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Posts posted by z42

  1. I'm a career teacher (educated, trained, and qualified in the UK / NZ), I have worked in education at multiple levels on multiple continents. and imho I think it is a stretch to even begin to claim there are hard and fast ways to train students to tackle multiple choice exams, anything above and beyond standard / focused revision anyways.

    This event just looks hollow, a textbook case of style over substance. Unless of course these exams being rolled out nationwide are seeking qualitative answers from students (which is highly unlikely) it is a textbook exercise in futility

  2. Shameless, hypocritical, immoral scum :bah:  have been seeing a LOT of anger on Thai social media about this, but the population at large still won't do anything, and the auditor general won't either as he'll be pacified anyways to bring a favourable outcome to the "delegation".

    CSI LA is hot on this topic at the moment. Hope some more nasty leaks are made, this rotten bunch need to be inundated with them for it to have an effect

  3. 8 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    now, now all you cynics he was under great stress and will attend an 'apology photo' (with flowers) 


    he has asked society for 'fairness'


    What about the high wai's to the cops, the low wai to the victims, and the customary brown envelope before he leaves the station. Sorted.
    In all honesty though, this scumbag even though he will pay minimally in costs for this, should be getting at least a few months inside. A despicable person

  4. I personally don't see the problem with fake clothes etc, you get what you pay for. The real items are so hideously priced considering the craftsmanship and materials used in their production are not too dissimilar to the copies.
    If they were going to seriously tackle the problems, then why pick on selected shops. Practically entire floors on mbk and platinum are made up of stores selling knock offs. To do it the stall staff must be paying a fee to someone, go after the big profit takers rather than the lowly traders who really won't be making any serious money.

    As always the big fish remain untouched and the crackdown misses tackling the root cause by a country mile. Sad to see tbh 

  5. As much as I agree with the PTP's defender here in what he says about Prayuth. His tone is more along the lines of being hacked off that his party members are being pursued for what appears to be large scale and endemic corruption to the tune of billions oh baht. All involved are bang to rights, yet seem to feel they have the right to play the victims.
    Their greed is disgusting, and their attempting to play the victim to avoid punishment for their greed is even more disgusting. Regardless of how distasteful Prayuth is, these guys deserve to rot

  6. This Preecha guy epitomizes the corrupt bona fide dinosaur to a tee. He is seemingly so used to just getting to do what he wants, safe in the knowledge that his rank and connections entitle him to do so. His excuses he puts forth when social media is able to bring dirt up about him are real dear in the headlights stuff.

    It would be quite comical really, but actually its pathetic because people have no recourse to question such ridiculous lies. I guess the only silver lining is that its giving his equally vile sibling a headache

  7. First sensible thing he has said, shame it is absolutely hollow though. Oh and his retort about the justice system is just priceless, the same justice system that gives bail to convicted murderers, corrupt cops and the like. This guy would be a joke, but the powers he has are frankly scary, and exacerbated by his thick headedness. Just awful.

    Preecha is bang to rights, but will get a free pass on some BS technicality or just simple obfuscation

  8. Like so many others here there are things that drive me crazy in this country. But the lifestyles i and my wife and kids can enjoy here are much superior to those that would be available in the west.

    People have every right to have a moan, write a song or whatever about all the stuff that irks them in Thailand.


    I personally say good luck to anyone here whatever their take is on life. I love living here. Work is great, social opportunity fantastic, and general living standard very pleasant also.

    There is so much opportunity here, i am honestly surprised people stay miserable for so long in some cases. How is it even possible ?

  9. Most of these fools should all be in jail already anyway, how many different crimes can you be out on bail for at the same time I wonder? Jatuporn for one seems to be up on different charges, yet bailing himself out every week. I still don't understand how Nattawut was never actually locked up for specifically ordering the burning of Bangkok. Unbelievable arrogance from him and stupidity from the courts from allowing such an unhinged lunatic talk like that and still stay out of jail.

    In this particular case however, I did think they had a fair point to act. But it really would have been a standard foxes guarding the hen house situation. Maybe in a few years all of the current crop (military included) will be sharing a nice cushy cell together, because my god have they earned it.

  10. In my 1st year in Thailand i had a security guard at our condo. An absolute gentleman, heart of gold. But he just embodied a lot of the things that us westerners shake our heads in disbelief at (drunk at work, asleep at work, inconsistent in MO, reckless operation of motor vehicles etc). 1 of his finest moments was drunkenly trying to fix me up with his daughter when i was coming home with my now wife on 1 of our 1st dates ?  obviously went down like the proverbial lead balloon.

    His English level was brilliant for a guy who wasn't educated to the levels that Thai middle to upper classes deem normal.

    He is a genuinely lovely bloke and very content with his life, have seen him the odd time since, and last time he even gave my little girl a lolly which was super cool of him. 

    Such a shame that alcohol is such a big draw for him. He'll be gone much too soon. And that is a bit of a tragedy really.

  11. 2 minutes ago, jamesbrock said:

    About as good as one could hope for considering.


    Absolutely I agree with you James. The fact that someone somewhere recommended indictment in the first place is disgraceful enough. Hope it is resolved in the correct manner as quickly as possible. I dare suspect it won't be though, just some cooling off to let it fade from view before going full steam ahead when the next scandal / distraction comes along

  12. Finally some sense shown here, if she even has to go to court for this it is utterly despicable. The army unit responsible for the fatal beating are bang to rights and should have zero recourse to punitive legal action, those responsible should be in jail awaiting trial for murder, or at the very least manslaughter. This brave, dignified lady has done NOTHING wrong. All involved in trying to silence her are the scum of the earth :post-4641-1156693976:

  13. Absolutely incredible. This guy seemingly has less morals than the other one.

    Such a shame that he has carte blanche to do anything and will remain untouchable for a long, long time to come.


    The current junta has very little credibility to begin with. But when stuff like this is allowed to go on unabated it just makes an even bigger mockery of the message they want to project (even though most with even an ounce of intelligence can see through it anyway).


    Pathetic ?

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