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Everything posted by candide

  1. Another evidence the DOJ is not politicised! Trump's fans also have the right to be protected by law, not only woke people! MAGA folks have been scammed by Trump's misleading advertising. This should be investigated and punished!
  2. Another quote From the OP: "But these documents could be pivotal for investigators to see whether the Trumps continue to overstate the value—and even the physical size—of the properties they own across the country." Why wouldn't I be surprised if It's the case? ????
  3. And there are already consequences... Judge Says He Plans To Appoint Special Master To Investigate Fox Attorneys After Revelation Of Maria Bartiromo Audio Recordings In Dominion Defamation Case "Davis said that he was “very concerned” that Fox made it seem as if it had met its discovery obligations." https://news.yahoo.com/judge-says-plans-appoint-special-171840980.html
  4. Another factual paper by the excellent Just Security, surveying previous cases and also clearly defining the felony of falsifying business records in the first degree. Survey of Past New York Felony Prosecutions for Falsifying Business Records https://www.justsecurity.org/85605/survey-of-past-new-york-felony-prosecutions-for-falsifying-business-records/
  5. Same social class but different network (or club). Thaksin was well tolerated as long as he wasn't challenging the yellow-green network. After all, the economy was going well and they were making good money. What lost him is that he started to create his own competing network. If I remember well, the old elite felt threatened by the possible occurrence of a "duo" (I cannot be more explicit).
  6. More to come. "Grossberg, who is suing the conservative network for harassment and a toxic work environment, claims that the behind-the-scenes conversations with Giuliani, former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and Trump campaign officials featured them admitting they had no evidence to support their Dominion election fraud lies. Additionally, she says an adviser of former President Donald Trump pointed out the importance of January 6 weeks before the Capitol attacks, noting that the adviser said there were “no issues” with voting machines and January 6 was now the “backstop” for determining the election." https://news.yahoo.com/ex-fox-producer-secret-rudy-231914910.html
  7. The Biden and Pence cases (they are similar) are very different from the Trump case. Next time, get informed before posting. https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-michael-pence-us-federal-bureau-of-investigation-9c2d7f472b8ff63f76f2c9fbb03dfde2 https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/02/politics/comparing-classified-documents-biden-trump-pence-dg/index.html
  8. Related news Alvin Bragg’s Office Tells Jim Jordan to Take a Road Trip to Ohio If He Wants to Talk About Violent Crime "In DA Bragg’s first year in office, New York City had one of the lowest murder rates of major cities in the United States (5.2) - nearly three times lower than Columbus, Ohio (15.4). If Chairman Jordan truly cared about public safety, he could take a short drive to Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Akron, or Toledo in his home state, instead of using taxpayer dollars to travel hundreds of miles out of his way.” https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/04/alvin-bragg-jim-jordan-crime-hearing
  9. Placeholder already replied on the other point, here's the energy part: POINTS Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. oil and gas sector has boosted exports to the point where the U.S. is at the top of the world’s energy-exporting nations. This week new data from the U.S. government showed the U.S. exported a record 11.1 million barrels a day of oil and refined products. “It’s amazing to think of all those decades of concern about energy dependence to find the U.S. is the largest exporter of LNG and one of the largest exporters of oil. The U.S. story is part of a larger remapping of world energy,” said Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of S&P Global. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/03/ceraweek-how-russias-war-made-the-us-a-dominant-supplier-of-energy-.html
  10. In which parallel universe are you living? "Davis’ ruling means jurors will need to decide whether Fox News defamed Dominion by repeatedly promoting false claims that the voting technology company rigged the 2020 presidential election by flipping millions of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Dominion wants $1.6 billion in damages." https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/31/media/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit/index.html TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT Published November 23, 2020 10:20pm EST Tucker Carlson: Yes, the election was rigged for Joe Biden. Here's how https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-2020-presidential-election-rigged-big-tech-mainstream-media Compare the election-fraud claims Fox News aired with what its stars knew https://www.npr.org/2023/02/18/1157972219/fox-news-election-fraud-claims-vs-what-they-knew Rupert Murdoch says Fox News hosts endorsed false election fraud claims "Some of our commentators were endorsing it," Mr Murdoch said in a sworn deposition filed on Monday. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64794606
  11. I guess that, at that time, the GOP was not phagocyted by people like MTG and other nutters.
  12. Meanwhile.... Fox News settles lawsuit with Venezuelan businessman it accused of helping rig the 2020 US presidential election, as it readies for $1.6 billion Dominion trial https://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-settles-lawsuit-venezuelan-114132726.html " Shortly after the election, Dobbs took to Twitter to call it a "cyber Pearl harbor" and said that Khalil was a "liaison with Hezbollah" who had executed an "electoral 9-11." The former Fox host also accused Khalil and other Venezuelans of being involved in a scheme to oust former president Donald Trump."
  13. Just trying to move the target. The issue is not what Fox news argues in court. It is that it has been publicly and repeatedly stated on Fox News that elections have been rigged thanks to Dominion machines. They claimed on their channels that elections have been rigged thanks to Dominion machines (among others), and they knew it was B.S. So It's a defamation. A comparison may make it more clear. If someone states "this bank has been robbed because the safe had security issues". Then a check is made and no money is missing in the safe. It is defamation.
  14. The numbers are in the link I posted before. As you can see the total is not 6.2 trillion. FY 2021: $1.5 trillion FY 2020: $4.2 trillion FY 2019: $1.2 trillion FY 2018: $1.3 trillion https://www.thebalancemoney.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296
  15. You know about it but you don't apply it From your post: "it was up about 6.2 trillion"
  16. The chart shows crearly that the debt was more or less stabilised around 20 trillion at the end of Obama's mandate, and then it grew with a similar trend as at the beginning of Obama's first mandate. With a big difference: Obama increased debt to fight the consequences of a major crisis, while Trump similarly increased debt in a context of continuous growth and low unemployment. Additionally, as I mentioned to you previously, the debt must be calculated by fiscal year, and not by calendar year. "For example, President Donald Trump took office in January 2017. He submitted his first budget in May. It covered the 2018 fiscal year, which didn't begin until October 1, 2017. Trump operated the first part of his term under President Barack Obama's budget for fiscal year 2017, which ended on Sept. 30, 2017." https://www.thebalancemoney.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296
  17. Really? Did you calculate the regression coefficient? Why gold? The relative value of a currency is usually calculated against other currencies, and the U.S. dollar index published by the Fed is the most recognised index to measure its value.
  18. The beauty of this case is that it relies on plain material evidence: took/not took, keep/not keep, hide/not hide, lie/not lie, obstruct/not obstruct. We know Trump willingly took the document (he officially stated ut) and kept them, we know there was obstruction (part of the documents were not given back and have been hiden), and we know there were formally lies (a statement signed by one of his lawyer). The only thing they need is enough evidence that the obstruction and lies were caused by Trump, and they probably already have it.
  19. They pay a higher share of taxes than before because they have a higher share of income than before.
  20. 2017-2019, which sounded like the continuation of 2013-2016. About inflation and gas price, are you claiming that Biden is responsible for the global inflation and global oil prices?
  21. If not, no worryl! The Aryan Brotherhood will protect him! ????
  22. It's not what Biden says, It's what economic indicators say. Strong GDP growth, low unemployment, inflation is high due to global context but decreasing (and lower than G7 average), energy production and exports have significantly increased, etc... not to mention a coherent industrial policy.
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