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Posts posted by IssanMichael

  1. Leases in Thailand are not automatically renewed, the maximum term for a lease is 30 years, if a lease has been set up giving 30+30=30 then by law the original lease is null and void. If a Company was set up to buy land and allow shareholders to lease the land then this could be a real problem. If the Company was set up with Thai nominee shareholders who did not put money into the project then this is illegal and the land properties could be confiscated. Find a good lawyer there are some good European lawyers in Phuket for example.

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/14/2019 at 9:38 PM, quandow said:

    I believe life had some sort of intelligent design, and as I've pulled human remains out of a submerged plane crash and observed the lack of life, there is something about humans having a soul. It's even been weighed. As much as the method used to weigh the soul was sloppy science, I think the bible is sloppy narrative. Jesus was a short dark guy, not the European with flowing brown hair currently selling His book. It's been rewritten so many times with so many inconsistencies that it's difficult to fathom anyone taking it 100% seriously. There ARE many good parables, the lessons are good standards to apply to your walk through life. Do I believe we were created? Yes. Do I believe in the Judeo-Christian interpretation of God? No.

    Intelligent design really!! The nerve that controls the gills in a fish travels from brain in a loop round part of the stomach. The same nerve in a giraffe that evolved into the voice box and larynx does the same!! If there was intelligent design it would have taken the shortest route. Also without the parables, much the same as the Buddhist teachings 500 years earlier, we would all be  thieving murderess adulterers???? You only have to look at some of the Amazon tribes that have no religion to realise that even uncivilized people living together get along ok.


  3. 4 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Untrue BS 

    We have not handed over £39Mil that is the deal if we Exit under the current deal on offer... a single one off payment to be staggered over many years.


    If we leave no deal we don't pay it, if we remain we will continue to pay our subs, I assume on a prorata basis.


    The terms of the deal yet to be announced, but as pointed out there is a danger to the EU of a successor to being someone who could block all EU business as threatened by the loony ERG...


    By the time they get rid of her Nigel may have rejoined and been elected as her successor by the few remaining members, Yes the EU has cause to be worried, but even if we do not have a vote at the top table we should be heard...






    7,150,000,000 the cost of funding to the end of October

  4. 2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    "The most distant human-made object is the spacecraft Voyager 1, which – in late February 2018 – is over 13 billion miles (21 billion km) from Earth. Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, were launched 16 days apart in 1977. Both spacecraft flew by Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 also flew by Uranus and Neptune. Now both Voyagers are heading out of our solar system, into the space between the stars. Voyager 1 officially became the first earthly craft to leave the solar system, crossing the heliopause, in 2012."




    Thailand 2019. Which way water flow?

    You don't understand, the project was overseen by Khun Knut who commanded the sea to stay calm and not wash the beach away, i think i have his name correct!!

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Smart driver in the car who pulled back from overtaking. Was stunned to see the bike after having to jam on the brakes to avoid getting crushed, just change lane and drive off without a care in the world for the truck driver. Maybe he had an urgent appointment with the toilet after that one.

    No one here ever seems to want to go to the vehicle involved in a crash to see if any help is required.

    Not worth the risk of getting blamed for the accident

  6. On 3/23/2019 at 12:25 PM, Halfaboy said:

    Visa: 1 time per year renewal and every 90 days the '90 day reporting'. All in all something like two hours per year. After arrival here (many years ago) I have put 800.000 Baht in the bank voor visa renewal. In those days around 17.000 Euro's and thanks to the exchange rate that's now around 22.000 Euro's.


    What did I get back: lots of good weather, food, lots of nice people I am near many very interesting countries to visit.


    I find that I am having a good life....


    Well said echo everything you point out. What the hell do people want? paying to come here?

    • Like 2
  7. I am Married to a Thai and 74 and in poor health, so i have sorted out the way forward when i die. I have joint accounts for the main money and the amount needed for the retirement visa i have organised a higher limit of withdrawal 500k, so that account can be cleared very quickly by the other half as an atm card is all thats needed. As far as the will is concerned i had a Thai will with an English copy signed by the local Village Chief and then i have done a will for the bits i have in the UK and organized it to be sorted out by my Son. I have attached the will in Thai and English for you, no lawyers needed. Please note a Thai will is not valid in the UK and visa versa. 

    T13_Last_Will_and_Agreement (2).pdf 13_Last_Will_and_Testament.pdf

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Yes lets wait and see what the Remainer has done. Will it be good enough to get her crappy deal through!


    If it is and the UK leave the EU on tghen29th March then there will be a lot of TV posters crying in their breakfasts.????


    Either way for me the UK and the EU friendship has hit rock bottom and will be difficult to repair. I know of friends who won't buy anything from the EU countries now. Wine from Chile instead of France and Germany. They are not anti European countries, just anti EU. Seeing the way the EU have demonised, insulted and ridiculed the people of the UK, will not be forgotten for a long time.


    Either way TM should go.


    People have forgotten this, especially the the bbc and remainers:


    • Like 1
  9. I signed a petition to have the article 50 debated, on the basis that it would not be suspended/stopped under any circumstances.

    I received a video of the debate, which in itself was disappointing in that there were only a few people involved in the debate, and they talked most of the time about another referendum, the others present were either on their phones or ipads doing god knows what. There also appeared to be a handful of the public attending as well. The government spokesman clearly confirmed that there will be no delay or stopping of leaving. I attach a link to the video.  https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/1736e63b-5fba-4445-837b-6ee041a81a0b

    • Thanks 1
  10. พินัยกรรมแบบธรรมดา
    ทําที่..................................................................... วันที่...................เดือน..........................พ.ศ...................... ขาพเจา ...................................................................................อายุ...............ป อยูบานเลขที่.................. ตรอก/ซอย......................................ถนน..................................ตําบล/แขวง.......................................................
    อําเภอ/เขต............................................จังหวัด..............................................ขอทําพินัยกรรมไววาเมื่อขาพเจา ถึงแกความตายแลว ใหทรัพยสินของขาพเจาทั้งหมดที่มีอยูในปจจุบันและที่จะมีตอไปในอนาคตนั้นตกได แกบุคคลดังตอไปนี้ คือ
    (1) ....................................................................................
    (2) ....................................................................................
    (3) ....................................................................................
    และขอตั้งให....................................................................................เปนผูจัดการมรดกของขาพเจา เพื่อจัดการ แบงปนทรัพยสินอันเปนมรดกใหเปนไปตามเจตนาของขาพเจา
    เพื่อเปนหลักฐานขาพเจา ไดลงลายมือชื่อไวเปนสําคัญ
    ลงชื่อ...................................................ผูทําพินัยกรรม (...................................................)
    ขาพเจา ผูมีรายนามขางทา ยนี้ ขอรับรองวา.....................................................ผูทําพินัยกรรม ไดทําพินัยกรรมตอหนาขาพเจา และไดกระทําลงในขณะที่มีสติสัมปชัญญะบริบูรณทุกประการ ขาพเจา จึง ลงลายมือชื่อไวเปนพยานในพินัยกรรม
    ลงชื่อ.....................................................พยาน (.....................................................)
    ลงชื่อ.....................................................พยานและผูเขียน (.....................................................)

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