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Everything posted by candide

  1. It could well be that Trump was aware his plan was <deleted> up, and that's why he put the withdrawal date after elections.
  2. So now Biden is responsible for global wholesale oil prices! I didn't know he was that powerful. Is he also responsible for snow in winter?
  3. Well, well.... Jan. 6 Rally Organizers Lied About Plan to March to the Capitol, Report Finds Women for America First, which planned the rally on the Ellipse, knew of President Donald J. Trump’s plans to have his supporters march to the Capitol but repeatedly denied it to federal permitting officials. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/18/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-rally-report.html A White House liaison to the rally organizers sent a text message on Jan. 3 to Women for America First regarding a demonstration at the Ellipse. “POTUS expectations are intimate and then send everyone over to the Capitol,” the message said, according to the report. Katrina Pierson, a Trump spokeswoman, had sent an email on Jan. 2, 2021, with nearly identical language. ....... On Jan. 4, Kylie Jane Kremer wrote in a text message: “POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol.” She added: “It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the National Park Service and all the agencies, but POTUS is going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’”
  4. Another good news for the U.S.! The United States is producing more oil than any country in history https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/19/business/us-production-oil-reserves-crude/index.html "The United States is set to produce a global record of 13.3 million barrels per day of crude and condensate during the fourth quarter of this year, according to a report published Tuesday by S&P Global Commodity Insights. Last month, weekly US oil production hit 13.2 million barrels per day, according to the US Energy Information Administration. That’s just above the Donald Trump-era record of 13.1 million set in early 2020 just before the Covid-19 crisis sent output and prices crashing."
  5. The decisions were made by a judge according to the French law.
  6. It seems that there have been a few warnings which have not been seriously considered before Jan.6. However I fail to follow the coherence of your posts. On the one hand you claim that the assault was spontaneous and not planned, and on the other you stress that there have been warnings about a possible assault.
  7. The 'Comer says' B.S. again.... As to Bidenomics, it's just that the U.S. scores better than other advanced economies: by far the best GDP growth among G7 countries compared to pre-pandemic level, very low unemployment, 70 years record energy independence level, now lower inflation than the average of other advanced countries, return to industrial sovereignty in strategic sectors (in particular re. China), extension official protection, reduction of medicine prices...
  8. "Key word being "if", as it will not happen" B.S.! It's already happening that some polls show Biden scoring better than Trump (as you already know). https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  9. Mind you! There is even damning evidence that Clinton was with an escort in the plane.... His secret service protection..... Nothing hidden, it has been known for years that Epstein was lending his private plane for Clinton foundation trips abroad. That's how he got access to Clinton.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-claimed-lincoln-project-used-104810922.html
  11. Actually, even Trump knows how bad he's looking, and accuses his opponents to use AI! 😅 Trump claimed the Lincoln Project used AI to make him ‘look bad.’ But the clips are real https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-claimed-lincoln-project-used-104810922.html "The perverts and losers at the failed and once disbanded Lincoln Project, and others, are using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) in their Fake television commercials in order to make me look as bad and pathetic as Crooked Joe Biden," Trump posted Dec. 4 on Truth Social. 😃 (The links to the videos are in the article)
  12. Sure, they were only motivated by hate, not by what Trump did! That's ridiculous.
  13. A good analysis of Trump's fraud patterns What we all forget about the upcoming Trump fraud verdict: It's the chicanery, stupid https://www.yahoo.com/news/forget-upcoming-trump-fraud-verdict-131502322.html
  14. I did not know the democrats have been involved in something which could be qualified as insurrection..... Did they assault the Capitol in order to steal elections?
  15. Sure! A protest against an assassination is the same as assaulting the Capitol in order to steal elections! 😅
  16. Assassinate the President? What a joke! Of course the coward rushed to a bunker! 🤣 As to Kamala's quote, as usual for MAGAs,you did not even read it. It is considered In the article as "Quotes taken out of context"! 😆
  17. Trump is now complaining that soaring stocks are 'making rich people richer' after bragging about the market's gains while president 🤣 https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/trump-now-complaining-soaring-stocks-214539045.html
  18. I don't want anything. There are laws and there is a justice system. The Colorado SC made a decision, the U.S. supreme court will further decide. So be it. Actually, I think the Dems have more chance to win with Trump on the ballot, so it won't disturb me if the SC does not uphold the disqualification of Mr Trump.
  19. You should have followed the whole discussion. It was about the possibility of taking Biden off ballot.
  20. It works both ways. The 'West' is dependent on China and China is dependent on the 'West.
  21. Follow the news.... Colorado Supreme Court kicks Trump off ballot, citing 'insurrection' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67768873
  22. There are indeed different scenarii... (Come on, not 'Comer said' again)
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