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Everything posted by candide

  1. As commented by RayC, these countries already had (or are negotiating) an agreement with the EU. So the added benefit of not being in the EU is close to epsilon.
  2. Not up to the rebirth of a British Empire, but there was great hope that the commonwealth countries would compensate for the loss of some EU trade: “Outside the EU the world is our oyster, and the Commonwealth the pearl within” (UKIP) Of course, it didn't happen, just like the other promises made or suggested.
  3. Shhhh! That was the beauty of the FBI conspiracy. They did not leak it before the 2016 elections so that the conspiracy would remain unnoticed. ????
  4. As usual, you omitted essential information It seems you haven't followed well the Sussman trial. During this trial, it was also confirmed: - that the FBI did not use the information brought by Sussman, as it wasn't perceived as reliable, - that the FBI investigation started before Sussman gave them this information anyway. According to what was disclosed during the trial, Hillary allowed this information to be leaked to the media. It's not nice, but it was made clear it wasn't at the origin of the Russia probe (nor was the Steele dossier).
  5. As usual, It's someone else's fault!
  6. I don't know wether the storm has arrived or not, but you are right about the Senate. There's no way to get rid of it. It would need amending the constitution, and as I said in previous posts, it would require the approval of one third of Senators. It's also very easy for the Senate to oust a government. They only need to file a complaint with the help of the NACC for not respecting the 20 years strategic plan (which can be anything). The constitutional court and the supreme court will decide. Nothing can happen without the agreement of the establishment, That's how the constitution was designed.
  7. Amendments to the constitution require approval by one third of the Senate.
  8. I see many posts considering the possibility of amending the constitution. Just a reminder: The first reading is to approve the principles of the constitutional amendment. It requires at least one half of the total votes in parliament (375 from both the House of Representatives and the Senate). At least one-third of the unelected senators is also required to pass the motion. The second reading considers the constitutional amendment in details. These shall be approved by a majority vote of parliament. If the amendment is proposed by citizens, the citizens who have proposed the amendment can send a delegate to speak in the parliament. If the motion passes the second reading, there is an interval of 15 days before the third reading begins. The third reading also requires a majority vote of the parliament. However, that majority must also include one-third of the Senate, and 20 percent of MPs from all political parties which do not hold positions as cabinet members, Speaker of House of Representatives, or Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives. https://prachataienglish.com/node/9086
  9. Even Boris was laughing at him! ???? https://www.businessinsider.com/18-photos-show-trump-humiliation-sulking-after-nato-incidents-2019-12?r=US&IR=T
  10. My post was about the 2015 event. I think you referred to the previous time he had a passport revoked. In 2015 it was likely only because of what he said during an interview.
  11. I don't know about the subway, but the criminality trend in NYC has been similar to other cities, and decreased in 2023, so no Bragg effect. On top of it, NYC seem to fare better (or less worse) than most US large cities. “NYC is among the safest big cities in the country,” Sharkey told us via email. “Among the 9 cities with 1 million+ for which I have data, only San Diego had a lower murder rate last year. Among the 29 cities with 500k+, only 4 cities had a lower murder rate (San Diego, Mesa, San Jose, Sacramento).” https://www.factcheck.org/2023/04/the-facts-on-manhattan-crime/
  12. It's becoming ridiculous! Soon they will ban the Snow White cartoon because it may suggest a gang bang with the seven dwarves! ????
  13. 10% of what, when? Money laundering of what to what? You've got nothing!
  14. It's surely a way to avoid trouble. From the OP, she adopted a more simple way: "She added that she received signed permission slips from parents to show her students PG-rated films at the beginning of the school year."
  15. The movie is not about sexual education and the gay romance is only a very minor aspect. Considering the main topic of the movie, it would fall under the 'natural ecosystems' category in a school program. It's been widely diffused on Dysney channel
  16. Agree. A related issue is the level of oil reserve which is really needed, now that the U.S. is energy independent.
  17. We've been asking Brexiteers the same question for years, whenever they evoked the EU "red tape", and they have never been able to cite a few of these unbearable laws. UK companies certainly complained about these retained laws impeding business, and I guess That's what motivates the government.... Oh wait! ???? UK business and unions demand scrapping of planned bonfire of EU rules https://www.ft.com/content/b894b195-6adc-48eb-80c3-efe7f818d452
  18. It's been a profitable operation. Sell at around $96 per barrel, then buy back at around $71. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-made-4-billion-selling-160400735.html
  19. You should get informed before posting https://www.reuters.com/article/thailand-politics-idINKBN0OC0UJ20150527
  20. So if you ask me, I guess it means you don't know. In other words, you've got nothing.
  21. Please stop putting words in my mouth. I did not claim it has solved the problem The GOP is critised because: - the federal law had to be toned down in order to get some Republican support in the Senate, - there are also State laws, ex the difference between California and Iowa https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/02/01/governor-newsom-takes-action-to-strengthen-californias-gun-safety-laws/ https://eu.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2021/07/01/iowa-gun-law-allowing-permitless-handgun-carrying-purchase-takes-effect-constitutional-carry/5349159001/
  22. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/25/1107626030/biden-signs-gun-safety-law
  23. Nobody said they did not receive money. However, shill in what exactly? Please tell us?
  24. Thaksin got his passport revoked in 2015 for giving his idea about the origin of the coup, if you remember.
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