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Everything posted by candide

  1. This is the Junta's propaganda and It's not true. At the time of the coup, Suthep's mob were getting thin and he was not a threat any more. Elections were planned for July. That's the reason for the orchestrated coup: the mob coup failed, the judicial coup failed as it had not been able to oust the whole caretaker government, and people had again the opportunity to elect their government. The only remaining way to prevent people from choosing their government was a military coup.
  2. Only when the justice system is unbiased and laws are fair, which is not the case in Thailand. Following your logic, Stalin, Mao or Kim should not be considered as criminals.
  3. Well, it depends what is considered as being "hostile". If you consider that recalling Trump that elections were not rigged when he claimed it, was being "hostile", then the journalist was hostile. Other people would think she was just doing her job properly.
  4. It seems they are unable to learn from experience. How many times have we observed similar patterns? The Kraken and other election fraud lawsuits and audits, the GOP Senate investigation into Biden, the Durham probe, etc....they all failed to substantiate initial claims.
  5. The army has also been put under tighter control. "Bangkok-based diplomats have taken note of the emerging axis within the influential military, the guarantor of political power in the country, under Vajiralongkorn, himself a military veteran of the King's Guard. The monarch set this tone by unveiling plans to redeploy troops in the capital to come under his personal royal security force 904, a well-trained Praetorian Guard of some 7,000 soldiers. Brought under this new security architecture for exclusive royal service are squads from the 1st Infantry Regiment, 11th Infantry Regiment and the 4th Cavalry Battalion -- previously the frontline troops to stage coups." https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Turbulent-Thailand/Thailand-king-s-elite-Red-Rim-officers-enter-the-spotlight
  6. An interesting consequence....???? Former President Donald Trump’s comments Wednesday night about his handling of classified documents appeared to contradict statements by his lawyers, and provide potentially important evidence for federal prosecutors investigating whether to charge him with a crime, legal experts say. https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-comments-mar-lago-documents-205929399.html
  7. How many hundred thousands of U.S. businesses have received payments from foreign firms?
  8. I was specifically alluding to the personal history of someone who cannot be discussed, you know, like who was friend with him and who was not at that time.
  9. It's easy to know. Unlike someone who cannot be named, Joe has been publicising his tax returns for years.
  10. There are three big differences: - the first is that the yellow-green network doesn't need to make a military coup. They have put mechanisms in the constitution which may allow them to oust a government on any pretext (ex the strategic plan), - the second is that it will likely not be the red shirts from the NE, but the new democracy protesters (the children of the Bangkok Sino-Thai middle class), - last but not least, Prayut/Prawit's army Corp has been sent back to the Eastern provinces. All the military forces present in Bangkok are now directly supervised by someone who cannot be discussed. Nothing can happen without his approval. In this respect, It may be useful to know about his history around 20 years ago.
  11. A good summary of Comers lies and fake claims over time. https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-goes-on-offense-against-gops-biden-attack-dog-james-comer
  12. The problem for the yellow-green network is to decide which of the two opposition parties they may ban. Even by Thai standards, they cannot decently ban both PT and MF. I would tend to think that MF is more dangerous to them (for reasons I won't evoke directly) so they won't ban PT and will find/create an opportunity to ban MF instead.
  13. There is a regional aspect. However, It is also directly related to elections. The yellow ones protest in order to block elections, or an election winner, while the red ones protest in order to obtain elections.
  14. When they lose, they will have a try at getting rid of the winners. It won't be a military coup, because they don't need it with their constitution. The constitution has been designed to this end: to "legally" get rid of elected governments the yellow/green elite doesn't like. Then of course, they will be protests. This time it won't be the red shirts, because they know (by experience) they can be killed. It will be the new democracy protest. This is a big problem for the elite because they are the children of the core supporters of the elite. They cannot just open fire on them as they did on the NE "buffaloes" in 2010.
  15. I don't know the prices in the U.S., but I bought the best premium indoor stuff in Barcelona's cannabis clubs for 300/400 baht for one gram. In shops in Thailand, the equivalent quality is sold between 700 and 900 baht (obviously cheaper online). Considering the cost of manpower in Thailand, It's obviously overpriced.
  16. The sweet music if closing arguments! ???? "According to Kaplan, Trump and his lawyers want the jury to believe Carroll and the other witnesses in her case are a part of a huge “hoax” to take down the former president. “The big lie,” Kaplan called it. “There is only one person here who is lying and that person is Donald Trump,” Kaplan said. In order to side with Trump’s defense, “You’d need to conclude that Donald Trump, the nonstop liar, is the only person in this room telling the truth.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/08/politics/trump-carroll-closing-arguments/index.html
  17. A very significant difference: unlike Trump, Biden did not employ his familly at the WH.
  18. You are not up to date. Keep up with 2020 news! It has already been investigated by a GOP led Senate committee, and they found nothing, as usual. Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden https://www.nytimes.com/
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