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Everything posted by candide

  1. 2017-2019, which sounded like the continuation of 2013-2016. About inflation and gas price, are you claiming that Biden is responsible for the global inflation and global oil prices?
  2. If not, no worryl! The Aryan Brotherhood will protect him! ????
  3. It's not what Biden says, It's what economic indicators say. Strong GDP growth, low unemployment, inflation is high due to global context but decreasing (and lower than G7 average), energy production and exports have significantly increased, etc... not to mention a coherent industrial policy.
  4. The usual m.o. with MAGA fans. They are asked to provide a sources they link the first one they find without really reading it! Another quote From the article: "When President Trump took office, there was more than 10,000 American troops in Afghanistan. He took it down to 2,500. He negotiated the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners that were being held by the Ghani government without consultation with the Ghani government. He negotiated the Doha Agreement with the Taliban without the Ghani government in the room. And he all but froze the Special Immigrant Visa program, which had been providing opportunities for some of our Afghan allies to get out of the country and to come — and to come back."
  5. Is this source ok to you? https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-taliban-peace-deal-agreement-afghanistan-war "all U.S. and other foreign troops will leave Afghanistan within fourteen months" I let you do the calculation, knowing that the agreement was signed on February 29, 2020 Also this one: "In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban reached a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, under which the United States agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021" https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/US-Withdrawal-from-Afghanistan.pdf
  6. So Fox News would have evidence suggesting the machines were vulnerable, and would not have displayed them or submitted them to the court? That would be incoherent.
  7. Exactly. Had Biden sent troops back to Afghanistan, the GOP and the MAGA fans hete would criticise him for extending the war, while Trump had negotiated a perfect peace deal.
  8. Ask the Taliban! Taliban angry at US for destroying military equipment: They destroyed national assets "The Taliban expressed their anger at the US for destroying military equipment before their withdrawal from Afghanistan saying Americans destroyed their “national assets”. Taliban member, Anas Haqqani said: “The US had deliberately destroyed military equipment including helicopters, military vehicles, and facilities,” according to Afghan news oulet Ariana news." https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2021/09/01/Taliban-angry-at-US-for-destroying-military-equipment-They-destroyed-national-assets
  9. No. As I told you before (Placeholder confirmed it and also posted a link about it), it was May in the agreement, not August. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/US–Taliban_deal
  10. The agreement was negotiated and signed between the U.S. and the Taliban only, without the official government even allowed to participate You don't know that? That's why it was nonsensical! It was de facto handing power to the Taliban. No wonder the official authorities were not too motivated and quickly collapsed. Typical of Trump's show business m.o., you know, like designing a peace plan in Palestine without the Palestinians.
  11. If I remember well, the agreement stipulated a withdrawal in May. Maybe September was the latest extension the Talibans would have accepted?
  12. Actually It's the judge's daughter who worked for Kamala! ????
  13. Trump is responsible for a nonsensical agreement, and a failed preparation of the withdrawal. What makes you think he may have been able to properly manage the withdrawal?
  14. So what's your evidence that swing voters are among the 23% who think he did nothing wrong? I would tend to think they are all Republican. About the age issue, I don't disagree with you, but It's out of topic.
  15. Really? Only 23% think he did nothing wrong! When asked about the criminal probe, 46% said they think Trump has done something illegal. About 29% of Americans believe it was unethical, but not illegal, while 23% don't think he did anything wrong. https://news.yahoo.com/six-10-americans-dont-want-133502391.html
  16. You are confusing what Comer says with the truth.... "She repeatedly explained that she was unaware that there were alleged classified documents at the Penn Biden Center until November 2022, when the documents were first discovered by counsel for President Biden." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rep-comer-claims-testimony-bidens-former-assistant-on-classified-docs-undermines-white-house-narrative
  17. No need to look at other countries. The current government has already been giving welfare cards, etc... "Deputy PM and Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) leader Prawit Wongsuwon has vowed to raise the monthly state welfare payment to 700 baht and says he is ready to be prime minister if his party returns to government after the next election." https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40024112
  18. I am not arguing that fuel price does not influence food price, just recalling that the market has a significant global component. Whatever the cause (fuel price being an influential factor), prices changes will be similar in countries with an open economy.
  19. Another explanation for the similarity of food price changes in different countries, is simply that the markets and prices of agricultural commodities (wheat, sugar, orange juice, etc...) are global.
  20. Right! It doesn't take 2 years to inspect the content of a laptop! Oh wait! Only the NYPost got a copy! ????
  21. Charge #35, you have a d$(& looking like a toadstool! "Not guilty, your honour!" ????
  22. Booksb are peanuts compared to what kids can access on the internet.
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