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Everything posted by candide

  1. He had not resisted and was handcuffed. He did resist, but only after being handcuffed. It did not justify putting a knee on his neck during more than 9 minutes.
  2. More precisely: Can you state under which statute the penalty for 'a handcuffed man' not immediately obeying a police officer is death?
  3. You are making things up! Watch the video. There was no crowd, only a few people. They were not threatening or trying to intervene. They were cautiously remaining on the sidewalk, and were just yelling Floyd was dying. There was no crowd control. The video even showed a cop watching it quietly with his hands in his pockets. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/01/us/george-floyd-three-videos-minneapolis/index.html
  4. Another baseless assumption. The timing has certainly a lot to do with the fact that the Adult Survivors Act was passed in 2022.
  5. Apparently, It's a small short-range drone which cannot be launched from Ukraine.
  6. Not only Prayut. Move forward is the biggest threat for the yellow-green network, because they now get the votes from the Bangkok middle-class people, who used to be core supporters of affiliated parties and movements, such as the Dems, PDRC, and PP.
  7. In another country I don't need to mention, this guy would have likely carried an AR 15.
  8. The debt level, in absolute value has indeed increased. I think they were referring to the debt to GDP ratio, or maybe the budget deficit, which have both started to decrease.
  9. As usual, an attempt by the GOP to legitimise Trumps lame claims.....
  10. Of course, according to you, no relation to more rational and fact-based reasons, such as the Covid crisis which resulted in low energy price, extensive contagion and high death rate in Russia (population fell by 997,000 between October 2020 and September 2021).
  11. Another win for Trump! ???? Judge denies Trump's mistrial motion claiming unfair rulings in trial over E. Jean Carroll's rape allegation https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-lawyer-seeks-mistrial-e-jean-carroll-rape-allegation-case-claim-rcna82219
  12. Stats about previous incidents in 2023 here: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
  13. Calculated by comparing 2020 and 2021. Of course, nothing to do with the fact that the impact of Covid really started to be significant end of March, that the peak which occurred early 2021 was due to the start of a Covid wave in December 2020, that Biden took office on 20 January, so most of January was still under Trump, etc... Not to mention that there were more deaths among Republicans in 2021, as a significant share of them was opposed to the health policy of the Biden administration, in particular to vaccination. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/03/03/the-changing-political-geography-of-covid-19-over-the-last-two-years/
  14. And about missile test, they follow the development program of new missiles. The ones launched recently have started to be developed during Trumps mandate. "North Korea displayed a larger Hwasong-17 ICBM at an October 2020 military parade and began test launching it in 2022. The Defense Intelligence Agency assesses it is “probably designed to deliver multiple warheads.” Analysts point to the larger diameter and propulsion capability, potentially allowing it to carry multiple warheads." https://sgp.fas.org/crs/nuke/IF10472.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjvg7qTzdP-AhV1VKQEHe3nBpUQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3XG-RgpaI0vVlyxaaSIqUv
  15. Trump a global force, lol!. The global economic context was the same as during Obama's last mandate.
  16. At that time there was low inflation worldwide, cheap gas worldwide, cheap flights worldwide, etc... I did not know Trump had such a wide impact on the whole world economy!
  17. Interesting. I read many times, in this forum, that Fox News was by far the market leader. It also does not mean that your claim about other channels is true.
  18. About your "thirdly", It's likely not true any more. There has been a significant change of attitude since a few years and Thais are talking rather freely about it (Not publicly of course). They perfectly know the military are a bunch of crooks and are quite aware about other things I will not address here. Thaksin, despite his flaws, opened Pandora's box and it will never be like before. The recent changes just amplified this phenomena. Of course, appointed people still hold a significant power (possibly still more than elected people), and are still able to prevent an elected government they don't like from governing, in one way or another. However, it is unlikely they may be able to do that with a large approval from the Thai people.
  19. This aggregator is also good. They have more features, such as electoral college simulations, and better graphics. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  20. Not to mention the pharmaceutical industry, which has been imposed lower drug prices, the gun manufacturers, the Koch brothers, etc... ????
  21. Thanks for confirming that Trump was lying and defaming her. Trump claimed that E. Jean Carroll, said that "rape was sexy" and "indicated that she loved it". It's not what can be read in the extract shown in the article. It can also be further checked in the full transcript that she did not say what Trump claimed in other parts of the interview. http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1906/24/acd.01.html
  22. Ukraine's tactic may be to exhaust Russians by keeping them on alert, not knowing where and when Ukraine will make a strike or launch an offensive.
  23. There's a big difference in policies between China and India. The Chinese have been trying to control the size of the population, in order to make it manageable and avoid the chaos of over-population. India's stance is different. The more Indian people on the planet, the more powerfully India will be. They don't really care if it generates inneficiences and it's difficult to manage it.
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