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Everything posted by candide

  1. I guess some people will never be happy. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-poised-become-net-exporter-crude-oil-2023-2022-12-19/
  2. Actually that's exactly the reason why McCarthy gave the footage to Carlson. He is certain that it will be presented in a very dishonest way.
  3. Nobody's currently approving what the U.S. did. Actually, the same European countries which were against the Irak war, are also against the invasion of Ukraine (ex. France). Anyway, others' sins are no excuse for committing a crime.
  4. B.S.! Who's making nuclear threats? Not Western countries.
  5. Not to mention: https://www.businessinsider.com/nato-summit-recap-trump-embarrassing-nobody-taking-seriously-2019-12?r=US&IR=T https://www.businessinsider.com/18-photos-show-trump-humiliation-sulking-after-nato-incidents-2019-12?r=US&IR=T
  6. In a way he's right. The J6 footage has been given to a proven liar, so why not give it to Lindell who is even more a liar than Carlson?
  7. When asked during his visit about criticisms that he had rolled back rail safety standards, Trump replied, “I had nothing to do with that,” ???? https://news.yahoo.com/ntsb-crew-tried-to-stop-train-before-east-palestine-derailment-161726556.html
  8. And also incite voters to fraud! Trump encourages supporters to try to vote twice, sparking uproar https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-vote-idUSKBN25U0KK
  9. And in the few cases people do so, they usually get caught. See examples in linked article: The Pattern of GOP Voter Fraud In case after case from 2020, it turns out that Republicans were the ones misbehaving at the ballot box. "On Tuesday, Donald Kirk Hartle, the CFO of a Nevada company that hosted a September 2020 rally for Donald Trump, pleaded guilty to voting twice in last November’s election, including once in his dead wife’s name. Hartle is just the latest in a string of apparent Trump supporters who committed voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election." https://www.thebulwark.com/the-pattern-of-gop-voter-fraud/
  10. More fact-check https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/putin-speech-lies-today-factcheck-b2286583.html
  11. That's rich! Fake news? Such as Fox News propagating the Big Lie, while being fully aware it was B.S.?
  12. Nothing wrong but It's a personal. matter. Ot do young think that a dominantly Muslim county should be governed according to Muslim values or Chinatown according to Taoist values?
  13. False equivalence. CNN is surely not perfect but not comparable to Fox News. You cannot cite similar cases as in the OP, of CNN knowingly and repeatedly (no retractations) lying about an issue of similar importance with widespread evidence contradicting what has been diffused.
  14. Not to mention that India has now a card to play in global production networks as Western companies want to reduce their dependence from India and avoid US bans, I.e. IPhone now starting being produced in India.
  15. Your post gave me the idea to check. Actually it seems JonnyF was right to state that the EP scandal would have significant repercussions! ???? "LONDON — British MPs have defended taking gifts paid for by the Qatari government as a corruption scandal in Brussels shines the spotlight on lobbying by the country ahead of the World Cup. The Qatari government spent more than £260,000 in gifts, hospitality and travel on British MPs since October last year." https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-mps-defend-accepting-260000-in-qatari-gifts-before-world-cup/
  16. Nice to see there is more transparency about MEP's sponsored trips. The list is provided in the Politico article. Hmmm... lots of suspect sponsors such as Harvard University, Nobel Peace Center, Czech Academy of Sciences, Confrérie des chevaliers du Tastevin......????
  17. She's one of the Dem's best assets to win the next elections (after Trump, of course)! ????
  18. Don't forget it's a diplomatic statement made in a specific context. Putin's communication strategy is to claim being a victim of NATO aggression and Western imperialism, and he is relatively successful with it in a certain number of countries, particularly in some French-speaking countries in Africa. So it's obvious that he will not say anything which may give some substance to Putin's claim. Same for the other NATO countries, they will never say they want to help destroy or even just agress Russia (whatever they may think).
  19. Trump is whatever he thinks may be useful to him. He started by identifying as a Democrat, then his conman instinct led him to change side. His problem is that, while courting the far-right allows him to own the GOP, it doesn't work well with moderate electors.
  20. It's not that simple. China makes most of its trade with western countries and Russia's economy weights peanuts. 3% of China trade.
  21. Most of which he inherited from Obama, and the economy was just following global trends ( in case you did not notice gas price and inflation are global).
  22. Done nothing? Got the country out of an economic crisis, triggered continuous growth, reduced unemployment to historically low level, started to reduce inflation despite the world-wide inflation context, increase energetic independence and energy exports, unite NATO countries again... Not to mention in-depth work to secure strategic industry independence, to improve infrastructure and develop alternative energy sources.
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