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Everything posted by candide

  1. Trumps wins in defamation cases also confirm that the justice system is not biased against Trump, contrary to what he and his supporters are claiming.
  2. Priceless! ???? https://news.yahoo.com/trump-arraigned-manhattan-alleged-hush-110056179.html
  3. Well, at least he is admitting it. He is likely not the only poster on this forum. There are several other posters whom I have never seen admitting elections were not rigged. At best, they wrote that Trump should have let it down, without mentioning he was lying.
  4. Are you kidding? 2019-2014= 5 years. They (Prayuth was asked to make a coup, he did not decide it by himself) imposed 5 years of autocracy before elections. On top of it, the constitution they made was de facto giving the Senate (appointed by the army and the old elite) the power to chose the PM. It's still the case for the next elections. The opposition needs 375 MPs/500 to govern (provided elections are not rigged). I forgot another reason, which was, the succession, and that's why prayuth had been appointed army chief in 2010 "The pro-Abhisit establishment and the powers that be are hunkering down for the long haul and Prayuth is their man. He could be in power for another four years – crucial in Thai politics because of the road towards the succession. The confrontation between the Reds and the Yellows is going to continue." https://www.dw.com/en/thailands-new-army-chief-takes-office/a-6066746
  5. Are you really buying this fairy tale? There was no brink of civil war. Suthep's mob was spreading thin as money was getting short. He failed. Yingluck was already ousted by the judiciary and the government was already in caretaker mode since January. New elections were scheduled by the EC for July. That was the objective of the coup: prevent the Thai people from electing a government. The protest coup failed, the judicial coup failed (they had no ground to oust the whole government), so the only way to avoid elections was a military coup.
  6. This has been debunked, same as the other irregularities you did not have time to gather.
  7. You should read the news more carefully. It's Musk having a tantrum, not the NYT
  8. He was convicted for obstructing an official proceeding. Isn't it what he did?
  9. The only accurate statement is the one about war crimes (to some extent). - Accounting error: not can error - Hundreds of crimes: not true, and irrelevant as Hunter is not a politician. And there is not much incriminating matter in the laptop. - Arrest with just a testimony from a prostitute: also not true.
  10. Are you unaware you are posting B.S. or are just desperately trying to score points?
  11. Nobody denied the ability of the conman to harvest his dum fan base! Back to topic.... 72% think Trump did something at least unethical. https://www.foxnews.com/official-polls/fox-news-poll-4-in-10-think-both-donald-trump-hunter-biden-broke-law
  12. And the reason is well-known! Quotes From the article: "The life expectancy of Russian males aged 15 is currently at the same level as those in Haiti." "Meanwhile in 2021, there were approximately 1.04 million more deaths than births recorded in Russia, according to Statistica." https://healthpolicy-watch.news/russia-population-drop/
  13. More fun! This is going to be good! ???? Trump Rages at Hush-Money Indictment in Misspelled Truth Social Rant https://news.yahoo.com/trump-rages-hush-money-indictment-225830404.html
  14. Apart from the fact that this so-called promise has never been officially made, you forgot two important dates: - June 12th, 1991, the Russian Federation declares its independence from the Soviet Union - December 31st, 1991, dissolution of the Soviet Union. So a promise not really made, to an entity which has been dissolved since (and that Russia left before, De facto triggering its dissolution).
  15. Come on! It would be much less funny without handcuff!
  16. Actually, it was billions. So about 1000 times what Hunter received. That's a reasonable amount for corruption at the WH level. The MAGA folks don't even realise that a few millions are absolutely peanuts and not worth becoming corrupt for it
  17. The case was buried although it seemed to be the ideal occasion to nail Thaksin. For example, don't you know who asked him to do it?
  18. Unfortunately, the old elite network and its components (the judiciary, the army, the Dems) never really investigated it (apart from a few minor cases), and closed the case. There must be a reason! And it was surely not in order to protect Thaksin.
  19. The red shirts have been created in reaction to the yellow shirts. That's fact. No yellow shirts, no red shirts.
  20. The BRICS are not constituting an alliance and may have diverging or even conflicting interests (ex. India and China). Moreover, because of Putin's incompetence and corruption, Russia is an economic dwarf. The BRICS make most of their trade with NATO countries and their allies (SK, Japan, OZ,)
  21. It's pathetic that we already discussed it extensively long time ago, and some people still come up with the same election fraud B.S. It's hopeless.....
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