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Everything posted by candide

  1. Are you sure the scrapped missile defense program would have been better than the one implemented by Obama? https://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/11/politics/nato-missile-defense-romania-poland/index.html
  2. 1. It doesn't matter. That's what he said at the time of the annexion. After he became President, he also initially did not rule out recognising the annexion. 2. It was a big mistake, as I wrote before.
  3. Obama has been too cautious about Russia and did not perceive the extent of the threat. It was a big mistake. At least, unlike Trump, he did not approve the invasion of Crimea. "Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that “the rest of Ukraine will fall … fairly quickly.” Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people “would rather be with Russia,” a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that “Russia did not seize Crimea.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/26/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html
  4. I did not inject anything, It's the reality, starting with this thread: MTG sent these tweets because she is (rather extreme) right-wing. So when someone (in this case a right-wing nutter) is ostracizing a particular group with a lame accusation, people who desagree should just shut up? Is that what you think? When one side is pushing for anti-gun laws and the other side does the opposite (in particular in Tennessee where Republicans passed a law in 2021 allowing people to carry a handgun, openly or concealed without a permit), It's not about politics? It would be better to have a bipartisan consensus for a tight gun control (and ban of some weapons). However, it's always the same side which opposes it.
  5. I agree with your conclusion and fully support gun control. What I disagree about is that you seem to suggest that both sides are equally at fault. It's not the left-wing which pointed at the alleged trans factor and sent incendiary tweets. Had the right-wing not done it in the first place, nobody would have talked about it. Starting with this thread: there would be no thread. Moreover, directing the ire of public opinion towards any particular group (trans or others: jews, blacks, muslims, etc...) is usually not without consequences and may incite violence.
  6. Of course, MTG will never point at the main source of terrorism (and in particular killings) because It's her friends! "Most violent far-right perpetrators were motivated by white supremacist or anti-government sentiments, and they committed most of the fatal attacks in 2021. Of the 30 fatalities in 2021, 28 resulted from far-right terrorist attacks." https://www.csis.org/analysis/pushed-extremes-domestic-terrorism-amid-polarization-and-protest
  7. Ahem! 2024 US Presidential Odds (as of 28 March) Candidate Odds Implied Probability Joe Biden +225 30.7% Ron DeSantis +300 25% Donald Trump +350 22.22% https://bookies.com/news/presidential-election-odds-daily-tracker
  8. You are missing the point, one side of the political continuum is incensed at a politician directing (once more) public opinion against LGBT people by spreading lies (there is no trans terrorism, the fact that the murderer was not even trans is a minor point). You know, the same side of the political continuum which is advocating for banning guns whenever a mass murder happens, and is trying to pass anti-gun laws. When it fails to pass such laws, it is due to the other side opposing it, under the influence of the NRA swamp.
  9. New information about it: Here's what Fox News was trying to hide in its Dominion lawsuit redactions "Ten days after the 2020 election, Fox News' so-called Brain Room looked into conspiracy theories that Dominion Voting Systems had rigged the presidential election against Donald Trump. The fact-checking and research division of the network came back with a clear decision: Those claims were false. But the misinformation went on the air anyway." (There are other interesting facts in the article) https://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-trying-hide-dominion-221900303.html
  10. What a moron... 5 things Donald Trump said in his interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity https://news.yahoo.com/5-things-donald-trump-said-040257692.html
  11. Actually, it fits the programming of different types of missiles. In 2017, NK had completed its current (at that time) ICBM missile program tests. Kim is smarter than what you think. When missile tests started again in 2019, it was the outcome of a different program of short-range missiles, followed later by other tests (new medium and long range missiles) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_Korean_missile_tests
  12. Another interesting quote from the Fox News article, which may contribute to explain the main results: 69% think he had at least done something unethical. "When asked about the criminal probe, 46% said they think Trump has done something illegal. About 29% of Americans believe it was unethical, but not illegal, while 23% don't think he did anything wrong."
  13. NK started its new missile test program in May 2019 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_Korean_missile_tests
  14. Nice fairy tale. When the military coup happened. The PDRC mob was getting thin and was losing its momentum. The election commission had agreed to holding elections in July. And that's why the military coup was made: the judicial coup failed, the protest coup failed, so it was the only way left to prevent the election of a new government
  15. That would be the Nirvana. Trump jailed and winning the primaries! ????
  16. “We won in 2016. We won by much more in 2020 but it was rigged,” ???? https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/25/politics/trump-fact-check-waco-rally/index.html
  17. You forgot? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-macron-boris-johnson-trudeau-nato-laughing-buckingham-palace-a9231881.html
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