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Everything posted by candide

  1. Biden is stating facts (several links to facts have been provided in this thread about the main sources of terrorism.
  2. You are probably right about the judicial coup, as the constitution has integrated the possibility to do it very easily. Actually, the constitution has been designed to this end. However, it is very unlikely that a military coup may happen, unless a particular institution is clearly threatened. Let me explain again: - for the two previous coup, the army was able to claim that it made this decision independently, as ordered by the army chief. For example, Prayut claimed he "took his responsibilities" and made the decision by himself. Therefore, the spirit of the constitution, and of the main principle of the Thai political system, was officially preserved. - currently, the army forces stationed in Bangkok (the ones who usually implement coups) are under direct Royal command and not any more under the army chief's command. Therefore, it could not be claimed any more that the army made the decision by itself.
  3. That's the easy part. The difficult part will be to effectively govern and implement a program, despite the Junta's constitution, the Senate, the NACC, the courts, etc... Or even simply not to be ousted!
  4. If the Senate and/or the Constitutional court have a say about it, it won't happen.
  5. In Thailand, an elected government has no power on the Judiciary and semi-Judiciary (agencies, such as the NACC).
  6. It's probably because for the constituency vote, they vote for a person rather than for a party.
  7. Confirmed by statistics "Most violent far-right perpetrators were motivated by white supremacist or anti-government sentiments, and they committed most of the fatal attacks in 2021. Of the 30 fatalities in 2021, 28 resulted from far-right terrorist attacks." https://www.csis.org/analysis/pushed-extremes-domestic-terrorism-amid-polarization-and-protest
  8. If the exit poll is reliable (and unless they find a way to rigg elections), this is a massive loss of face for Prayut and Prawit https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40027609 Asked which party they voted for in the party-list election, the respondents replied: - 32%: Pheu Thai - 29.7%: Move Forward - 10.4% Democrat - 7.9% United Thai Nation - 5.7%: Palang Pracharath - 2.6% Thai Sang Thai - 2.5%: Chart Thai Pattana - 2.3% Seree Ruam Thai - 1.5% Chart Pattana Kla - 5%: Others
  9. 3000*3%. The percentage indicated in the article was 2% since 1999, I used 3% to get a wide margin of error. The 2% figure doesn't take into account laws passed before 1999, a period during which QMV was very limited in scope (the Nice treaty dates from 2004), so It's likely below 2% since 1973.
  10. I admit it, no problem. However, it is not true that "These hundreds/thousands of EU laws basically bypassed the British Government" Out of the 3000 retained laws, only around 100 bypassed the UK government.
  11. Does one need ChatGPT to be informed that elections were not rigged? Did the widespread information about it prevent his followers to believe in the Big Lie (including in this forum)? You are too optimistic!
  12. And of course, people who watched Trump's speech perfectly knew it was only in Mendocino! ???? Anyway, it was not his biggest lie about energy. His biggest lie was to pretend that global oil prices depend on production in the U.S. Global prices depend on the global supply and demand, and a small increase or decrease in U.S. production has very little impact. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/11/politics/transcript-cnn-town-hall-trump/index.html
  13. They "peacefully" prevented people from voting! ???? https://robertamsterdam.com/turkey-and-thailand-a-tale-of-two-coups/
  14. "Official EU voting records* show that the British government has voted ‘No’ to laws passed at EU level on 56 occasions, abstained 70 times, and voted ‘Yes’ 2,466 times since 1999, according to UK in a Changing Europe Fellows Sara Hagemann and Simon Hix. In other words, UK ministers were on the “winning side” 95% of the time, abstained 3% of the time, and were on the losing side 2%." https://fullfact.org/europe/eu-facts-behind-claims-uk-influence/ So It's not true that "These hundreds/thousands of EU laws basically bypassed the British Government on the way in - so why not on the way out?" Why not post something accurate?
  15. Rather than Soviet, I would consider a characterisation starting with F.
  16. It's true. Only Directives need to be transposed into national laws. However, treaties and regulations require the agreement of the Council of the EU, and the British government approved most of them. So it wasn't "bypassed." On top of it, as concerns the role of the House, even in the case of regulation, there was still a 'scrutiny reserve': "A Resolution of the House of Commons of 17 November 19981 constrained Ministers from giving agreement in the Council or the European Council to any proposals which had not received parliamentary scrutiny clearance (see below). A similar Resolution of the House of Lords was updated (taking into account the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty) on 30 March 2010" https://erskinemay.parliament.uk/section/5673/the-scrutiny-reserve-resolutions/
  17. And after the British government voted most of them at the EU Council.
  18. Really? Here's the transcript. There are pages and pages of lies. Actually, It's hard to find a subject about which he doesn't lie! https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/11/politics/transcript-cnn-town-hall-trump/index.html
  19. About Trump, the relevant question is not "When did he lie?", It's "When did he tell the truth?" ????
  20. It's not wise to discuss it, but there are a few press articles mentioning the reason why Thaksin got his passport revoked in 2015.
  21. I was not altering the meaning of your post, just responding to one of your claims. Did I misunderstand it? If you want, I can do it again with your whole post quoted.
  22. You missed an important point. The political faction which made a military coup, was the same faction which created unrest. The same faction which also prevented a peaceful and democratic solution by blocking elections organised under the caretaker government, in accordance with the constitution.
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