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Posts posted by IssanMichael

  1. 7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    'Brexit' is the most consequential public policy decision of the last 50+ years in the UK, and there is little consensus.


    Parliament is divided.

    The parties are divided.

    The countries of the UK itself are divided.

    Business is divided.

    Civil Society is divided.

    Labour unions are divided.

    All the UK is divided.


    Deciding and implementing such a sweeping policy change under these conditions is pure madness. The common sense thing to do under these circumstances is to put it aside for a lengthy period, but I think that option is also not possible anymore. And, I suspect that things will only get worse; no matter what occurs, bitter divisions will haunt the UK for generations.


    In my lifetime, I have never seen a country do so much damage to itself, and that includes Trump's America.


    Hey UK, get your act together or face (literally) decades of dispute, disagreement and discord.




    I think they should have another vote as those who want her out did not succeed, or would that be wrong? 

    • Haha 1
  2. The septic tank will be independent to the smelly drain you are talking about. The water from the shower, sinks, kitchen etc will go out into the road drain, this then mixes with the rainwater when it rains. It is a stupid method but this is what is used. The drains are usually formed in concrete or cement and are pretty rough unlike glazed pipes, so the bits of food from the kitchen and soap mixture etc hang around in the drain and start to smell. Do you know anyone with a jet wash to blast down the drain? alternatively put a strong mixture of bleach in several buckets and was down the drain, do this over 2 days and you might just find it stops smelling till the next time.


    THis is why they get the black shitty deoxygenated water pouring over the beaches in summer.

  3. 29 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

    You need to google Lisa Appleton.

    Then google images.

    The images alone will then tell you everything you need to know about this woman.

    This Reality / Celebrity TV stuff that has come to the fore in the last decade or so has a helluva lot to answer for....

    Quite sad for the human race if you ask me.

    Just did as you suggested, holy shit glad i hadn't eaten yet.

    • Haha 1
  4. 17 hours ago, John Answer said:

    They promised me a job mate after the course. They didn't keep their end of the bargain. They offer lifetime support but my visa ran out and I would ran out of cash too. 

    Sorry to be a bit picky but your English and grammar, do not seem to be great for a possible future English teacher!!


    would ran out of cash?


    I spent 3000 dollars on getting them certifications to become a teacher! ?? 


    Ye have to be lucky I guess. ???


    Must try harder . 3/10 for effort.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 hours ago, oilinki said:

    That guy was hired by Oxford? 


    My expectations about UK's academic and overall intelligence performance was not high to start with, but this is just too much. 


    He was from Oxford? Well, good luck to UK if the best people you can offer are like him. 


    Good night Britain. 


    Based on what.



    good night, where do you hail from?

  6. 11 minutes ago, nontabury said:

    “All the international respected????economic assessment bodies”

     would these be the same people who failed to see the 2008 economic crash, or the people who predicted the complete crash of the U.K economy, including mass unemployment should we vote to leave the hated R.u.




    OK so what do we get for our 275m a week investment to the EU?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Andrew Neil " You mean we would get rid of our tariffs, even if other countries kept theirs against us."

    Professor Minford "Exactly................etc etc

    My god this Minford man is a total idiot, no wonder Clegg and to some extent Neil are too gobsmacked to challenge a lot of his absurd assertions, where do you start!


    BREXITERS keen on leaving the EU with no deal have been told to try walking away without a deal in their personal transactions. 

    Tory MPs, Daily Telegraph writers and ordinary Leave voters have agreed to threaten shopkeepers, train conductors and energy providers with walking away deal-free, which they are certain will be brilliant. 

    Nathan Muir, from Birmingham, said: “The deal at Starbucks this morning was not in my interests, so I told them they needed me more than I needed them and left. Kept my money. Didn’t get a coffee though. 

    “It was much the same story at lunchtime at Subway, and at Pret, and at Greggs. The woman there said to me ‘You’re not our only customer,’ which I felt was rude like the EU but I was too hungry to argue. 

    “The bus driver wouldn’t even let me on. Even though I told him ultimately he would be hurting the viability of his bus if I walked away. ‘Go on then, <deleted>#k off,’ he said. 

    “So it’s 7pm, I’m still in the city centre, I’m starving, I don’t know how I’m going to get home but I’ve still got some pocket change. If this is some kind of a metaphor then I don’t get it.” 

    Think Oxford should sack him then if he is such an idiot.

  8. 2 hours ago, soleddy said:

    They want 800.000 into a Thai bank so that if you die intestate they will keep it or else pick up the interest as a "fee" for holding it. Your lawyers in the UK or US will take about two years to get it back for a nice fee, and the bank also gets a nice fee for the transfer.

    As confirmed by another poster, you need to do a will in thailand and have it witnessed etc. you can google and get a copy which i did. My wife and i went to the bank a couple of weeks ago (SCB) and organised that my account with the 800k in it can allow 500k a day to be withdrawn, so when i go she can empty the account and not have to wait around for months and involve lawyers etc.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Who said those 7-year olds were so poor that they were being taken to work in factories? 

    Greenbottle555, but he's not very well. What he probably saw was a lorry full of construction workers going home after a night time concrete pour, which they tend to do at night because of the heat and maybe the size of the pour.


    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, greenbottle555 said:

    There was a sign a few KM away at the rest stop that said something vague about stamping out or not tolerating child labor. It's clearly an issue in that region, else why put up a sign claiming to stamp out something that doesn't even exist...?


    Do you have a better conclusion as to why sleepy children would be packed into a cattle truck and on the highway at 1 AM ?

    Why don't you ask your little friends, you know the ones in your head telling you to post these reports.

    • Haha 1
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