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Everything posted by candide

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/ In a way you are right. The WAPO counted how much times he lied. As he repeated the same lies over and over, ex the big lie, It's not the number of lies, It's only the number of times he lied. But that's only during his presidency. He started long before that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veracity_of_statements_by_Donald_Trump
  2. It's not abroad that they will learn how to r!&& elections. There is enough accumulated know-how in Thailand about it.
  3. Stephen Colbert Spots The Exact Moment That Could Mean Fox News Is Screwed "In the recording, she asks if he has evidence that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has an interest in Dominion. “I’ve read that, I can’t prove that,” Giuliani replied. Colbert rolled a clip of Bartiromo then saying on the air about Dominion: “I understand Nancy Pelosi has an interest in this company.” Colbert called that “the phrase that pays,” which in this case could be the phrase that forces Fox News to pay out $1.6 billion" https://news.yahoo.com/stephen-colbert-spots-exact-moment-064858029.html
  4. Well, at least when Latin people promise you something for 'Manana' or 'ahorita', there is still a slight chance it will happen within a few months' time! ????
  5. It's a shame no hand recount and audits have been organised in states and/or counties where the right-wing claimed that fraud occurred! Oh wait! ???? https://the2020election.org/2020-election-recounts-and-audits/
  6. And of course, after showing you numbers and facts about his achievements, such as economic growth, unemployment, energy production and exports, compared to other G7 countries, you will acknowledge them and not write the same post any more in a few hours or a few days' time...... ????
  7. Obviously, there is also a convergence of independent forecasts towards similar numbers. Official Statistics Forecasts for the UK economy: March 2023 A comparison of independent forecasts for the UK economy in March 2023. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/forecasts-for-the-uk-economy-march-2023
  8. I had time to check what was exactly said and when, and here is my reply. A look at the context and at what he exactly said is quite instructing, and it's not unethical as you suggest. Here's a quote of what he said, which includes what he said just before: (BIDEN) "And so, they’re very concerned that we are still the open democracy we’ve been and that we have rules and the institutions matter. And that’s the context in which I think that they’re looking at: Are we back to a place where we are going to accept decisions made by the Court, by the Congress, by the government, et cetera? Q So the entire genesis of that G7 conversation was tied to your predecessor, who is about to launch another campaign. So how do you reassure them, if that is the reason for their questioning, that the former President will not return or that his political movement, which is still very strong, will not — THE PRESIDENT: Oh, yeah? (Laughs.) Q — once again take power in the United States? THE PRESIDENT: Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run. I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again. Q Thanks." The subject discussed was: "that we have rules and the institutions matter." "Are we back to a place where we are going to accept decisions made by the Court, by the Congress, by the government, et cetera?" Is that an unethical perspective? It is also relevant to note that he did not use "we" as "me" or the government, or the Democrats, but as the USA "we are still the open democracy" "Are we back to a place" Then he talked about Trump returning to power because he was asked about it, because the G7 countries were worried (according to the journalist asking the question). "I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again." He does not suggest he will interfere in anything. There no precision about what he meant. It could well be, for example, to beat him at the next elections. It's not unethical, and it is not in contradiction with voters voting to choose the next President, as you claim. In brief, you have nothing. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/11/09/remarks-by-president-biden-in-press-conference-8/ Other readings: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-indictment-biden-666348749991 https://www.newsweek.com/biden-trump-indictment-stop-power-1792426 https://www.factcheck.org/2023/04/bidens-2022-remarks-not-related-to-trump-indictment-contrary-to-online-posts/
  9. So, as noticed by placeholder, he did ot say he will interfere. That's only your interpretation. However, he clearly made a reference to the Constitution. Does the Constitution allow a president to interfere? Anyway, a biased interpretation of a not very clear statement does not prove anything. How exactly did he interefere and what is the evidence? You have nothing.
  10. As any large organisation, they have a website providing all the information you may need. https://www.imf.org/en/About/Factsheets/IMF-at-a-Glance
  11. How do the current trend look like? https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  12. A forecast is not a guess, it is the most likely scenario considering what is known at the time it is made. It doesn't mean that it is exactly what will happen, it means other scenarii are less likely to occur.
  13. As pointed out in this article, the OECD come up with similar forecast. https://www.oecd.org/economic-outlook/march-2023/
  14. Placeholder replied to it. What evidence to you have that Biden has interfered? None.
  15. 16% don't know That leaves 36% thinking he should run. https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/Half-of-Americans-say-Trump-charges-are-serious
  16. The timing has more to do with Trump refusing to give back the documents to NARA during around one year. Oh wait! You may be right that there is a link! Trump announced his 2024 run a few months after the "raid"! ????
  17. To be honest, I also wish he would run! The cherry on the cake would be to see him run from a prison cell! ????
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