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Everything posted by candide

  1. He was convicted by a court, not by The Jan.6 committee. Carlson has his "pants on fire"! ???? "However, Chansley’s signed plea agreement, an officer’s firsthand account of the events, and an internal memo from Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger all contradict Carlson’s claim that Capitol Police acted as Chansley’s Capitol "tour guides" Jan. 6." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/mar/08/tucker-carlson/evidence-rebuts-tucker-carlsons-claim-about-capito/
  2. A few years ago, I asked my friends in Romania what they thought about Russian people, and that was their reply (quoting more or less): "We like them individually, we like like to drink vodka with them, etc... but as a collectivity, we don't like them". That sums it up. Individually, they are friendly, but as a people they have always been imperialistic. Add to it an authoritarian regime, controlled media and lots of propaganda to maintain this state of mind. Add also to it that the government is corrupt and incompetent, has not been able to develop this country despite its very good natural and human resources, has not even been able to prevent its population from significantly decreasing, etc... so they need to play the nationalist card in order to distract attention from their incompetence.
  3. And the NYT did retract it. https://thepostmillennial.com/nyt-issues-correction-of-story-claiming-capitol-police-officer-bludgeoned-to-death-with-fire-extinguisher BTW, you just contradicted your previous claim that it was a peaceful visit! ???? Nice video! Video shows Capitol rioter hit officer with fire extinguisher https://nypost.com/2021/01/11/video-shows-capitol-rioter-hit-officer-with-fire-extinguisher/
  4. Making one's own mind by watching only what Carlson selected! Yeah, sure! ????
  5. Running out of money, and maybe also out of people... Russia’s population nightmare is going to get even worse A demographic tragedy is unfolding in Russia. Over the past three years the country has lost around 2m more people than it would ordinarily have done, as a result of war, disease and exodus. The life expectancy of Russian males aged 15 fell by almost five years, to the same level as in Haiti. The number of Russians born in April 2022 was no higher than it had been in the months of Hitler’s occupation. And because so many men of fighting age are dead or in exile, women outnumber men by at least 10m. https://www.economist.com/europe/2023/03/04/russias-population-nightmare-is-going-to-get-even-worse
  6. GOP: the party claiming to be pro-free speech and which actually acts against it....
  7. Well, to start with, I am not convinced they speak out that much (well, at least in the U.S. it seems It's rather the anti-LGBT group speaking out). When they do, I guess It's because they are expressing their (relatively) new freedom and equal rights, sometimes mixed with provocation directed at those who are prejudiced against them). We had the same phenomenon in the past with other types of groups, for example the women (women's lib, etc...), or black people (I'm black, I'm proud).
  8. You haven't explained why you disagree with people "shouting" they are different (I don't see many people shouting, but never mind). Which problem does it generate. Are people harassed by other people shouting their difference at every street's corner?
  9. Why her? M.M.LaFleur and Universal Standard are lending their clothes for free to any women running for public office — from town council to the House of Representatives https://www.insider.com/guides/style/mm-lafleur-universal-standard-free-clothes-women-running-for-office
  10. It's not as high as the U.S. still significant. Over 2022, the US led the way with major support decisions for Ukraine, with EU countries following with some delay and overtaking the US in the meantime with their total commitments. With additional data now collected (November 21 to January 15), the US again takes the lead. With additional pledges of nearly 37 billion euros in December, the Americans have earmarked a total of just over 73.1 billion euros for Ukraine support. For the EU, the comparable figure is 54.9 billion euros. https://www.ifw-kiel.de/publications/media-information/2023/one-year-of-support-to-ukraine-us-leads-eu-follows/
  11. As explained in the OP, they are fake whistleblowers!
  12. More nonsense from this stupid traitor. Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Zelensky ‘Wants Our Sons and Daughters to Go Die’ “I will look at a camera and directly tell Zelensky, you’d better leave your hands off of our sons and daughters because they’re not dying over there,” she added." https://news.yahoo.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-claims-zelensky-011540327.html
  13. As Carlson is a liar, it confirms It's not a set up. ????
  14. And, of course, his fans will complain in this forum about why it takes so much time before judging him....
  15. With such a walled garden, it is very likely that MAGA fans will never hear about it.
  16. You are confusing two things, the media leak and the FBI investigation. It has been mentioned to you several times, so you may well do it intentionally. According to the testimony, Hillary Clinton approved leaking the Alfa Bank information to the media. The media is not the FBI. However, the trial has shown that the FBI rejected this information as not reliable and did not use it. (On top of it, the investigation started before the meeting with Sussman). Proof below: FBI agent at Sussmann trial says he rejected Alfa-Bank claims within days https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/fbi-agent-at-sussmann-trial-bureau-rejected-alfa-bank-claims-within-days
  17. Paid fake whistleblowers, also known for diffusing conspiracy theories.... Exactly what can be expected from Jim Jordan.
  18. Not really. There was an abundant debate about it in the MSM, punctuated by the publication of several scientific studies. Of course, there was also a conspiracy theory about the Chinese knowingly diffusing the virus in order to weaken the West, which has probably been ridiculised frequently.
  19. And McCarty returned the favor by providing the Jan.6 footage to Fox News! ????
  20. The source you did not link provides a more extensive definition and examples of federal states. "federalism, Political system that binds a group of states into a larger, noncentralized, superior state while allowing them to maintain their own political identities. Certain characteristics and principles are common to all successful federal systems: a written constitution or basic law stipulating the distribution of powers; diffusion of power among the constituent elements, which are substantially self-sustaining; and territorial divisions to ensure neutrality and equality in the representation of various groups and interests. Changes require the consent of those affected. Successful federal systems also have a sense of common nationality and direct lines of communication between the citizens and all the governments that serve them. Examples of modern federal systems include the U.S., Brazil, Germany, and Nigeria." https://www.britannica.com/summary/federalism Practically, a federal state such as the ones mentioned above is characterised by a central government with executive powers. There is currently no project to change the current European institutions towards a federal type of government, in particular of the type you evoked (United States of Europe, by reference to the USA, it seems).
  21. Sorry, I thought what was discussed was evidence. Was I wrong? You comnented on the conclusions of the report, from a committee, not on the evidence produced. The evidence is displayed in the other link, not the BBC article.. Now if you want to discuss about evidence, and possibly contest the evidence produced, you are welcomed to comment on it.. Here's the link again: https://www.govinfo.gov/collection/january-6th-committee-final-report?path=/gpo/January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection/Final Report
  22. As usual, you are making things up. There is currently no federalism project. Some people are advocating it, there are debates about it, but there is no official project or position to transform the EU Institutions into federal institutions.
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