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Everything posted by candide

  1. No what? Are you claiming that the Bible accurately describes the historical reality, and that historians confirm this claim?
  2. Ahem! It's a bit more complex than that as the Bible is a religious book and not an history book. Let's be clear: I am not saying that Jews were not in Israel at that time. I am just recalling that, as all religious books, the Bible may have only a remote relation to the historical reality.
  3. Obviously you have not read or understood the article. Actually, it even in the title: recessions. An article under paywall, but based on this paper which can be downloaded freely. Interestingly enough, it is an IMF research paper. https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2018/03/05/How-Well-Do-Economists-Forecast-Recessions-45672 Yes, economists are poor at predicting recessions (or downturns), that is periods of significant change, and usually tended to be too optimistic. As shown in the paper, the IMF record is not worse than others, such as Consensus. The paper doesn't conclude they are poor at predicting anything (under the limit of the exercise, which is an attached probability). Only significant recessions. In the case of the 2023 report, It's not about predicting a recession, as It's a short-term forecast under conditions which are not expected to change. So your remark is not relevant for the OP topic (unless you claim that unexpected events may even create a harsher recession).
  4. Damning Montage Exposes Donald Trump’s Fifth Amendment Hypocrisy In Less Than A Minute ???? https://www.yahoo.com/news/damning-montage-exposes-donald-trump-073926486.html
  5. OK (if this poll is reliable). However, people being people, opinions are influenced by perceptions. After years of Netanyahu's government, and on top of it after the so-called Trump "peace" plan, it is obvious that Palestinians were not expecting to see the opportunity of any fair two state solution soon. When there is no realistic reply option, and you are <deleted>-off, choosing the less realistic and most provocative reply (regaining all of Palestinia) is not a surprising reaction.
  6. It is actually sourced locally. The U.S. are already producing most of what is needed, and are a net exporter of energy. The only reasons the U.S. are still importing crude oil is that (1) some needed varieties are not easily found in the U.S. soil and (2) some crude oil is imported, then refined and re-exported.
  7. A liar and a cheat. He had all the credentials to become a MAGA politician. ????
  8. So what? Did they use banned books to reach their goals? ???? The topic is about banning books.
  9. Lol! You are making things up again! They are not anti grooming laws. They are laws to ban books! BTW, most schools have anti-grooming and anti- sexual abuse regulations and procedures.
  10. That's ridiculous (of course, It's from Cruz). No need to get access to secret documents to get this information.. This type of information was widely avaible in press articles, published policy analyses and consulting report.
  11. George Santos delivers speech on Holocaust remembrance after lying about Jewish heritage https://www.foxnews.com/politics/george-santos-delivers-speech-holocaust-remembrance-lying-jewish-heritage
  12. B.S! They have always employed the best economists in their research department, including a few Nobel prizes! ????
  13. Some charts in the FT. https://www.ft.com/content/e44a1de1-a700-4384-8844-f26982d5c05c
  14. And he's still trusting Putin more than U.S. intelligence services... “Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our ‘Intelligence’ lowlifes[?]” wrote the former president on Truth Social in a Monday morning post. He continued: “My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe (whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!), Brennan, Peter Strzok (whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page. Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?” https://news.yahoo.com/trump-makes-shocking-comments-trusting-231949457.html
  15. Exactly. It's just right-wing B.S. with doesn't pass the reality test. "Experts in psychology and child development said they are not aware of any evidence showing that increased exposure to LGBTQ people or topics makes children more likely to join the LGBTQ community. Instead, they said it is likely an environment of increased acceptance allows people to more openly consider whether they might be part of the LGBTQ community." https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/11/why-its-not-grooming-what-research-says-about-gend/ As to sexual abuse and grooming, statistics also don't support the right-wing claims. https://www.d2l.org/wpcontent/uploads/2017/01/all_statistics_20150619.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwim3t3c7_D8AhXiXqQEHRbwDgEQFnoECCoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1soXkA9WaCw1qgTLHoI9WA https://www.nationalchildrensalliance.org/media-room/national-statistics-on-child-abuse/
  16. Well, It's actually scuds launched by his Tory mates which hit him badly! ????
  17. Exactly, they are making up fake issues: children are indoctrinated, children are groomed, porn books or third reich propagande should not be found in classroom libraries, and similar B.S..
  18. I must admit that right-wingers have an impressive ability to make up things! They surely don't need any book for that! ????
  19. We can at least agree on your last sentence. Moreover, even if he doesn't win the primaries, he will not accept to lose (as usual), and will torpedo the winner. He's a blessing for the Dems.
  20. Of course, It's Biden's fault and not the GOP cowardly accepting Trump's domination, to the point of supporting or condoning the Big Lie! ????
  21. It's a bit more complex and should not be over-simplified on both sides. If the targets are civilians, it is terrorism and should not be legitimized. The comparison with the French is not relevant as they usually targeted the German military or infrastructure. Having said that, Israel is also prompt to qualify as terrorism any armed opposition, without making any distinction. As about the recent events, when you have, for example, a 13 years old boy as perpetrator, it shows how the situation is really <deleted> up.
  22. Exactly. They are either unaware of it, or full hypocrites. High School students have been accessing all types of porn for years without their parents being able to control anything, as they can do it from their mobile phone. They are also getting any type of unchecked information on social network, sing the lyrics of rap songs, etc... In this context, banning books is so square
  23. The alternate reality is you claiming that some people are claiming that all books have been banned
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