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Everything posted by candide

  1. I am certainly not sparsing the data, I am comparing what is comparable, using exactly the same indicators you mentioned. When, under similar global economic environment than the last mandate of the previous President, the performance during pre-Covid years is similar or a bit worse, there is not much to praise. At best it could be said: "he was able to maintain the good economic results achieved by his predecessor", at worst: "he surfed on the wave created by his predecessor"! Comparing pre-Covid and post-Covid performances is meaningless, as the global economic environment is quite different. What makes sense is to compare whether the U.S. has better managed the negative consequences of the global Covid crisis than other developped economies, and the reply is clearly yes. Other developped countries would be very happy to enjoy the same performance. It's surely not perfect either, but certainly doesn't deserve the "total economic failure" and other B.S. characterisation by the right-wing.
  2. Yet, GDP growth under Trump was similar to previous years under Obama, inflation was higher than previous years under Obama, and unemployment decrease was lower than under Obama. And average debt increase/year was also higher than during Obama's last mandate. As to retail gas prices, they increased under Trump (pre-Covid), apart from a short episode in January 2019 -which is, of course, the price you cite as a proof that Trump decreased gas price! πŸ˜ƒ https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GASREGW
  3. I guess what he understands as Socialism is not tantric enough for him! πŸ˜ƒ
  4. So a phone call inciting to "find" 11,000 votes, or a fake elector plot are part of presidential duties? What a joke! πŸ˜… But his supporters will surely swallow that!
  5. Pre-covid, unemployment decrease rate was lower under Trump than under Obama's last mandate, inflation rate increased compared to Obama's last mandate, and GDP growth was similar. Debt increase rate was also higher. Oh, and oil price increased pre-Covid under Trump, but as you know, oil prices are global so it was not his fault. There was not much to claim compared to Obama's last mandate. Life was better per-Covid, for sure, as in any other developped country. As to Trump's peace initiatives in the ME, negotiated without involving the Palestinian authority and Iran, what could have gone wrong after that? πŸ˜…
  6. One reason is that people are less happy post-Covid than pre-Covid. Same as any other comparable country (G7, OECD...)
  7. Biden trails Trump in polls by one or two percent on average, according to what you posted yourself previously. It's peanuts, and has no predictive value.
  8. When you have nothing to defend Trump, just evoke conspiracy theories! 5555 Trump did what he did.
  9. And It's not only an anecdote, it also shows in statistics! Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study "More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened." Dumber than dumb! πŸ˜ƒ
  10. Right! It's not like, under Trump, Iran and the Houti would have attacked oil tankers, Shia proxies would have attacked American bases in Irak, or Houti would have bombed oil facilities in Saudi Arabia! Oh! Wait a minute!
  11. Your post is a good example of how Russia's propaganda is efficient!
  12. Surely not. The U.S. has been drawing the other countries up! https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  13. Ok, a little bit: from 1.48% in 2017, to 1.54% in 2019.
  14. You are right that Europe (not necessarily restricted to the EU: the current NATO members) has the means to defend itself, even with the current budget. The problem is that It's just an addition of armies, each targeted at defending its own country. It raises several issues: - Expenses are not optimised at the European level, I.e. there are unnecessary duplications of the same means in each country, and some common investments may be missing, - There is no strategic sovereignty as European countries depend to a large extent from American suppliers. They have the technology but there is no policy. There are also no European level strategic arms stocks. - There is no European nuclear shield. France or UK likely won't send nukes to defend other countries. It would be necessary that at least Germany would become a nuclear power (interesting).
  15. And It's not like anyone in the U.K. would be worried about this issue... Oh wait! πŸ˜… https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-re-election-could-threaten-uks-national-security-claims-ex-mi6-boss-13048148
  16. Actually, only Trump's pal Putin made them pay their fair share....
  17. He said Europe, It's not necessary the EU. In particular, a European defense would be meaningless without UK. A European defense organisation could be like NATO without the U.S. Then there are industrial policy issues which could be dealt with by the EU.
  18. The theory you have in mind has been debunked.
  19. I think Trump supporters could be classified in two categories in relation to the big lie (and other lies too): - those who are too dumb and sincerely believe It's true, - those who perfectly understand It's a lie, but think It's a good political argument for their camp (or a good way to annoy the other camp). I guess we have both categories represented on this board.
  20. The two companies serve different geographical markets. How can the merger increase market power in these markets?
  21. I tend to disagree. The spread of conspiracy theories is not particularly an indicator of a banana republic.
  22. Nothing new either. According to him, he already won the 2020 election! 😁
  23. And, of course, Putin is supporting his pal! Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged https://www.yahoo.com/news/putin-says-past-u-elections-160219651.html
  24. How is trying to overturn legitimate elections "hugging" the flag?
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