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Everything posted by candide

  1. You can post it as many times as you want, it will not make it true. The Dems never claimed the 2016 elections were rigged, that there was massive fraud, etc... as Trump and a GOP politicians did.
  2. It is quite possible they may incriminate someone up the chain, such as Giuliani. Then would Giuliani accept the play the role of the fuse?
  3. So what? It confirms they were former agents, which means they didn't depend hierarchically from Joe. And before you come up with the debunked lie from Jim Jordan. https://www.politicususa.com/2023/04/21/jim-jordan-just-got-busted-with-evidence-of-his-hunter-biden-lies.html
  4. Which playbook? Oh, you mean the Jan. 6 committee? You know, like testimonies by Republican Trump aides, text messages and documents, recorded phone calls, etc... Nothing like the current allegations of allegations, whistleblowers who seem to know nothing, "may", "could be", "we believe" B.S. ???? They have nothing and make it up!
  5. Which is a more elegant way for the GOP to say "we have nothing"!
  6. In summary: as they have nothing, they make it up!
  7. Investigation on what? An"allegation of allegation", as Chomper calls it?
  8. Thank you for this funny information about the "waiter". I think both sides are trying to mislead the other one, and are well aware their opponent is doing the same.
  9. So many things we didn't see coming: the outcomes of election fraud complaints such as the Kraken, the outcomes of elections audits and recounts, the conclusions of the Senate GOP committee investigation on Biden, the outcome of the Durham probe... It's like we are not able to learn by experience! ????
  10. A consolation thread for MAGA fans! ????
  11. Wrong thread again! It's not a thread about Trump!
  12. Jim Jordan lied about Blinken and shamelessly edited Morel's testimony (see transcript), and now we should believe Comer? ???? https://www.politicususa.com/2023/04/21/jim-jordan-just-got-busted-with-evidence-of-his-hunter-biden-lies.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-accuses-house-judiciary-republicans-highly-misleading-hunter-biden-leak
  13. I see. I did not read that they had an accusation in their hands for one year, but never mind How do we know there is an accusation? It comes from Comer, and on top of it, he doesn't seem to know anything about it. Quite different from the Mar a Lago "raid" (see Tug's post), BTW. If there was indeed a report, was it sufficient to predicate an investigation? I remember the FBI being previously roasted and investigated about suspicion of improper predication of investigations (the Durham probe).
  14. Sorry, I'm a bit lost. Which accusation have been in the hands of the FBI for about a year now?
  15. By the NYPost! ???? BTW, which document? Made when? Bribe by whom? It seems that Comer always come up with whistleblowers who know nothing.
  16. Pathetic. Another lame attempt to distract attention from their presidential candidate
  17. Not resisting much, it seems https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VDd5GlrgvsE Anyway, What was your point, exactly. That he deserved what happened to him?
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