somewhere in a position to do something about it isn't even  a tiny bit ashamed by such systematic carnage...

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