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Everything posted by candide

  1. I think some of them believe what they are being served, but others just don't care what is true or not. They just think they can score a point against the other side. Anyway, most of them won't even know about it, as the right-wing media are mute about it. I made a quick check: nothing on Fow News website (of course), nothing on the NYPost website either, and not a line about it on the Washington Examiner website (which is sometimes a bit more informative than the other two). So someone who only looks at right-wing media won't even know about it.
  2. Not literally expressed with this sentence, but hate is there (ok, among politicians, it may also be motivated by opportunism). Just look at some posts in the Florida book ban thread.
  3. Not much to add to what other posters said. They should have been more critical as there were credible dissenting voices at the international level. They diffused what was being served to them by the Bush administration. At that time, there was a climate of collective irrational craziness in the U.S. This is also long time ago and I guess some media have learned a lesson from it. It cannot be compared to more recent events such as the case in the OP.
  4. It would be fair. However, I am not sure there is a legal framework allowing it.
  5. Not going on about him. About you making false claims that you have been drawn into talking about him.
  6. So now you suggest I have drawn you into talking about Trump with a post you did not even reply to? The sub-discussion you replied to was nauseus arguing that: "While there is hard evidence that Putin was not afraid of Obama or Biden." I replied: "Could it be simply that he was not afraid of the U.S.?" Nothing about Trump in this exchange. Then you invite yourself and re-introduce Tump in the discussion, and then you complain I reply to you about Trump.
  7. Actually I checked the post you replied to, and it wasn't about Trump. It's you who introduced Trump in your reply. ???? My post was (Full quote): "Could it be simply that he was not afraid of the U.S.?"
  8. Stop playing the victim! You invited yourself in a discussion I had with someone else. I have not drawn you into it.
  9. Well, when someone makes the claim that Putin did not previously invade Ukraine because of Trump, It's not surprising that the name of Trump comes up in replies.
  10. As I addressed in my other post, did Trump send any signal suggesting that he would retaliate in the case of Ukraine, or was it just the opposite?
  11. Remind me, who first addressed the issue of image in the world, in this thread?
  12. And what were exactly the signals Trump sent to Russia that he would retaliate? Actually, from the start, it has been exactly the opposite. He approved the annexion of Crimea, tried to blackmail Ukraine about weapon deliveries, discredited Ukraine and undermined Zelinski. Here's the first of the 4 main counter-signals he sent: "Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that “the rest of Ukraine will fall … fairly quickly.” Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people “would rather be with Russia,” a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that “Russia did not seize Crimea.” 4 things to remember about Trump, Ukraine and Putin https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/26/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html
  13. I'm not a fan of the Tories, but in this case, I can only approve.
  14. Could it be simply that he was not afraid of the U.S.?
  15. Correlation is not causation. So what's the evidence it is due to Trump being President, and not due to another more plausible reason, such as the huge Covid crisis affecting Russia (population decrease of 900,000 in 2020), or the low price of energy during the Covid years. You have no evidence that Putin was afraid of Trump.
  16. Well, he has nearly a double rate of positive opinion than the previous president: 29% for Trump against 58% for Biden. Actually Trump was aroumd the same level as Putin or Xi. So the change of President has been a huge improvement in terms of international opinion. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/01/08/trump-ratings-remain-low-around-globe-while-views-of-u-s-stay-mostly-favorable/
  17. I am surprised the NRA did not already call for arming other children so that they would be able defend themselves....
  18. Really? So please give us an example of a comparable event at CNN, like Fox News knowingly lying about an important issue such as US presidential elections.
  19. Deter USSR (well, It's now Russia, which left the USSR in 1991). Isn't it exactly what they have been successfully doing? - it has demonstrated its capacity to unite quickly around a common goal, and even to rally support outside NATO (I.e. Japan), - it has demonstrated the superiority of its weapon systems and intelligence gathering capabilities. How could it better deter anyone to attack any NATO country?
  20. So did Putin or Xi ever "quake in their boots" over anything another POTUS said or did?
  21. So Democrats have a tendency to get their news from different sources, including right-wing media. That's a sound behaviour in order to be able to compare and balance information and POWs. Do Republicans exhibit the same mind openness, or do they stick to right-wing media and only get one-sided information? I think we already have an idea of the answer to this question.
  22. Of course, Fox News viewers will never hear about it, and it won't be reported in other right-wing media either.
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