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Everything posted by candide

  1. That's the eternal problem with some MAGA posters. They are told they need to link sources so they quickly link some articles without really reading them.
  2. Do you have some reliable information about how risky it is (for the Chinese)? Knowing them, I wouldn't bet they took much risk without guarantors and/or a significant interest rate, ex. the railway project.
  3. Well, in some countries, not having tight ethical contrainsts may be an advantage for the Chinese, at least on short-term. However, on a longer term, they may be perceived as a neo-colonialist country by the local populations.
  4. The Chinese have been very smart in articulating their influence policy. For example, the belt and road is a brilliant marketing and communication initiative. The U.S., and also European countries are lacking such a coherent and highly visible policy (while they probably spend more than the Chinese. Anyway, they are also starting that it's not all nice with the Chinese. For example, read: https://ourworld.unu.edu/en/areas-in-africa-with-more-chinese-backed-projects-were-more-likely-to-experience-protests
  5. “It is unclear what services were provided to obtain this exorbitant amount of money". In brief, he has nothing.
  6. It's not comparable at all. Trump is not being investigated for sex crime.
  7. And some people are arguing that NATO was a threat to Russia.....
  8. Bonkers predictions? ???? The current climate change is following the forecasts made during the early 2000's Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Projections Right https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2943/study-confirms-climate-models-are-getting-future-warming-projections-right/
  9. Turkey, that was during the 60's. It has nothing to do with the post-Soviet NATO policy.
  10. It's impressive how he fought the swamp by being pro-big business, i.e. by giving tax cuts to the rich.... not to mention his shameless nepotism.
  11. NATO was not a threat to Russia. There was no intent to attack or threaten Russia. Putin is a sore loser. He cannot accept this simple fact: no European country wants to be associated with Russia. One reason being that he failed to develop his country and Russia has no soft power. Another is that they have suffered from Russian (and Soviet) imperialism in the past The Iraq war was different but it doesn't really matter. Everybody would agree with you that it was not a "good war". It was a scam war. Even at that time, several NATO countries were against it (ex. France). Both invasions are horrendous.
  12. There isn't any NATO policy to put nukes near Russia borders. Currently there are U.S. nukes only in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Turkey, plus France and UK have their own nukes. Apart from Turkey, they are not close to Russia, I.e. not in Poland, Hungary, Baltic states, etc...
  13. An obvious conflict of interest. I guess the GOP committee has now buried the investigation. They seem to focus only on non-conflict of interest cases.
  14. He's already starting the circus. This is going to be entertaining! ???? “THE FAR & AWAY LEADING REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE & FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WILL BE ARRESTED ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!,” https://nypost.com/2023/03/18/donald-trump-says-he-will-be-arrested-tuesday/ (Sorry mod for the caps, that's the original text)
  15. By Marco Polo, founded by Garrett Ziegler, a 26-year-old former Trump White House aide! ????
  16. They have relied extensively on copying western technology, but have also significantly improved their domestic R&D capabilities. They have followed a path which is similar to Japan or SK, and now have reached the domestic innovation stage in many domains. On top of it, there are many people, so it's not that difficult to extract enough top scientists and engineers from such a mass of people. Not to mention a captive market which is huge enough to make investment profitable. t's just a question of time and they are fast.
  17. Tucker Carlson on Tuesday gave viewers an economical snapshot of two of his biggest lies. “Jan. 6, I think, is probably second only to the 2020 election as the biggest scam in my lifetime,” the Fox News host said. ???? https://news.yahoo.com/tucker-carlson-packages-2-biggest-125955212.html
  18. Unlike the US, Europe kept its banks on a tight rein post-2008. That was smart http://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/15/economy/european-bank-rules-svb/index.html
  19. To be free of control and influence is not really achievable for many countries which are not powerful enough. Then the issue is which is the "least bad" influence. What is worse, to be under U.S. influence, or to be under Chinese influence?
  20. "Can still be.." "....despite..." well, It's not all bad then!
  21. That's how it is in a Grand Jury. Nothing specific to Trump's case.
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