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Everything posted by candide

  1. Trump has been losing its relative advantage on Biden recently and they are nearly at tie in poll aggregates. It's too early to assess wether this trend will go on or not. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  2. It's over for Jordan. I was initially thinking WTF Jim Jordan House Speaker, Lol! Why not President of the U.S? Then I remembered.... 😃
  3. This is a greater threat for Trump as he was the architect of the fake elector plot. The Dominion system breach (Powell) is a minor issue compared to the fake elector plot and its connections.
  4. It seems you are confusing different issues. The plea deal is mainly about the Dominion system breach. This is a very factual and clear case: a team of forensic expert was hired by Powel to do it, and have even been caught on camera. Now her attorneys are claiming she was not the "driving force" behind it. Who could have been the driving force? I guess we'll soon know. Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/19/politics/sidney-powell-fulton-county-georgia-2020-election-subversion
  5. It's the same with any contract including elements which are against the law. For example, are you claiming that consumers who find out they signed a contract including abusive clauses should just shut up and not sue?
  6. The pee tapes are about Trump allegedly watching two prostitutes pee on a bed the Obamas supposedly slept in. I call it pure fantasy! We all know that: - Trump would never go with prostitutes, - Trump doesn't hate everything about Obama! 😃
  7. So what PBS relates may be inaccurate? Talking about Kool Aid! 🤣
  8. Bad news for Trump! Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/19/politics/sidney-powell-fulton-county-georgia-2020-election-subversion/index.html Guess what her lawyers declared! Her attorneys had vehemently rejected prosecutors’ claims that she orchestrated the Coffee County breach. They’ve said at pretrial hearings that prosecutors are “incorrect” and that “the evidence will show that she was not the driving force behind” the incident. Hmmmm... Who could be the "driving force"?
  9. Apparently, I'm not left wing! 😃 Hamas bad! Trump bad!
  10. It's probably cheaper to sue in UK. Trump cannot miss a bargain! 😁
  11. Of course, a conspiracy theory nutter is more likely to get votes from the current right-wing nutters than from people who used to vote for Dems.
  12. That's Trump m.o., he did the same in Afghanistan when he negotiated the withdrawal plan with the Taliban only. Hey why bother negotiating with the opposed sides when It's so simple to negotiate only with one! It's been quite successful in Afghanistan, too! 😃
  13. Ahem! Nobody's perfect, but it has been quite trendy among Islamic extremists for a certain number of years. (Please note that I wrote "Islamic extremists", and not 'Muslims').
  14. The Dem congress never decided there was nothing to see. As about Trump's peace initiatives, you seem to forget the Trump/Kushner peace plan negotiated directly with Netanyahu, without involving the Palestinian Authority. It surely fared quite well with the Palestinian public opinion. (No laughing emoticon this time, by decency). Trump peace plan delights Israelis, enraged Palestinians https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-international-news-jerusalem-politics-f7d36b9023309ce4b1e423b02abf52c6
  15. You set the tone about the validity of your arguments in the first sentence, didn't you? 😁
  16. How could they do it without staying significantly more time (and call back U.S. soldiers who were sent back by Trump)? And likely not only stay, but also fight against the Taliban.
  17. So, practically, what should the U.S. have done, according to you? Stay in Afghanistan?
  18. It's Trump who de facto gave the keys to the Taliban, by negotiating directly with the Taliban without involving the Afghan government, forced the government to free 5000 fighters, did not react to the fact that the Taliban did not respect the commitments they made, etc...
  19. Biden applied the premature withdrawal agreement made by Trump (who also sabotaged it a bit before leaving). If he hadn't done it, I guess you would have accused him of war mongering.
  20. Meanwhile... Poll: Republicans see Trump as a ‘person of faith’ ... more so than Mitt Romney, Mike Pence and others https://www.yahoo.com/news/poll-republicans-see-trump-person-030000283.html Liar, drifter, cheated on his wife with prostitutes.... all the attributes of a man of faith! ????
  21. Not sure he was still happy with Hamas at that time, but it has been a long established policy to divide to rule, and it included helping the initial development of Hamas. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ Beyond this initial boost, Hamas and the political faction represented by Netanyahu have been de facto reinforcing each other over the years. In particular, the continuous expansion of Israel's grip on land in the West bank and East Jerusalem has certainly contributed to the decredibilisation of the PA among Palestinians (I know, it was not the only reason, corruption and incompetence also played a role in it), and to the increase in Hamas popularity.
  22. Ahem! https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/033116/top-10-corporate-contributors-trump-campaign.asp
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