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Everything posted by candide

  1. There was likely no criminal intent, but it seems there's technically a conflict of interest. Not very smart from two experienced lawyers. Having said that, I don't remember the MAGA fans, who are currently outraged about it, being scandalized when trumpbappointed his family members at the W.H.
  2. I also don't understand what the Belgium PM has to do with it. Either airlines think it will be profitable and they will do it, or they won't.
  3. No, It's just that Trump is not able to lie correctly any more. πŸ˜…
  4. Ok. By when? If I remember well, his energy plan target was 2050. Having said that, it's true he significantly changed his tune when confronted with reality.
  5. Only in the MAGA fairy tales... Consumer confidence in December 2020: 88.6 December 2023: 106.7 And even pre-Covid!, the index was lower under Trump! December 2019: 102 πŸ˜ƒ
  6. As far as I know, he didn't promise to "end" fossil fuel! However, more alternative energy and more energy saving=>less demand for fossil fuel=>lower fossil fuel price. So low price for fossil fuel would be a sign of success of significantly reducing consumption of fossil fuel. On middle/long term, it is true that if fossil fuel price becomes very cheap, there will less incentive for adopting green energies. Having said that, it takes time to develop and implement alternative energy sources, so on short term the concern is more about global oil prices, which is not a domestic issue.
  7. Comer lying again? Who's surprised? Hunter Biden's friend says Republicans gave 'misleading' account of impeachment testimony https://www.yahoo.com/news/hunter-bidens-friend-says-republicans-151629365.html
  8. And Putin is still supporting his pal.... https://www.reuters.com/world/putin-says-past-us-elections-were-rigged-2024-01-16/
  9. When Trump is not able to lie properly any more, It's time to get worried! πŸ˜…
  10. Not at all! (Unless you believe that the pandemic did not cause the strong price decrease in 2020) 23 January 2017 $2,32, 27 January 2020 (before the pandemic started outside China) $2.57. No decrease. The decrease started with the pandemic.
  11. "The moderator was openly biased". What a joke! Trump was whining because he could not have it his way and had to follow the usual rules. You really believed him? πŸ˜ƒ
  12. Well, not even a colour-blind person would confuse Obama and Biden! πŸ˜… Biden always made gaffes. In this particular case, his sister and wife were sitting behind him, and he just took them by the hand without watching them. Biden's son died from burn pits exposure during the Irak war. Maybe he should have said he died from the Irak war, rather than in the Irak war?
  13. But but Biden.... What about Trump not having the balls to debate with a women he is continuously smearing and insulting....
  14. Please explain us how the following are part of Presidential duties: - asking election officials "just find me 11,780 votes". - plotting to sneak in fake elector lists - watching the assault of the Capitol on TV (by his supporters) and not tell them at once to stop assaulting US congressmen and his VP. I am ready for a good laugh! πŸ˜ƒ
  15. 23 January 2017 $2,32, 27 January 2020 (before the pandemic started outside China) $2.57. No decrease. The decrease started with the pandemic. And Obama did succeed to decrease global oil prices by increasing shale oil production (well, that's how experts explain it). As to the explanations about why the global oil prices increased and decreased, I provided some explanations in the part of my post you truncated. Feel free to reply to each explanation in an informed manner rather than evoking a simplistic and meaningless explanation.
  16. I was replying to a claim that Trump decreased oil prices. He did not decrease oil prices And please don't truncate my post because what I wrote after that matters. Next time I report you. Claiming to explain global oil prices only by U.S. domestic factors is meaningless And ridiculous.
  17. I did not show the whole picture because I replied to a claim that Trumpndecreasedvoil prices. So it didn't decrease during Trumps mandate pre-Covid, did it? And only decreased when the pandemic started, right? The only decrease was due to the pandemic. I don't attribute any blame to Trump for this increase pre-Covid, as everyone knows that oil prices are global and U.S prices are correlated with global prices, as in any other country. Global prices vary according to the state of global demand and global supply. As to the peaks and lows, there is no need to resort to ridiculous conspiracy theories to explain them - 2008/2009 low, there was an economic crisis, as during the Covid pandemic. Low demand - 2016 low, that was the outcome of Obama's strategy to increase the U.S. energy independence, in particular with an increase of shale oil production. Increased supply (price increased after that because OPEP decided to restrict production and exports, thus reducing global supply) - 2020 low. Covid crisis. Low demand. It also induced a production and investment decrease from oil companies, so prices started to go up, - 2022 peak. End of the pandemic, restart of economic activity worldwide, creating a strong increase in demand, combined with global value chain issues and the effect of the war by Russia. - 2023 decrease: GDP growth has slowed worlwide, thus reducing demand, and production has been increased worldwide since mid 2022. - Some episodes of selling parts of the U.S. strategic reserve also had a short-term impact on prices
  18. My graph shows that gas prices increased pre-covid under Trump, as I wrote.
  19. Gasoline price came down during Covid pandemic, because of low demand. Pre-Covid, gasoline price significantly increased under Trump ( except a short episode in January 2019). https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GASREGW
  20. And, of course... Trump defends mistaking Obama for Biden, says he’s being sarcastic πŸ˜€ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4328695-trump-defends-obama-biden-mistakes/
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