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Everything posted by candide

  1. It's quite amusing to see you fail every time you try to depict Biden as racist by distorting information.
  2. So you don't deny that praising Byrd was not racist. Now the other case: he replied to a question which was using Negro in an ironic way when talking about Republican's change of attitude "Asked if he had noticed Southern senators becoming "warmer now toward the problems of the negro in America," Biden listed Southern Democrats who he thought led the "change in attitude." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/20/fact-check-false-claim-joe-biden-1973-remark-ohio-speech/3633142001/
  3. The Heritage foundation! Surely a reliable and unbiased source! Oh wait! When Byrd died in 2010, the civil rights organization, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, praised him for his capacity to change. “Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation,” read a statement by NAACP president Ben Jealous. “Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.” https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-9545480195
  4. Sure! What a fall compared to the stellar state of ethics during the Junta's time! Oh wait! 😅
  5. One more! 😅 Witness in House GOP impeachment inquiry says no evidence Joe Biden involved in family business dealings https://www.yahoo.com/news/witness-house-gop-impeachment-inquiry-010704456.html
  6. Yes, I followed it at that time (the Kraken and similar B.S.). Most cases did not even make it to courts, and when considered, claims have been rejected, by both Republican leaning and Democrat leaning judges.. Multiple audits and recounts have also been conducted, and did not find any significant fraud. As to Trumps lawyers, they have been punished for frivolous behaviour, and, for most of them, have acknowledged they had no evidence. I remember MAGA fans getting excited every time a complaint was filed, and after it failed, they just disappeared. So you still have nothing, after, 3 years,
  7. Here's the evidence! Lol! If there's evidence why don't they bring it to courts or election commissions? 😅
  8. The fact that there are 40% of morons or uninformed people is no proof of rigged elections!
  9. And MAGA fans were doing exactly the same when Biden was leading Trump in previous polls! 😅
  10. A 2021 PNAS study by political scientists at Stanford University and the University of Chicago rebutted Lott's paper as being not even remotely convincing, writing that his analysis was "entirely dependent on the completely arbitrary order in which pairs of precincts in other counties are entered in the dataset" and that his conclusions about voter fraud were "utterly baseless."[72][73][74] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lott Anyway, come back when you have proof of the ridiculous conspiracy theories that Biden has not been fairly elected! . BTW, don't truncate my posts to change their meaning
  11. Interesting. So around 15% of respondents both think that Trump will behave like a dictator and that Democrats are unfairly trying to scare voters about it. 😊
  12. It's technically fraud, however it does not mean that Biden has not been fairly elected as you falsely claimed. - most of them did it for convenience, not with fraudulent intent. If you fill in a ballot for your wife with her agreement, It's not really fraud, - there is a higher percentage of Republican voters than Democrats who did it. So following your own reasoning, the so-called fraud actually benefited Trump, not Biden. As usual, you are picking and distorting facts. As Barr did phrase it, the conspiracy theory that Biden has been fraudulently elected and that Trump actually won is "bull<deleted>"!
  13. The same dishonest argument again! As it has been already mentioned to you: - they did it for a friend or family member, - more of them were Republicans than Democrats. Posting the same B.S. over and over will not make it true! 🤣
  14. Complete B.S. You obviously haVen't read the survey report.
  15. It's not exactly how it works. Zero dollar tours are sold at a very cheap price (maybe below cost), and they make a profit bringing Chinese tourists to jewelry shops, shows, etc.. (likely over priced) as they get a cut of their expenses. On top of it, these tour operators still have to pay for accommodation, transportation, food, etc...for their customers in Thailand. It's like saying that, if you book a tour from a tour operator in Farangland, the money doesn't go to Thailand. The fact that their network in Thailand is mainly Chinese-own is irrelevant, as the money is still spent in Thailand and flows into the economy. Moreover, Chinese businesses usually want to keep money out of reach from the CCP, so my guess is that very little of the money spent in Thailand goes back to China.
  16. Actually, devaluation tends to increase inflation, at least on short-term. Imported goods are more expensive. Local production can be sold at a higher price abroad, which also leads to price increases on the domestic market. Not sure how it may evolve on middle-term.
  17. Meanwhile... Trump quotes Putin in bid to portray Biden as authoritarian https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/16/trump-quotes-putin-in-bid-to-portray-biden-as-authoritarian-00132157
  18. I don't know about the dream, but the American nightmare ended in November 2020!
  19. So will Trump help him or will Giuliani snitch? That's how it works with them!
  20. So are most businesses which are going on recruiting employees and investing.
  21. Ok, but it's still necessary to get 251 votes and MF is not able to get them unless it joins with PT. BTW I am not against MF at all.
  22. Numbers are what they are. Poll number are currently showing an advantage for Trump in term of perceptions. I don't deny it . How it allows to anticipate on elections results is another story. The numbers I mentioned (GDP growth, etc...) are facts. They are not based on perceptions.
  23. Keep this argument for when Trump's fan will repost it on this board!
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