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Everything posted by candide

  1. Interesting to see that posters who usually don't care about police killings (in particular when the victims is not white), are all excited about this case. Just because the guy didn't like Biden.
  2. I am surprised. I would have thought the Junta reshuffled all officials long time ago. But there are maybe new opportunities from retirements. It looks like the yellow-green network is preparing for hibernation by putting its people in warm places.
  3. The 'left' does not need to come up with anything as testimonies have already been collected during the investigation. Just read the indictment, several cases of Republicans or WH staff telling Trump he had lost are cited in it.
  4. That's an issue which tends to be neglected in this forum. Supporting a PTP dominated government, after making a coup to get rid of it, is surely not a popular initiative among yellow folks and Junta lovers.
  5. "Rattled" Trump melts down on Truth Social over Jack Smith's proposed trial date https://news.yahoo.com/rattled-trump-melts-down-truth-135728272.html "Such a trial, which should never take place due to my First Amendment Rights, and massive BIDEN CORRUPTION, should only happen, if at all, AFTER THE ELECTION. The same with other Fake Biden Indictments. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!" ????
  6. Their (well, 'his') familly members have been appointed as government officials by their daddy.
  7. You should read the various statements by the GOP committees, Trump, etc... They are very creative and versatile so I cannot really follow-up all their claims.
  8. Ok, and he's been investigated about tax issues. However, the right-wing propaganda alleged other crimes and is still hopelessly looking for evidence. So hopeless that they are now stating that they don't need evidence (see the other thread).
  9. Beyond the nationalist diatribe served to its people, there are rational strategic concerns about Taiwan and SC sea, for China. For example in terms of sea access, natural resources, and ability to defend itself. I am not saying I approve it, but from their perspective and strategic goals, it is rational.
  10. The Chinese are playing the long game. If they invade Taiwan, because they are rational, they will only do it when they will be able to do it (they are ready from a military POV), and when the context is favourable ( ex an isolationist government in the U.S.)
  11. At least MAGA folks have been for once holding a consistent position! - when a special counsel is appointed to investigate Trump, they complain about it, - when a special counsel is appointed to investigate Hunter Biden, they also complain about it!
  12. From the linked article: "Mr. Trump’s legal team could show him the sensitive materials, but under the proposed order they would not be allowed to give him copies." ????
  13. The Chinese are quite rational. They just don't have the same objectives as the U.S.
  14. As already replied by placeholder, the 20 million figure includes money paid to his associates. If you want to know how they made money, you can read the beginning of Archer's testimony, which provides some information about their business, including for Burisma, I.e. in Kazakhstan.
  15. 2018 was particular (I remember there was a storage increase before the application of tariffs). There was also an effect of the value of the RMB , which reached a peak in 2018, and then decreased significantly. (From 0.159 USD to 0.14 USD) From the source you posted before, 2017 deficit was 375, and 2019 342, so not a significant impact of tariffs on trade deficit with China. 2020 was the Covid crisis year, so not representative of a 'normal' economic activity.
  16. A good news, UK GDP is now only 0.2% below pre-pandemic level, so it is possible this level will be reached earlier than expected by the NIESR. "The first quarterly estimate of UK real gross domestic product (GDP) shows that the economy increased by 0.2% in Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023 (Figure 1). This follows growth of 0.1% in the previous quarter. The level of quarterly GDP in Quarter 2 2023 is now 0.2% below its pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) level in Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2019." https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/gdpfirstquarterlyestimateuk/apriltojune2023
  17. Interesting article Indictment shows White House lawyers struggling for control as Trump fought to overturn election https://news.yahoo.com/indictment-shows-white-house-lawyers-040522726.html
  18. Trump? Drain the swamp? Well, not the big oil swamp, not the big pharma swamp, not the real estate swamp, not the NARA swamp, not the heritage foundation swamp, not the evangelist swamp, not the rich who got tax cuts swamp, etc...
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