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Everything posted by candide

  1. Also from this very interesting article: "It’s looking increasingly likely the Bank will have to ratchet up interest rises again to crush inflation. Economists think there’s a chance Bailey and co will revert to the 50 basis point speed at the next MPC meeting on 22 June. Markets think the eventual rate peak will be 5.5 per cent. Reaching such a level would put a recession back on the table, one that is perhaps needed to kill off price rises." So It doesn't contradicts the OP.
  2. January growth followed by a fall in March so Q1 growth rate is 0.1%. It's not bad but nothing to bragg about. "The first quarterly estimate of UK real gross domestic product (GDP) shows that the economy increased by 0.1% in Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) 2023. Monthly estimates published today (12 May 2023) show that GDP fell by 0.3% in March 2023, following an increase of 0.5% in January 2023 (revised up from 0.4% in the previous publication) and no growth in February 2023." https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/gdpfirstquarterlyestimateuk/januarytomarch2023
  3. This is going to be good! I can't wait for the primaries to watch Republican candidates virtually lynching each other!
  4. It seems that someone accumulated a valuable experience to head a conservative dating app! ???? Quote from the article: "Months before the 2020 election, Mr. McEntee, now the head of a dating app for conservatives, and a deputy sought to overhaul the government’s hiring process. They developed what became known by some officials as “the loyalty test” — a new questionnaire for government hires that asked such questions as “What part of Candidate Trump’s campaign message most appealed to you and why?”
  5. This is incoherent. If Trump had documents which could incriminate the FBI, he would have given them to his pal Durham, instead of hiding them.
  6. Actually, the current drugs are more in an evolution path starting with alcohol for partying and then adopting also more potent drugs for more partying. Smoking weed was rather an alternative to drinking. That's maybe one reason why people who despised weed smoking where often to find among alcohol drinkers.
  7. If the stepping stone effect has been a reality (only to some extent) when we were younger, this is probably not the case any more. The hippie time is over.. Young people are often going directly to chemical "club" drugs, and it's a different type of people and environment from the weed consumption related ones. I.e. people who smoke weed usually don't go dancing until the end of the night. Thailand is a very good example. There are more drugs around than foreign people may perceive among young Thai people (at least among party goers): yaba, exstasy, ketamine, etc... They didn't start by smoking weed and are usually not interested in it: only alcohol and chemical drugs (usually both).
  8. Somehow, I understand them. Trump is doing it, so (in their mind), why not do it too!
  9. Me stupid! I thought it was because the main character was a kind of trans women/fish! ????
  10. They were likely singing the national anthem while U.S. missiles were flying over Irak, and also boycotting French fries! ????
  11. Probably not before a trade deal withe EU (if any).
  12. Well Trump is such an embarrassment that they prefer he's not mentioned here.
  13. No, it's not true at all. A theory remains a valid theory, as long as it is not refuted by empirical observations (facts). The creationist theory has been contradicted by many empirical observations, it has been refuted. It's not any more a theory. It's a dead theory. The evolution theory has not been refuted, so it is the only surviving theory. Moreover, since it's initial conception, it has been supported by many empirical studies.
  14. Actually, It's a noticeable achievement that Germany succeeded in switching from 60% dependence on Russian Gaz to 0%. Few countries would have been able to manage this transition as well as Germany, while keeping public debt at a low level. You are laughing about ratings? Really? You forgot that these ratings determine the interest rate when a government borrows money. So Germany has not only a dept/GDP ratio which is around half of UK's debt/GDP ratio, but Germany also pays significantly lower interest rates than UK.
  15. Who made a political issue of harmonious acceptance and coexistence between people of different sexual orientation, if not the U.S. right-wing?
  16. Thanks to a right-wing review bombing campaign. However: "Despite critics being split over Disney’s live-action take on The Little Mermaid, audiences have made the film one of the biggest movies of the year after just three days on release. " https://movieweb.com/the-little-mermaid-review-bombing-imdb-issue-warning-fans-to-make-their-own-mind-up/
  17. Bar stool talk about a very specialised field of expertise....
  18. Is it worth discussing the legal technicalities of the case? The decision will be political and the EC will do what it's told to do, as before. However, it is not so obvious what the political decision will be, considering that the establishment has lost most of its popular support. The "good people" of Bangkok have voted MF. This is the first time in the recent history of Thailand. When it was about Thaksin, the establishment could always rely on the support from the Bangkok middle-class, and from bureaucrats (in particular against red Issan buffaloes). They supported the 2006 coup, the 2010 repression, as well as the 2014 coup. Now It's over! There's nearly no one to follow someone like Suthep in the streets of Bangkok, no one to greet tanks with flowers and smiles.
  19. Me stupid! I thought the House of Commons economists and the IMF economists were intelligent people as they regularly use comparisons between G7 countries. Anyway, even if you exclude the non-European G7 countries, UK is still second worst.
  20. Based on outdated data from ONS (13 April). From ONS, based on the latest revised data (12 May): Quote: "The first quarterly estimate of UK real gross domestic product (GDP) shows that the economy increased by 0.1% in Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) 2023 (Figure 1). This follows growth of 0.1% in the previous quarter. The level of quarterly GDP in Quarter 1 2023 is now 0.5% below its pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) level (Quarter 4 2019)." https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/gdpfirstquarterlyestimateuk/januarytomarch2023
  21. An intelligent person would compare different countries, such as the G7 countries, and find out that UK is second worst after Germany in G7. C9mpared to Germany, such a person would also find out that UK has still not recovered pre-pandemic level, and also that UK is rated AA-, while Germany is rated AAA.
  22. Why do you feel you need to compare UK only with the current worst case? UK is only second worst after Germany in G7. UK is also rated AA- while Germany is rated AAA.
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