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Everything posted by candide

  1. Palestinian This policy has been applied for decades and never stopped violence. That's a fact, not a guess. BTW, who are these "Palestians" who rationally decide whether there will be more or less mass murdering?
  2. Yet it never worked to reduce violence, for years and years. Making Palestinians more enraged is even likely to increase it. Actually, it never worked anywhere. History shows that whenever an occupier resorted to collective punishment for individual acts of terrorism (or whatever one may call them), the effect was usually to increase the opposition from the local population.
  3. The irony being that Russia was the main cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, after it declared its independence from the Union in June 1991. Of course, the other members followed the example of Russia and did the same, such as Ukraine in August 1991.
  4. And hear we go! Settlements are the main cause of Palestinian ire, and Netanyahu's response is to strengthen settlements. Years of muscle flexing by Sharon and Netanyahu have never stopped attacks and have only aggravated the problem. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results..... https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/29/middleeast/israel-attacks-settlements-strengthened-netanyahu-intl-hnk/index.html
  5. Even if Sussman had been convicted of lying, it still would not have confirmed Trump's conspiracy theory. Two facts came up from testimonies during the trial, which are completely independent from the fact that Sussman was convicted or not: - the FBI dismissed the information brought by Sussman as not reliable, and did not use it, - the FBI made the decision to investigate links between Russia and the Trump campaign before Sussman gave them the Alfa bank information Actually, this trial contributed to debunk Trump's narrative.
  6. And what did she do exactly? She authozed the leaking of information to the press. Which your carefully selected quote fails to make clear.
  7. Lol! The Durham probe actually debunked Trump's conspiracy theory
  8. Calling It a peace accord is purely cosmetic, and it surely did not bring peace in the region.
  9. Right. All their conspiracy theories failed: DePape has been invited, Pelosi is gay and DePape is his lover, they were both wearing underwear, DePape is left-wing, etc.. Now they are pathetically clutching at a door opening.
  10. Accords between non enemies are welcomed, but cannot be called peace deals.
  11. Why Merrick Garland Should Fire Special Counsel Durham Now "But it is not Durham’s losses and lack of deliverables that make his tenure untenable. After all, prosecutors should be unafraid to try tough cases and lose them. No, the problem with Durham is that his assignment arose from Barr’s efforts to undermine the Russia probe to aid Trump, and Durham compounded that unethical origin with his own unethical actions." https://news.yahoo.com/why-merrick-garland-fire-special-222616757.html
  12. Do I understand well? He apologized for missing his targets?
  13. I don't deny it and it was just a peripheral comment. My point in response to Hanaguma's statement that Palestinian are more happy in Israel is that It's true but: - those who are outside are not allowed back, - the current territory under the Palestinian administration is not sustainable from an economic perspective, because it is too fragmented and because the most wealthy parts (ex the Jordan valley) are controlled by Israel. Difficult to be happy under such circumstances. I will not get drawn by you into any other issue you may come up with.
  14. 10,000 in Iran, but never mind. Yet there is no international law or principle stating that people who have fled or were expelled from war zone, whatever the reason, should not be allowed back. And one bad does not justify another bad.
  15. Changing target now. There is no internation law or principle which says that people fleeing or being expelled from combat zone have no right to come back.
  16. Ok but as I said, It's not an excuse.
  17. It's bad but it's not an excuse. (Not sure they are not allowed to go back to all ME countries, BTW. A significant part of the Jewish exodus has been voluntary) .
  18. Those who fled or were expelled during the 1947–49 war, and the Six-Day War were not/ are not allowed to come back. In addition, what has been left to the Palestians is not sustainable from an economic point of view, as the most wealthy parts are controlled by Israel, in particular the Jordan valley.
  19. Ukraine says Russia's putting inflatable tanks on the battlefield — but the decoys deflated ???? https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-says-russias-putting-inflatable-024429192.html
  20. Why this obsession about who opened the door, considering the evidence already accumulated?
  21. Not to mention posters on this forum claiming they were both in underwear.
  22. What DePape stated was reported pretty quickly. In any case, when someone targets Nancy Pelosi, it's not a wild guess to assume It's political. Anyway, it has been confirmed that it was political.
  23. So, in brief, a peace agreement which is not a peace agreement, and a peace plan which is not a peace plan. ????
  24. Ahem! They are not allowed to go back there.
  25. A great idea from Trump. As the Israelis and the Palestinians don't agree with each other, let's negotiate the plan only with Netanyahu! ???? The plan had been delayed by two years and previously rejected by the Palestinians, who were not invited to the meeting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_peace_plan
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